US Presidential Elections and Ba Zi

The system of Chinese Astrology known as Ba Zi can be applied in analyzing any pattern and predicting a likely outcome. How might it be applied to the four year pattern of United States Presidential elections?

America’s birthday is generally reckoned to be July 4, 1776. That was a Fire Monkey year (like 2016). The Fire Monkey is the year pillar of the United States and the sign of Monkey usually means something new is starting. Did you know that 1776 was not the year of the first election? The first Presidential election wasn’t held until December 1788, an Earth Monkey year.

The Chinese Zodiac consists of 12 Animals or Earthly Branches. Because the first election was held in a Monkey year, a pattern was established so that the US elections are held only in Monkey, Rat or Dragon years.

In a Ba Zi, Monkey-Rat-Dragon is a Water pattern. America is a country that embodies the Metal element, therefore elections are our expression. To be more clear, we see elections as a way of expressing ourselves, our approval and disapproval. We seek a common level that is unlikely to be achieved. Any election includes some drama and lots of words. So many words.

The Water pattern tends to emphasