The Dog in 2022 ~ Water Tiger Year

Personal Best

In a Tiger year the Dog can experience support and empowerment and promotion, however, it looks like a fairly quiet year. Funny how this Tiger year has very little that is special for you other than the work you can do on relationships. It’s almost like the universe is telling you what needs attention in your life. Dogs are being asked to make a lasting change about their allegiances at a time when that might not feel right to them.

In 2022, rewards may not be as big as you’ve come to expect, at least not in the public arena. What the year has to offer you is by way of alliance so the question is how have you been treating your partners and associates? How have they been treating you? As part of the Fire Trio of Tiger, Horse and Dog you are in the company of those who can make you successful, but they don’t have to. What can you bring to the table as a group member? As with all other signs this year, the most important thing for you to pay attention is to your values in relationships.

First things first: Question who wants to empower you and why. Know who you are working for. The Tiger is capable of being the master manipulator of the Dog because being part of the same group, the Dog assumes they want the same things. This is not always true. If you’ve been fooled in this way in the past, you’re in good company. Even a Dragon can get taken in when it comes to the Tiger. The Tiger is generally empowering you to work for them, not for you. Dogs who are entrepreneurs will especially want to keep that in mind.

The return of Fire in 2022 brings you support, but this year know that the price might be that it reinforces your stubbornness. Strong Fire seems to give the Dog baked in ideas about their behavior, making it difficult to change. In 2022, overestimation of the importance of your fans could interfere with the class and social mobility the Dog likes to know is always available. Don’t let approval blind you to what you know is right or wrong.

Many opportunities are offered throughout the year. These are big and by nature may be difficult to take advantage of; it may be hard to rise to the challenges that will accompany them. I’m telling you this because I think you could be tempted to ignore the smaller, intimate and personal opportunities that are more important now. In business, progress is easy, but that’s not what will bring the change you might want. It’s process where the Dog often gets frustrated, thinking that all time is geological except for theirs. Let relationship matters unfold at their own pace. Choose what you want because you want it, not because you think it’s going to get you something you want. What I’m saying is that your private relationships are the foundation of your public self, not vice versa. I hope that makes sense.

In February, the Tiger sparks the Dog’s restlessness which will continue throughout the year. Take care with travel because you may be accident prone, especially at the times you are exhausted or depleted. Don’t drive unless you have all your faculties about you.

The Dog’s aspirations in 2022 start off strong, but what the year has to offer will likely be small. That’s not necessarily a negative if you’re interested in the repair and rejuvenation of domestic relationships. If you need healing, this is where you’ll find it.

In March you’ll want to learn how to get better at sharing. You’ll learn that being a provider includes domestic chores and other things, such as emotional labor. You may have thought these things were not your job. Younger Dogs seem to have these things well underway so perhaps this applies mostly to those of us who are older.

Dogs will become more prominent again in 2022. Look for this to peak in June. We’ll hear more in the news about Dogs and they will experience a resurgence of whatever fame they have had in the past. Be aware that the Tiger might be the first one to take that fame away or change it to infamy, too. If you leave yourself open to manipulation because what you like to feel most is approval, that is the potential outcome.

Don’t believe everything you hear or see. Dogs will benefit from taking advice from the Rabbit in 2022, because being alone with the Tiger’s brand of support makes them think they are infallible. The Tiger encourages the Dog’s tendency to keep making the same mistakes, over and over. This may serve the Tiger but it doesn’t serve the Dog. Don’t defer to another’s guidance just because you think they’ve attained what you want.

Of late, many a Dog has been fooled into thinking they are successful when in fact many of their efforts have been co-opted or used for someone else’s benefit; someone who doesn’t have their best interests at heart. Dogs who fell into this trap are starting to realize how they may have sold themselves out for a purported reward that never materialized. This kind of realization is what will lead you to rediscover who you really are. Stick with that even if it’s painful. Who did/do you want to be? Consider that if you’re finding success unsatisfying maybe you need to redefine it.

In April, remind yourself that nobody made you do anything you didn’t want to do. That could be painful but don’t avoid whatever feelings you’re having about that. Instead, let that energy loosen your routines. Accept a little instability in order to facilitate movement.

In July you’ll want to remember there is no one on earth that everyone likes and that includes you. However ill used you might possibly feel now, at this point in time you are far from being a victim. Be open about your hurts but don’t try to use them as a selling point or jumping off point for policy making.

In case of new (or returning) health issues this year, consider that you might be in a state of elemental imbalance. This implies you have agency, and you do. You can influence it. Stay hydrated. If you get too hot, know that bad judgment may accompany that state. Slow down and cool down.

When autumn arrives, if you haven’t been doing so already, cultivate peace through the regulation of your breath; consciously breathe. Take extra care with respiratory health this year. Consider air quality.

If you need to move aim for August. That means you’ll need to start planning now, but planning doesn’t mean you have to decide right away. August is the month you’ll be feeling the urge for travel, world events permitting. International travel may not be an option this year.

In 2022, seek leadership for what it is: a service role. Leadership is not achieved by way of compliance or surrender. Find out what people really need and provide it. Cut through obstacles and make space. Lead people, not corporations, countries or movements.

Amulet: Pig
Rather than thinking of an amulet as something to use, or something to protect you, cultivate the idea of a partnership with the energy of your neighbor the Pig. Look to the flexibility and adaptability of the people in your community for inspiration. Be ready to provide whatever is needed for family well being.

Summary: Life consists of small things.

February: Want to run? Slow down. Think and feel if you want change this year.
April: Boundary incursions. Is it an attack or an opportunity to learn?
June: Stay hydrated and open to the idea of your possible stubbornness. Business is good.
July: Break patterns around your power dynamic with those you see as weak.
October: Present something you’ve been working on for a long time.

The Rooster in 2022 ~ Water Tiger Year

Whistle and Whittle

Some Feng Shui masters have you down as the luckiest one in 2022 and part of your attraction and charm is that you’ve got something that others want. Maybe it’s your ability to put money together in difficult times. That’s often what people focus on for luck, isn’t it? If the Rooster is in your day pillar, maybe it’s you that others want – or maybe it’s your significant other! There may be a little covetousness in your vicinity this year. This is something to be aware of, not a curse.

I think Roosters will be lucky too, but not simply because of their relationship to money and power. Who would expect that a Rooster can both tame and inspire the Tiger? This year has the potential to convince you of that. Trust in whatever optimism you might have. You have reason to. The Rooster’s special gift this year is the ability to whittle away at potential obstacles before they have a chance to become unmanageable. To my way of thinking, that’s a good deal.

Caution: So much of the year is about money for you and how you might decide that it’s the solution to your problems. You’re not necessarily wrong, but there’s always more than one possible solution to any problem. Try to be more creative.

The Rooster’s fancy calculations may not be able to keep up with the Tiger’s constant changes of pace this year, so rely more on your natural charm. Be you, for real. Get to know who you are now, after these last draining years. Stop worrying about what happened in the past or who said what to whom. Let the future unfold. Locate yourself in the present or you’ll miss out. Now is good.

Just because things haven’t been easy doesn’t mean you haven’t been lucky. Others will stop trying to convince you of this if you grant yourself the peace of accepting it. When people think you are stubborn it’s because you don’t state your reasoning openly. This usually happens when you are afraid of others laughing at you. Unfortunately, staying mum means that you stay afraid and others continue to think you are obstinate. They don’t understand the underlying cause of your behavior is probably fear. State your case clearly and calmly and trust that others will understand.

Being a Rooster, you usually have pretty clear ideas about what it means to look good and to dress appropriately. In 2022 people will perceive you as more attractive than usual. If that sounds strange to you, I’m here to tell you I’ve seen it happen. Peach blossom is a better beauty enhancement than human intervetion. You’ll see.

Men born in a Rooster year may not be as lucky in relationships as women, which might sound like a contradictory thing to say if you know your elements. In a Tiger year, the male Rooster’s potential anger relating to family patterns could potentially spill over into every interaction.

When those difficult (ugly?) feelings arise, feel whatever you’re feeling without going through your list of past situations and reasons why you have stuff to feel. Stop reinforcing the link with your past experiences. You are not the same person and neither is anyone else. If you can’t give up the nostalgia, at least sync up your memories with the feelings you want to have.

One way a Rooster might deal with anger is by declaring an emergency, or failing to reveal an emergency. If this is you, I’m guessing you have probably struggled with lifelong concerns about attention deprivation. Sometimes I can see this in a BaZi. I don’t make causal conclusions, but I do think emergencies are sometimes a way of seeing who will show up. If you have a Rooster in your life and you want to support them, keep showing up, emergency or not. If you are the Rooster, be more direct more often about seeking the attention you want or need and there will tend to be fewer emergencies. How would you like to get noticed?

What makes that question so relevant in 2022 is that timing brings Dragon Virtue to the Rooster. This means you can change your reputation. Even if it’s already shiny, you can give it a good polish by way of acknowledging that not only can you take care of yourself, you have your ways of taking care of others. Preferring the opposite doesn’t negate that truth. Instead of thinking you are loved out of duty, believe you are loved for your beauty. You might be the only one who doesn’t appreciate it. Your denials reveal your secret: you are worried that others feel obligated to love you. Even if they did, it’s still their choice. So let yourself be loved and cherished.

In 2022, a possible obstacle is that friends and associates don’t meet your definition of commitment. This is a timing issue more than a betrayal, but if it’s worrying you, then talk about it. Listen too. Maybe they are withdrawn out of hardship or illness. Since the problem mostly has to do with timing, you can either explore it in your relationships or wait it out. If you’re trying to wait it out, know it’s going to keep coming around. The peak of questioning the loyalty of others may arrive in January, March, April, and May.

In terms of your health, this year Metal is weak. Don’t be too worried about that, but do make sure you get plenty of rest. Don’t push yourself beyond your physical limits. If you do have health concerns, you may want to explore what Metal means to you. This will vary according to your day master element and the elemental dynamics within your BaZi. If Metal is weak that could potentially be helpful for you. Having a BaZi is the best way to understand what the weakness of Metal in 2022 means for you.

In February and March you may have money on your mind due to unforeseen expenses. Prices are going up. In March, you may have a concern that money is being spent on someone undeserving. If this has to do with supporting children by way of supporting parents, make a closer analysis before you decide what to do about that. If you feel the need to cut someone down to size, be aware that in a Tiger year, there will be a branch snapping back for you to dodge. Don’t hurt yourself by hurting others.

April brings the height of your charm. If you are looking for a business or creative partner, this could be a lucky month for you. Romance beckons for you, but your partner may not be so interested in physical intimacy. Explore other means.

In May you’ll want to have a care if you’re traveling, especially if you’re traveling with your usual traveling companions Monkey or Snake. Monkeys often enjoy driving and cars but in this year they may tend to be more accident prone. That goes for the Snake too. There’s an abundance of impulsive movement throughout the year for everyone. If travel is in the cards for you, make backup plans in case something breaks down.

In August the Metal element becomes timely but so does Water. This will be the month to focus on maintaining your stamina and endurance. Be sure to rest when it’s time. You may be feeling stronger, but don’t let yourself become depleted mentally, emotionally or physically.

All in all, it is a lucky year for the Rooster. Focus on what you can do to foster the reputation you want. Stop worrying about the small and petty things that really have nothing to do with you. Express your needs clearly. Pay attention to and listen to the people who love you.

Amulet: Ox
Rather than thinking of an amulet as something to use, or something to protect you, cultivate the idea of a partnership with the energy of the Ox. Practice emotional context switching. Seek endurance, persistence and stamina

Summary: Request attention. Don’t wait for others to do what you can do for yourself.

February: Continue to work to resolve last year’s issues. Trust optimism.
March: Consider your jealousy is unwarranted. Count blessings.
April: Promising partnerships but be clear about what commitment means to you.
May: Careful with travel.
August: Be aware of who you’re rolling with, who their friends are and where they’ve been.
September: Potential mistakes of thinking you have to pay for someone to care.
December: Stay warm and dry.

The Monkey in 2022 ~ Water Tiger Year

Like Skiing Through Trees

In a Tiger year, the Monkey is called the Sui Po or Year Breaker. The Monkey is the recipient of the Tiger’s focused energy and they are elemental opposites. The Tiger is yang Wood, the Monkey is yang Metal. Your clash with the Tiger is something you’ve handled for one month of every year you’ve been alive. The Tiger is present every year in February, which makes February 2022 special. February 2022 is a Water Tiger month, like the year. Expect February to foreshadow all of the possible events of the year. Pay attention so you can use that knowledge to your advantage.

While this clash isn’t new to you, what might make it harder this time is that it’s a year instead of a month. Don’t count on gutting it out. Take active measures to shape the changes that are coming because in 2022, the Monkey gets the lion’s share of the Tiger’s energy. Don’t forget the Tiger brings the renewal of the Fire element too. Monkeys will be challenged regarding money and success, and defined regarding power and agency. As it does for everyone else, the year brings a steep learning curve for the Monkey. Take advice purposely from a trustworthy source if you want help.

The Monkey is also one of the three branches involved in what is called the Fire Penalty. To summarize the meaning of the Fire Penalty, the Monkey may be more accident prone especially in February, May and August. The Fire Penalty is mostly about movement and transportation so if you’re a Tiger, Snake or Monkey, travel is something you might choose to avoid this year. There’s more to this energetic situation than I’ve mentioned here. If you’d like to know more about the Fire Penalty, read the Snake Fortune.

In the position of the Sui Po for 2022, the Monkey will face a constant need to clear obstacles that relate to their success and money. While this will probably be frustrating and even overwhelming at times, it will be important to remember that each obstacle fuels the Fire that forges you. Each obstacle improves your ability to say no; to stand up for yourself rather than letting yourself be injured. Metal is the weakest element this year, but Fire can make Metal more durable. Let it happen.

A good strategy for the Monkey in handling stress this year might be to consciously channel the idea of the obstacles as a challenge you’ve negotiated before. For example, if you’ve ever had a skiing lesson, you could think of the year as something like skiing through the trees of a forest. You can’t go too fast because you need time to steer your course, but going too slow will get you nowhere. Keep moving, but go at your own pace, even when you feel momentum. Let the process happen. Pizza AND french fries.*

What advice do I give about a clash year? Let yourself be changed. Choose the changes you want. If there’s going to be destruction, you choose. With a habit of turning to work (any kind of work) for solace, often what a Monkey is avoiding is emotional disclosure. This year emotions are easily accessible to you, so let the feelings come. Express them. Communication is the thing that will bridge the divide between you and the Tiger. If you’re looking to pacify, they may even feel supported by it. Don’t fake it though because the Tiger will know.

One problem in 2022 could be having to turn down opportunities. When it comes to making money, what you need to do is be very selective. There will be identifiable moments when Monkeys will need to challenge their own endurance, which might mean their workaholic nature. Monkeys may need to say no to short deadlines, and say no to always doing more. Saying no is not turning down your last chance, so ask yourself why you usually think it is.

In the Water Tiger year, Monkeys are going to have to push back against all these demands that take up too much space in their mind and therefore, in their life. Maybe it’s the Tiger who coined the term “monkey brain” – because the Tiger gets in your head. Take the challenge and turn it back on the challenger. There are both compromises and refusals to make. Maintain your gentleness as you can but stand up for yourself. Say no to violence.

Let yourself be changed and defined by openly disagreeing. Find the ways to do this that work for you, and it will build your self confidence. Wait for the right moment, it will come. If you are going to attack, do it openly and watch the obstacles disappear. This year you might think people are too thick realize when you are being aggressive but guess what? They are watching and they know, however, you can get away with aggression by confronting obstacles consistently, routinely, dependably, and warmly.

Because the Wood element is so strong, this year may feel a bit crowded for the Monkey. People will be trying to get in your space to get you to do things they want you to do for their benefit. Because there’s some kind of profit in it for you, you may be afraid to confront them when they go too far with their demands. When you don’t say no, it gives them a platform to continue with their bad behavior, nitpicking, consuming, and taking up all the space in the world; creating instability for everyone. Don’t let yourself be used for purposes that are against your values. To protect yourself, listen. People will tell you exactly who they are right from the first meeting.

If anxiety has been an issue for you in the past, it may show itself again this year, but there’s no need for despair or talk of relapses. As you have probably already learned, anxiety is not a permanent state. If there are moments of fear, don’t forget that you’re not the only one who is afraid. Consider that it might not be your fear that you are feeling, it might be someone else’s. Sort this out as much as you’re able. Each time the fear comes it might make you think there’s too much against you to push back, but in certain cases that will be the perfect solution. Make decisions because that is the way to get better at making decisions.

It might feel fake to act as if everything is going to be okay but like poison, in small doses it can be helpful. Embrace the heat of the Fire element. What I mean is, take the heat rather than comply with the demand that you constantly work, because this is what really defines you. Choose the Fire of initiation wherever you can. This may not be your year for physical risks, but those aren’t the ones you are afraid of, are they? Take some time off.

If you have bitterness stored up, focus on talk with trusted people. This might be anyone. It doesn’t have to be a therapist. You need advice less than you need some solid ground under your feet and someone who will listen, acknowledge and try to understand. That’s how you’ll know when it’s the right person to talk to.

Whatever you do, don’t suffer in silence. Instead, let people love you. You can try to keep your head down, thinking that people would make fun of you if they found out how fragile you can be, but that might prevent you from understanding what makes you special. It’s your combination of fragility and endurance that commands respect. Let yourself be defined that way.

Summary: The Lion’s Share

Amulet: Horse
Rather than thinking of an amulet as something to use, or something to protect you, cultivate the idea of a partnership with the energy of the Horse. Be tested by making decisions. Learn when to rush forward and when to run in the opposite direction. Your gentle authority is what can tame the Tiger.

February: Peak obstacles. Seek Fire.
March: You’ve got more power than you realize. Use it for cooperation.
April: The challenge is obvious and you’ve got friends and support. Talk.
June: Initiation is possible and likely. What do you want it to be?
August: Talk dispels potential bitterness. Push back with purpose now.
September: Finding your new form.
November: Possible money loss.
December: Ending on a high note. Back to work.

*The terms Pizza and French Fries are describing the position you want for your skis according to whether you want to go slower or faster.
Pizza: To slow down, the forward tips of the skis point at each other so it makes a triangle shape like a pizza slice.
French Fries: To speed up, keep the skis parallel, like two french fries lying side by side.

The Sheep in 2022 ~ Water Tiger Year

Reality Doesn’t Bite

In the Water Tiger year the Sheep can combine with the Tiger’s energy to grow their agency. Take on the fierce and independent nature of the Tiger and let it make you stronger. Let the past be the past. Consider letting go of old ideas about what it means to be part of the collective. This year you don’t have to be an insider to be important. Put your loyalty where it is deserved and reciprocated if you want change in 2022. Be your own counselor.

Learn how to find companionship where it is genuinely offered. It probably won’t be in the VIP section, but that is no longer a safe place to be anyway. This idea could be disappointing if you spent a lot of time trying to get in. Give yourself some time and you’ll find it liberating instead. Good news! What you want is not going to be found in a roped off area. In fact, you might already have it.

While the Sheep may be frightened or feel pushed by the Tiger, the elemental relationship of the two strengthens the Sheep and transforms the Tiger’s movement to stillness. A Sheep that knows this can take charge of the Tiger. Elementally speaking, the Sheep is the yin version of the Tiger. The polarities and proportions of their hidden elements are different, but they consist of the same three: Wood Fire and Earth.

As is the case with Tiger and Ox, the potential combination between Tiger and Sheep levels the playing field. It allows for new alliances and new definitions of power. It is described by Master Lily Chung as having “no caring and no leader, no authority, no dedication”. If that’s the situation, then in 2022 anyone can be a leader or an authority, probably by means of dedication. If that sounds scary to you, is it because you are afraid to lead? Do you have the dedication? Get off the bench and start setting examples. Start small if that feels safer.

Like the Tiger, you have the potential to be an insider this year. Take some time to think about what you want that to mean beyond the warm rush of inclusion. Don’t join to avoid being alone. Join only if it’s mutual. If you’re looking for a closer attachment or some kind of excitement, stay close to your secret friend the Horse. You understand each other because each of you is interested in getting close to power, but not so much in doing the heavy lifting. The Horse uses seduction, while the Sheep’s method is alliance. If you want new results, try new things.

In the beginning of the year, the Sheep may find themselves employed as a staunch supporter of the Tiger as they strive to continue to be part of what they thought of as their community. As we get into the last half of the year, the Sheep may find that ultimately the Tiger energy is not what makes them feel safe. This is why where you choose to give your support or not matters quite a bit in 2022, but when it comes to relationships in general, you may not be “feeling it”. Keep asking yourself if you are in the right place. Is it possible for your expectations to be met as you envision?

The Sheep’s fantasies have a potency that sometimes blinds them to the delight of what they actually have and experience. Sometimes they prevent the Sheep from seeing that what is actually being offered is something they would enjoy, or that it isn’t. If this is true for you, how will reality be anything but disappointing? Step back for a moment and take a second look. Maybe you’re in the right place after all.

The Wood of the Tiger empowers the Sheep, making it a good year for you to get to know who you are outside of your collective. It’s not that you don’t want to be part of the group, it’s that you might realize there’s not much about it that makes you feel forever enfolded and safe this year. If that feeling doesn’t make you give up, you’re about to take on more agency. We are never finished with growing up.

The year will tend to draw the Sheep to consider the role your parents have played in your current state of affairs. If you have Sheep children, you may be on the receiving end of the examination. This situation could generate some healthy and possibly much needed exploration regarding your role in group settings – who are you? The loyal one? The helpful one? The optimistic one? The falsely gullible one? Are you committed to being defined by the group you’re in? What about your definition?

The big question for the Sheep this year is: Who do you want to be for yourself? If you’re looking for more peace and love, then looking to apportion blame regarding why you don’t feel it now is a trap. It’s a dead end. If forgiveness is required, then give it and be free. The feelings you are working with this year may have their roots in family roles that play out as a result of decisions made, usually around a hurtful event in the past. We make a decision, that makes a pattern, and so we continue unless we’re interrupted.

If you want to break a pattern, expose yourself to the perspective of an outsider this year. Perhaps this will give you a clearer vision of what those decisions were that you made so long ago. Maybe you have never looked back. We all have unexamined family baggage, and yours will tend to front and center on family or parents in 2022.

This baggage might consist of feelings about who raised you, or who chose not to. What broke your trust when you gave your best? Was your love not enough to make someone love you the way you wanted to be loved? Who was it that “couldn’t be there” when you absolutely thought they should have? Maybe when that happened, you were too young to say something about it, but now that you’re not, it seems the statute of limitations has expired. You can’t change the past, but you can revise your story of the present.

Your current feeling of disconnect will spill over into other relationships too if you allow it. If that’s not what you want, examine your expectations about bonding and attachment and you may find miracles of intimacy are possible. Don’t forget to ask yourself if it’s you that you don’t trust. Is it you that hasn’t taken care of you? In short, what is your responsibility in the solution?

In 2022 you might feel abandoned by those you’ve tried to please and nurture, especially if you gave them support when they were down. You might be hurt because you feel they didn’t do the same for you when you needed them last year. Remember that our mutual support of each other has been inconsistent for reasons that go beyond the personal. You say you don’t want to be transactional but it’s hard to avoid because we all have needs and we’ve gotten into bad habits with our expectations of each other. I know you just want to be included. I want that for you too. See the support and love you have, rather than the support and love you don’t have. It’s there.

The Sheep is a Nobleman this year, regardless of whatever else is going on. If you want to counsel others, go ahead. This is one way of healing. Many a Sheep might act as a therapist, whether that’s in a formal or informal capacity, because we all tend to teach what we want to learn.

Bring back your light. Soften your eyes. The warmth is there, and you can get close to it if you want to. There is peace and love for you in this world if you choose to accept it.

Summary: Reality Doesn’t Bite

Amulet: Pig
Rather than thinking of an amulet as something to use, or something to protect you, cultivate the idea of a partnership with the energy of the Pig. Know that you can grow and change your shape and alliances as you wish. You’re strong enough to go it alone if needed.

February: Promising alliances with power. Expectations vs Reality
March: Challenge and solution arrive together for the flexible. Could involve money.
June: Peak support and spontaneity, but partner may be off the rails.
July: Potentially lonely. Make effort to strengthen the bonds that are important to you.
October: A mutual rejection clears the way for peace and love.
November: Rabbit year comes in early for you, heralding new alliances.

The Horse in 2022 ~ Water Tiger Year

The Meaning of Having It All

In the Water Tiger year the Horse is encouraged and lifted. It’s been awhile since your Fire has been strengthened so forgive yourself if it makes your legs shaky, almost like a newborn in your perspective. Go gently with yourself despite your urgency to prove that you are back. I doubt you are sure what that means but you will find out soon. Still recovering from the three year onslaught of Water ending with with a coup de grâce of Ox, you were the first to feel the quickening of Fire, maybe as far back as November. Believe it.

For the Horse, 2022 carries that psychedelic feeling of coming out of illness: colors seem more vivid, nature is a fascinating miracle, curious smells are everywhere, everything is new. It’s like falling in love with the world again. even as it is now. Especially as it is now. You can feel how much the world needs you.

The long term outcome of the Horse’s good luck this year will depend on how their relationship with Water has evolved over the last three years. Your work is not finished when yang Water is the Heavenly Stem of the year. Water to a Horse might be the potential disappointment that’s always on your mind these days. What if the Water is just trying to help or teach you? What have you learned about maintaining the relationships you want over the last three years? Just because Wood and Fire are strong now doesn’t mean you can forget all about Water. Stay in touch with all of those difficult emotions. Don’t forget how loss, or potential loss, may have clarified your values.

A secret the Horse keeps is that they crave alliance with Water. This is a mysterious attraction, frightening but irresistible. The Horse wants to bring their light to the dark and make a marriage. The Horse that learns to do this can sustain themselves through almost any difficulty. So my question to you is: have you figured out yet that your relationship to the darkness and your emotions is a partnership as much as a clash? Have you learned the alchemy of sustaining yourself in relationship? Or are you still afraid and ready to bolt? Gentle now for your own heart’s sake.

The Horse’s element is Fire and it’s been years since Fire has been as strong as it will be in 2022. When Wood and Fire are strong, that means you are too. You’re due for a big burst of forward energy in 2022. This is good news for the Horse in terms of planning and execution. You’ve got big aspirations, ambitions and ideas about turning things around quickly and this year you can do that. Your luck with career is strong. It will be easy for the Horse to get attention for their work.

And yet, as a Horse, you can expect to experience the usual tensions between personal and public. Why is there always this gap between who you want to be in your private life vs. how you want to present yourself to the rest of the world?

