Wood Snake 乙巳 2025 Feng Shui Basics

It’s time to start planning for for the year of the Wood Snake and moving things around to receive (or not receive) the new energies that are coming in 2025. How will this energetic shift affect you and your home? The information in this post will help you to set up and it is accurate, however, it’s somewhat generic because it doesn’t address the specifics of your situation. If you want to go beyond the basics, the application of Feng Shui must be tailored to you and your home.

As the energy changes, some of the areas of your house that you have been avoiding or keeping quiet in 2024 will be more favorable now. In 2025 the energy of the south is safer, while the energy of the east is a bit compromised. When is it time to clean and rearrange furniture and things? There are multiple markers for the start of any year – it’s not as if a switch is flipped and we’re in new territory.

The first marker that I observe is the winter solstice. The second marker (sometimes third) is the Lunar New Year. This year, the third marker is the Solar New Year at beginning of spring in early February. All this to say – January is often the best time to do a deep clean of the entire house without any negative effects. If you’ve already missed that window, you can still make changes. It will help if you use good timing. Let me know if you need help with that.

This next part is a bit complicated so skip down to the end for 2025 Feng Shui guidelines if that’s how you scroll.

太歲 Tai Sui, 歲破 Sui Po and 三煞 San Sha

The Year of the Wood Snake opens on February 3rd at 22:10. The Tai Sui or Year Boss is in the SE where the Snake is located because the Snake is the boss. Jupiter is in the NW and the Tai Sui sits opposite, mirroring.

Finally moving out of a Wood phase, we are entering a big season of Fire, meaning we have three years of Fire energy from 2025-2027. The Snake, Horse and Sheep branches (also years, months, days) relate to Fire and the season of summer. In a cycle of 12 years, we are beginning summer.

If you’re not already familiar with the concept of the Tai Sui you can think of it as the ruling energy of the year. In some years people born under the same Animal branch as the year are considered to be offending the Tai Sui. The Snake is not one of these signs.

Directly opposite the Snake in the SE, is the Pig in the NW. That means in 2025 the Pig is called the Sui Po or “year breaker”. The Pig is considered to be in opposition to the Snake. Their relationship is a clash, meaning they bring changes to each other.

Energetically the Snake sends force towards, pressures or stimulates the Pig. The clash between Pig and Snake is a clash of Water and Fire. To put it in the broadest terms, this clash might involve emotions, accusations, lies, truths, transportation and loss of mobility.

If you’re feeling worried about the clash because there’s a Snake or Pig in your BaZi, book a BaZi reading with me and I will help you find practical and applicable solutions. I can help you to navigate safely, mitigate and sometimes take advantage of a clash.

The San Sha or Three killings in 2025 covers the entire area between Tiger (NE3) and Dragon (SE1). The Rabbit, centering at 90 degrees in the east, is in a difficult position on the compass but we can’t ignore that Tiger might be even more in need of help. The energy of the San Sha this year is Metal element (west) vs Wood element (east).

Lest you get lost in the technical stuff, it’s important to remember that Feng Shui is all about relationships. You can take that perspective and work with Feng Shui every day. Stick to first principles: Wu Xing and yin/yang. If you want to know how the energy moves around, it’s elemental and elementary.

The annual calculations are expressions of the relationships of elements. They point out the Tai Sui, Sui Po, and San Sha: the relationships that may need more of your attention in any given year. You can think of them as representations of roles we may be called to play.

Flying Stars

Flying Stars is a system used to identify energy pockets within a building, city, country…The base energy for each area is indicated by the traditional Lo Shu where Star 5 is in the center. This arrangement is also called the Magic Square, partly because the numbers add to 15 in any direction.

Lo Shu or Magic Square

There are different layers to consider when working with Flying Stars. In addition to these base stars which are static, each house has it’s own collection of Flying Stars, which some would say is similar to a natal chart. The best results come when you’ve understood and dealt with these static and underlying energies first. There are dynamics in their interactions but they do not change.

Once you’ve done that, you can play with the dynamic stars, the ones that move and change. Those would be the stars of the time Period (currently we are in the 9 Fate), the annual stars, monthly Flying Stars and daily Flying Stars which you may be familiar with if you read my daily forecasts.

Each star corresponds to a trigram from the Later Heaven Bagua and so each one also has an elemental nature. Some stars naturally pair up. Some stars play well together and some don’t. Some are helpful and some not so much. I won’t try to explain it more here.

In 2025, we have the 2 Star in the center, setting the tone of the year. The map below will tell you the locations of the annual Flying Stars within your home for the Wood Snake year. They will interact with the monthly Flying Stars in a guest/host relationship. This interaction of the annual and monthly stars is used for Feng Shui, forecasting and other forms of divination.

Annual Flying Stars for Wood Snake 2025

As a general practice, we want to avoid the annual Wu Huang or 5 yellow.

Guidelines for 2025

  • Don’t face SE, meaning the Snake who is centered at 150 degrees. You can spend time in the SE location of your house but don’t face that direction.
    Remember that the Dragon is in the SE too, centering at 120 degrees. It’s a fine line! If your head points SE when you are in bed, you’ll want to consider changing that. Having your back to the SE is fine. Be precise to avoid having your back to the E.
  • Avoid Rabbit (E2) and the areas directly adjacent. The scope of the San Sha covers Tiger-Dragon. Don’t have your back to the San Sha (east).
  • The energy of the Wu Huang or 5 Yellow is in the NE this year indicating volatility and upheavals. Now that we are in Period 9, in 2025 Star 5 is paired with Flying Star 3 which is the star of arguments and lawsuits. Avoid construction or other noisy activations in the NE.
  • Star 2 in the center is still a little tricky, meaning it could bring goodies or illness; probably minor illness but I don’t recommend you do activations there without some knowledge and/or guidance. Make sure you know the underlying Flying Stars of your home before you try this.
  • If your house faces SE or NW I recommend you have a Feng Shui survey of your home and mitigate any potential issues, especially if a door is located in the SE, E or NE.

Consult a professional if you want to activate or make major changes to either NE, E, or SE locations.

These locations and directions can be fine tuned further by applying Ba Zhai (8 House or 8 Mansions). In Period 9 I think East Group people may have an advantage over West group when it comes to helpful orientations.

When to Act

Moving things around the house, changing rooms, and placing Feng Shui cures and enhancements is best done between 冬至 Dong Zhi or winter solstice, and 立春 Li Chun which is usually around February 4th or 5th. The exact dates vary slightly depending on the year. The winter solstice occurs December 21st 2024 at 17:20. The Solar New Year or Li Chun begins February 3rd 2025 at 22:10.

You can maximize the results of your changes and adjustments by using date selection. If you want help with that, I invite you to subscribe to my monthly newsletter or, contact me to find a date that’s specific to you and your house. If you’d like to learn how to track these timings yourself, I recommend a copy of my Wood Snake 2025 Almanac.

If you’re familiar with applying Feng Shui you can use the information in this article to set up your house. You’ll also need to know your Ming Gua to make the most of the energy of 2025. Just compare your good directions with the “rules”. And of course I’m available if you want to enhance or mitigate rather than simply avoid.