In June, Horses may be swept away by their exposure or at a low point of not wanting to be seen. Take time to get out of the limelight and rest in the shade. You’re probably going to be talking more than you want to, so guard your privacy if it matters to you. Your behavior is going to be observed and noted. Be careful of overexposure and burnout. June is the peak time for mistakes so be open to feedback about your pace.

Because you can move things forward quite far this year, I suggest you focus on things that you want for the long term. It would be easy to just bask in the light and let the cards fall where they may. Are you sure you want to do that again? Whatever you choose to do, do it acknowledging the potential outcome. In the short term, the Horse might get away with almost anything this year, but maybe away is the operative word here. I mean, if you want to get away, then do.

In 2022 it will be easier to ignore the things that are not going well because there will be so many things that are. That is to say, what needs attention is relationship and how you maintain it when other aspects of life feel more happy and satisfying. Both personal or business relationships will ask for your support this year. How you see that in relation to experiencing career success is your choice.

In the context of authority, stay in compliance with rules and regulations to avoid legal issues. This year, mostly what you need to do is give attention to things that aren’t “fun” or “going well”. Perhaps you feel like you’d like to be done with that but given that Water will always be your challenge, the solution is in relationship rather than resistance.

If the Horse is in your day pillar, consider making your most intimate relationship your highest priority in 2022. If that sounds tedious to you, all the more reason to do it. Either you or your partner may be in a frame of mind to look outside of your partnership for intimacy, emotional or otherwise. Start communicating now (and continue!) to mitigate potential flare ups in February, March and December.

There is enough time in the year to enjoy what is easy and apply effort to what is not. Soak up the recognition, you’ve worked for it. Because you have been waiting so long and trying to be a patient Horse it may be difficult to keep your foot light on the accelerator. We all tend to be seduced by what feels satisfying at any given moment unless we’re aware of that choice. Go ahead and harvest the low hanging fruit of public success. If you want personal success, cultivate relationship. If you’re afraid of missing out on something by being a caring and attentive partner, know that you won’t.

In March it may be that despite your best efforts, your significant other is feeling used up. A close friend or partner may disappear in search of companionship if you constantly make yourself unavailable. And if you do, that’s a choice too. I suggest Horses take time off of work in March to focus on relationship, however, know also that giving attention to relationship might mean ending it. If that’s what needs to happen, then let it. Horses might think there is only one partner for them and if it’s not this one, it’s no one. That’s just short sighted. There can be more than one satisfying relationship for a Horse.

Overall, it’s a year to be patient with others and remember that your ideas about swiftness are demanding for everyone. If you’re a Horse who is still concerned that if you don’t win every race you’ll be forever rejected, the Water Tiger’s burst of Fire might harden that conviction. This year will tend to support any illusions you might have about success being a solo enterprise. Don’t go with that flow. If it is possible to have it all, the Horse can do it in 2022 if they are willing to put in the effort where it’s needed. Everything else will take care of itself. That’s the kind of luck you have.

Summary: Apportion efforts to support long term goals.

Amulet: Pig
Rather than thinking of an amulet as something to use, or something to protect you, cultivate the idea of a partnership with the energy of the Pig. Be flexible and ready to take care of maintenance in domestic matters. Support your support system.

February: Driven by ambition, aspiration. Balance aggression with kindness.
March: Prioritize relationship over work even if it feels like the worst possible time.
June: Peak of Fire. Keep reminding yourself what you want in the long term.
July: Others who support you may want to share your fame. Why not?
October: Count up the blessings of the year. Celebrate accomplishments.

The Snake in 2022 ~ Water Tiger Year

Being Scheherazade

The Water Tiger year brings the Snake a wealth of ideas as well as opportunities to study or get new training. Snakes who can maintain a healthy perspective in 2022 can play the role of researcher and/or consultant. Since your reputation will be up for examination, you have the opportunity to increase it. This is a year for study and learning and your capacity for that kind of achievement will be higher than usual. What might be more challenging for the Snake in the Tiger year is managing stress and expectations. 2022 may feel quite crowded.

Since you’re the Snake, I know you will pay more attention to me if I acknowledge that yes, there is danger this year and there will probably be losses. I don’t want you to let yourself go through any difficulties just to prove you are correct. If you’re keeping up with current events you already know what the main source of your stress might be, but the Tiger makes you nervous that there may be some other trouble brewing.

Throughout the year you’ll want to remember that the energy of the Tiger gets in your head. That may tend to make any problems seem bigger or more threatening than they actually are. I’m telling you this now in the hope that it can prevent some of the insomnia, or even illness, you might experience in a Tiger year. Our bodies are not separate from our minds. Because this is true, any dis ease can potentially manifest as disease.

When it comes to being human, here’s the yin and yang of illness:
Everything is psychosomatic. Nothing is psychosomatic.

Avoid diagnosing yourself. Try to avoid environments where there is lots of air pollution or smoke this year.

With your best friend the Monkey as the year breaker, loneliness might be a problem for Snakes, especially those who are traveling or working jobs away from family. If that’s got you seeking emotional or physical intimacy, this year you’ll want to double check your potential lover’s “marital” status. They may already have a partner. They could be going through some serious conflict. Get to know them before rushing in.

You have a heightened luck with people skills so use it. It’s not your year to start something new, but you can help others with that if you want to.

The Snake has Moon (太陰) on their side which means whatever the problem is, you can put things in order. While this energy peaks in May, if there’s any point in the year where you don’t buy that, I challenge you to look at the facts and evidence again. When I think of Tai Yin and Snake together, Scheherazade comes to mind. If you think you need to protect yourself through some gentle manipulation of perspective and facts, remember to stay beyond reproach with your personal story. Rely on your honesty and perseverance if you need saving.

The strongest elements this year are Wood and Fire. Wood is your resource and Fire is your season but your hidden Metal is at the heart of the Snake branch. When it comes to the Metal element, the Snake is quite flexible. When it comes to Wood, a Snake might harden up, which makes a Tiger year the right time to soften up. Cultivate your flexibility and versatility. The flexibility of Metal gathers more data; the flexibility of Wood aspires to go beyond reason. What’s a Snake to do? Ideally, both of these things.

As a Snake, you’re not always forthcoming about your own concerns. Perhaps you prefer to hear others out instead, but if the year gives you anxiety, talk about it. Remember you have Four Pillars to rely on. You’ve got to use what you’ve got to choose what you want. Leverage what you can do even if it’s not your preferred application of your skills. Look to the position of the Snake in your BaZi for more nuance.

The Tiger might see the Snake as fickle because they know you are selective about what information you share. The Tiger’s secret friend Pig hates the Snake and the Snake’s secret friend the Monkey hates the Tiger. Because these four signs relate to travel and movement, when they clash it often has to do with mobility or transportation. When there’s so much movement, there’s more potential for accidents. Slow down.

Movement and moving house might feel like the solution to what’s ailing you, but some Snakes may find there is more travel than they like. Other Snakes may find themselves fixed in place. The months to be careful or even avoid travel are February, August, and May. November may be the time you want to move the most. This might be your best chance to do it if you’ve done plenty of planning and preparation.

When the Tiger, Monkey and Snake meet in a Ba Zi of a person or a year, it’s called the Fire Penalty. What makes the Fire Penalty so difficult is that it embodies both physical and psychological clashes. One aspect of the Fire Penalty is that the Snake, Tiger and Monkey could be accident prone.

Sometimes the Fire Penalty manifests as people passing the buck of responsibility, often by way of blame or accusation. Each party fears taking on a challenge (a hit or injury?) and in order to avoid being hurt, tries to pass it on aggressively to someone else. Generally speaking, the Tiger finds the Snake baffling and uncooperative. The Snake is usually able to avoid the Tiger’s attention when they want to, but this year you may be identified as a potential recipient of the buck.

In the first half of the year, focus on helping people. Make it your priority. That may require what feels like humbling yourself. It isn’t. Let this energy wake you up to your vocation if you’re not already there. Learn this new model of leadership. We need to have as many leaders as possible this year because we’ve got a lot of cleaning up to do. Who could be better at making plans to support those with long Covid than a Snake?

If your day or year pillar is Water Snake, get advice from others rather than trying to figure it all out on your own, especially as concerns business transactions and potential scams. If you were born in 1953, I’m speaking to you. Water Snake may have a susceptibility to robbery. If you have a Water Snake pillar and are a yin Fire day master, yin Earth day master, Yang Metal day master, or Yang Earth day master, take precautions in May when this potential energy is the strongest. You might even go so far as to make no major expenditures that month.

This is the year to learn the power of truth and how to accept it from others because in February, March and August you may feel certain you are right about your fears. But do you really want to be right? The power of suggestion is so strong that we need to be careful of whose opinions we are accepting, even our own. That is to say, there’s a graceful way out of any situation without you getting ill or injured. Let the story unfold.

Summary: 1001 Nights

Amulet: Pig
Rather than thinking of an amulet as something to use, or something to protect you, cultivate the idea of a partnership with the energy of the Pig. The Pig’s humility, versatility and flexibility is the solution to the Fire Penalty. Be cool.

February: Encapsulates the year. A lesson learned goes a long way.
March: Get advice from someone charming who’s been off the radar.
May: Take some time off for building health. No big spending.
August: Potential romantic alliance. Untruths are deal breakers.
September: Check facts and data.
November: Go home for the winter.

The Dragon in 2022 ~ Water Tiger Year

Wearing the Magnificent Crown

The question for the Dragon in the Water Tiger year is: what happens when your power element shows up with your success element?

In terms of luck, 2022 is a mixed bag for the Dragon, probably because withdrawing to the den to study, learn or create might be more compelling than anything else, including intimacy and intimate relationships. There are plenty of opportunities for advancement in your public life which may also be in conflict with your desires to stay in the ivory tower of academia or something like it. Don’t be afraid to let down your hair if it feels right.

A Dragon’s work is what they will allow to change them. The Dragon craves healing and it’s through their work with others that they find it. It might take a Dragon years to understand that their healing involves having relationships with others whether you find them worthy or not. Try that on and make some leaps and bounds.

If this sounds worrisome to you, is it that you fear losing yourself in relationship? Maybe at times that fear has tempted you to let go of the importance of relationships in general. I expect this is something you’ve been working on. If I’m right, that means all you have to do is continue your current explorations of commitment. Dragons take the risk and endure.

Because 2022 will emphasize the tension between the delights of your work and talent, and the emotional labor of giving attention to the relationships that you want, there are potential setbacks in each department. The Water Tiger year is made for learning, so each bump in the road is a chance to hone your interpersonal skills. Your healthy curiosity and thoroughness is vibrant this year. Whatever the problem is, you can influence it. If you want to change, go against what feels like the flow. Be available to people you care about more than you might naturally tend to. You may find it fuels you instead of slowing you down.

I’m telling you this because in 2022 the Dragon’s talent is so promising and compelling it might tempt them to jettison all the human “cargo” so they can go faster and farther without concern about what is used up. If the only thing you care about is your work, maybe this is the way to go. But even if you told me that was the case, I wouldn’t believe you. Avoid isolating yourself. This is a year to learn new life skills. Do study to learn and apply, not just because you like research and reading.

The first half of the year is about successes that also involve a send off – letting a loved one find their success and independence. It’s no loss to you, but it might feel that way. You’re not a hand holder, but your yang Earth appreciates others knowing you can provide stability or instability as you wish. Not only do they know this, but they also know your support is helping them on their way.

Expect that there will be some delays, mostly in January, April, July and October. In January this may be related to wanting/not wanting to pay attention to relationships that are asking for it. In April, you’ll want to consider that it may be you creating the delay. July’s delays may be solved by a brief withdrawal. In October, the delay may come in the form of what feels like intrusion: someone wants to cross your boundaries. Instead of trying to prevent that, dream up a way to make it helpful to you. I’m not sure it can be prevented.

Consider that during the last few years you may have lost sight of being realistic about the demands you make of yourself and others. A Water Tiger year is asking you to let yourself be changed and loosened. Make a list of the ways you’d like that to happen and keep it in your pocket. Use that Wood energy to find more agency or even a promotion. Your heavenly stem will be an important influence this year and so getting a new position may be easiest for the Metal Dragon, but any Dragon can take advantage.

With so much challenge coming at you, it will be very important to take care of your health. Get rest. This year’s vulnerability might be the wear and tear on health. Don’t let yourself be overheated, especially in June. Note: any time you’re hot tempered, take a break. Stay hydrated. Keep talking and communicating. Only denial can hurt you.

In the second half of the year people may be jealous of what you’ve managed to pull off during these last three years while they weren’t watching. You know this is what triggers people sometimes. You have a knack for creating success because more than any other sign you are a catalyst. When it comes to letting people know what you’re doing and why, you don’t. This might be perceived as a bug more than a feature but your methods work. There’s no question about that. Regardless of others’ perceptions of your habits, your experiences in 2022 are designed to shape your personal relationship with power; to increase your agency if you want that.

If challenge and power sound intimidating, it’s probably good for others to know that even a Dragon can get nervous at times. If you are scared, talk about it. I think what you might discover is that your own power scares you most. The lesson Dragons can share with others in 2022 is: don’t be afraid to manifest as your true self. Dragons are afraid of doing something that there’s no coming back from and yet, this is what they were meant to do. Dragons make miraculous and lasting changes. Teach us how because what we need now is a positive change that there is no coming back from.

In 2022 Dragons may be inclined to avoid any potentially critical or adversarial engagement. This idea of possibly being exposed to negative feedback might nag at you throughout the year, and because your work may not need much editing, you might think you don’t need anyone’s help in any capacity. Get help anyway. Take advice.

You only want to be known for your magic, so you hesitate to share your worries and troubles with others. Dragons feel hurt when others don’t realize that they have difficulties too, and sometimes want to be handled with kid gloves. If you want to be more approachable, or you want people to be sensitive to your situation, let them know what is going on with you. It’s that simple. This will allow them to recognize your needs too. Revealing your humanity won’t diminish your glamour so don’t even worry about that. You ≠ the sum of your problems.

This year Dragons may be more attentive to and attracted to logic, calculations and definitions because they are in short supply. Since these tendencies are natural for you, they may bring more immediate rewards than your dreams will. I suggest you go beyond what feels easy. Extend your mind to possibility and theory. Get wild with ideas, I mean, crazy. Keep track of them. This year is rich with the kind of inspiration that you can tap well into the future.

In case of difficult emotions or depression, learn to use your strengths to facilitate your own healing. Study power and relationship. Study success and what it means to you. Let yourself change your mind about what closeness means if you want to.

Summary: We only exist in relationship.

Amulet: Your choice of Horse or Pig
Rather than thinking of an amulet as something to use, or something to protect you, cultivate the idea of a partnership with the energy of the Horse or the Pig.
Choose Horse if you want more engagement and touch.
Choose Pig if you want more flexibility and versatility.

January: Breaking up = freed up? Maybe so. Maybe think again.
February-March: If you want more agency, take care of health matters.
April: The challenge of not sabotaging yourself.
June: Supporters may overwhelm. Highlights your discomfort with fans and fame. Seek spontaneity.
August: You’re a mediator, should you choose to accept that role. I suggest you say yes.
September: Calculations and definitions shape your ideas about power and challenge.
October: In case of boundary issues, you may need to get loud.

Precedents, Presidents, and Vice Presidents

Tuesday November 3rd 2020 is almost here. We all want to know what’s going to happen.

I already missed my chance to forecast the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett whose Ba Zi immediately gives away that in terms of her work/job, 2021 is probably the most significant year ever. I chickened out.

As Amy Coney Barrett was born in a Water Rat year (1972) it’s hard to ignore that the Ingratitude Penalty is built into her maiden name Coney, which is another name for rabbit. The Ingratitude Penalty between Rat and Rabbit has to do with intergenerational values that are shared or not, and how that is perceived by each party.

The Rabbit branch in a Ba Zi sometimes signifies a Mother. Being the oldest and a daughter in a family with seven children, I expect Amy may still take issue with hers. This might have to do with her mother’s work outside the home. I would go so far as to guess Amy was born in the Rabbit hour (5-7am). That might explain a lot. Maybe she’ll have a change of heart in 2023.

Apparently I’m still trying to distract from what I’m writing about here. I’m a little nervous but it’s now or never if I want to forecast the election.

2020 US Presidential Election

First of all, don’t expect a quick resolution. I don’t think you need to be a diviner to pick up on that. It’s going to be messy.

What I do know is that every Qi Men Dun Jia pan I’ve drafted around the question of the 2020 Presidential election since early 2019 has indicated we will have a woman for President in 2021. I have to admit I kind of gave up on my interpretation once Elizabeth Warren dropped out. I think that was a big mistake – me being led astray by what I wanted to happen instead of considering how it could happen that a woman would be the “winner”. Sometimes I give up too easily.

Simply looking at the history of US Presidential elections in a Metal Rat year like 2020 (1840, 1900, 1960) it seems pretty clear that whoever is elected is probably not going to remain in office for a full term. If you don’t know what I mean, I’m referring to the pattern you can see with William Henry Harrison, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy.

So what’s my point here? Since we’re looking at similar cycles in time, we can probably expect some iteration of what came before, and of course, the character of the VP who succeeds is very important too.

10th US President
John Tyler, who succeeded Harrison, set the precedent for how we handle the death of a sitting President. Harrison was the first President to die in office. John Tyler’s actions paved the way for the 25th amendment which deals with exactly this situation. Being a Constructionist and believer in Manifest Destiny, Tyler rushed to take the oath and assume full Presidential powers before a potential Constitutional crisis could occur.

26th US President
It was Teddy Roosevelt who took over for McKinley. We mostly know Teddy Roosevelt for his work of establishing the National Parks. He is also known for the Three Cs: Conservation of Natural Resources, Control of Corporations, Consumer Protection. Teddy Roosevelt’s agenda is interesting and desirable to me as a possible outcome. His Square Deal sounds made to order for 2021. Roosevelt was a proponent of changing the rules of commerce to equalize opportunity and reward – to include a wider range of recipients and beneficiaries. Teddy had a concern about “the representatives of predatory wealth”. Sound familiar?

36th US President
Lyndon B. Johnson, successor of JFK, having already been involved in the passing of the Civil Rights Act, was hoping for a “Great Society”. To build it, he was looking to support further civil rights, public broadcasting, Medicare, Medicaid, education, the arts, urban and rural development, and public services. LBJ waged a “War on Poverty” by helping millions of Americans rise above the poverty line. He worked to ban racial discrimination in the housing market and even backed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 to encourage and welcome immigrants from non-European countries. All of his domestic policy work is overshadowed, in some circles, by his escalation of American participation in the Viet Nam war. There’s no perfect President. We already know that.

Now it’s 2020. Who will be the 46th US President? I like to frame the question that way if you get my drift.

What if I actually interpreted my QMDJ pans correctly and our first woman President comes into office in 2021? That would be Kamala Harris. Based on her Ba Zi, I think she may take office in the Sheep month (July 7th-August 7th). Kamala’s Ba Zi indicates that an Ox year could be the start of something big, but not until July. I’d say Kamala’s current Da Yun (Big Fate) supports that right now, but I don’t see her being elected in 2024.

Simply based on her year pillar Wood Dragon, it’s easy to understand why so many have the impression of her as a powerful person who might be into power for power’s sake. On the plus side, her power is real. Her job is based on it. The only person that can get in Kamala Harris’ way is Kamala Harris. It remains to be seen what she has learned over the years. I’ll just leave that there.

If I’m wrong about the outcome of the election, I’ll learn from that. If I’m right, watch for further analysis of Kamala Harris’ Ba Zi. Until then, I wish you love and peace.

Monkey Month : Strangers, Guests and Gods

Possibly even more so than November, this is the deciding month of the year. It’s a Wood Monkey month so decisions will have a lasting effect. If that makes you anxious, you need to know it’s care that will make all the difference. I’ve seen the evidence that this is true many times. Caring can bridge even the widest gap between what you want and what you think is possible.

Last year around this time, in the Water Monkey month, I met Marin, a morosely earnest plumber who really cares about his work. He and his family moved to Seattle from Chicago because, he said, many people in the trades were being shot and robbed of their tools and equipment when they were driving to work. He felt that Chicago was too dangerous for his family because he might be killed. Marin was less afraid of dying than the effect it would have on his family.

I got the impression that Marin had his own business before he came to Seattle but at the time I met him he was working for a well known franchise. It seemed like a demotion – not that he presented it that way. The thing that stood out most about Marin was that he seemed sad in that way people who have a hard time breathing do. My guess at his year? 1980 Metal Monkey: translates knowledge from brain through hands, likes a little chat, potential respiratory issues.

When his work was done and it was time to settle up I offered Marin a chair and a glass of water. He declined the water saying “Not everyone is so kind, so I carry my own.” I thought to myself, what kind of world are we living in where people don’t at least offer a glass of water to someone who is visiting their home environment?

What made me remember Marin was that I’ve been thinking lately about the Greek custom of ξενία (xenia) which concerns the appropriate treatment of people who come into our space. Xenia is translated as guest friendship. The root of xenia is ξένος (xenos) which links together the meanings of stranger and guest. They are the same.

If you’re familiar with Greek tragedies, you’ll know that much of the plot turns on someone’s hidden identity. Any stranger could be an important person and your destiny could be decided by how you treat them. An unknown traveller could be your father, mother, another family member or even a deity. The stakes are high whether you know it or not.

Many fairy tales, fables and folktales are based on this principle as well. A person in a vulnerable or humble position requires assistance. Even if you have little to offer, if you choose to help, you might discover the “old beggar” is not what they seem. In fact, some have the power to transform your life. The moral of the story is: act as if they all do. Those who don’t usually find the story has a much different ending.

I’d say treating anyone you meet for the first time as potentially divine is a good place to start given where we are now. I’ve seen that kind of behavior bring out the best in people I didn’t know, as well as people I knew but didn’t trust. Haven’t you?

The underlying philosophy of xenia was to offer the guest/stranger the guest gifts, that is, the best of whatever you had. Xenia came to be a standard practice in ancient Greek culture. In this system, both the guest and the host have certain rights and responsibilities.

The host is meant to provide the guest with food and drink, a place to rest and wash up, and safe passage home. The meeting of basic needs was job one. It was even considered rude to ask the guest too many questions before the food had been provided.

The responsibility of the guest is to enjoy the facilities of the host courteously, to refrain from threatening, overstaying or overburdening, and to bring whatever news they have from their home or travels. If they are able to entertain with music, singing or storytelling, even better. The guest would be expected to reciprocate the host’s hospitality and extend it to relatives and representatives of the host whenever the occasion should arise.

Citizens of the world, this is how we unite.

The custom of xenia promotes survival, however, it goes a step beyond that by creating peace across generations through simple and practical alliances. It only takes one common value. Xenia is a proactive standard of reciprocation in kindness; the opposite of an eye for an eye.

I see 2021 as a rebirth of xenia. This is our movement, let’s spread it far and wide. We can share water. We can carry water with good intention and care not to spill. I think it’s within reach for all of us. It’s care that makes all the difference.

At the end of our time together on that morning that seems a million light years ago now, I told Marin I hoped that things would be better here in Seattle for him and his family. We shook hands, he turned, and as he went out the door I heard him say “God bless you.” Safe passage Marin. I hope you and your family are well.

I Want to Believe

In a Metal Snake month in a Metal Rat year, conspiracy theories abound. As Stewart Brand is credited with saying in 1984 (a Wood Rat year):

Information wants to be free.

This phrase in itself supports ideas about conspiracy, and since then people have used it to leverage various causes. For example, a librarian might see it as an egalitarian mandate: everyone is allowed to maintain privacy while still having equal access to information. Businesses that profit from selling information may see it as promoting a loss of income, hence the paywalls and “free if you provide your personal information” subscriptions.

In 1984, the idea that information wants to be free was related to the novelty of the internet, however, it wasn’t new. Politicians, protesters and propagandists have been leveraging this concept since the first graffito appeared on a stone wall. Ultimately, the real value of information relies on the source. Given the speed with which information travels these days we tend to disregard that. If only there was a paywall between us and Trump.

George Orwell’s 1984 was all about withholding information, or force feeding disinformation and fear, as a means of dividing and conquering. We can see the same kind of patterns in Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale. The ideas in these books resonate because we sense a possible truth in them. The source of any information, and the intention behind sharing it, is crucial in determining its usefulness. We will often be misinformed without considering that.

Craving Innocence vs. Craven Innocence

I find conspiracy theories more interesting than convincing. Like Fox Mulder, I want to believe. In my life, it’s always been the insights that go against what I thought I knew that allowed the experience of life changing magic. Believing opens possibilities I might normally reject out of hand; things that I want for myself and for the world. We’ve all heard the story of the mother who lifts the car off of her child. On the other hand, like Dana Scully, I don’t want to get duped. I don’t want to have to take responsibility for that. In excess that tendency might be called cowardice.

I’ve been thinking of George Dantzig who became a famous mathematician after he was late for a graduate school level statistics class and thought the two problems that were still on the board were homework. They were actually problems famous for being unsolved. George didn’t know that so he copied them down, went home, and solved them.

It would be counterproductive for us to accept every bit of information we come across at face value, but a little gullibility might be the secret ingredient to success. Like water, it’s only helpful in the proper proportion. If, like George, we let ourselves be easily persuaded at the right time, have done the required preparation or investigation, and are acting in accordance with those things, that’s when everything clicks into place. This is a principle of water placement in Feng Shui too; lessons from a Metal Rat year regarding the nature of Water.

5G : Is Language is a Virus From Outer Space?

Any good conspiracy theory rests upon human tendencies to look for patterns. Much of human survival and evolution is based on our perception of patterns and the innovations they inspire. We don’t just identify patterns, for better or worse we also create them. Maybe the difference between forecasting and gaslighting depends on the intention of the messenger.

This month, we’ll want to remember that patterns are sometimes presented in order to misdirect our attention; to spread disinformation or fear. Some of this may be done for political reasons, nefarious or not. We can’t let that take away our agency. There’s no value in second guessing ourselves into inertia. Let common sense rule unblind.

Speaking of misdirection, I’m still wondering about Bernie Sanders, 1941 Metal Snake, ending his campaign on April 8th, a Metal Snake day with Day Officer Remove. Is it his health? With the Sheep in his day branch is it some kind of strategic withdrawal? I’d like to think it’s the latter because that opens possibilities. We could use some options.

Metal Snake month opens tomorrow on an Earth Monkey day in a Fire Snake hour. There’s a Metal cycle in the first few days. The deception is in play right from the very first minute. There’s an emphasis on truths that are related to illness. What is the truth? How do you know? A certain kind of transparency can be a ruse too. And sometimes big efforts to hide something serve to draw more attention to it. Tricky stuff. All I can tell you for sure is that lies will be told. Be informed, enlightened and optimistic. Vet everything.

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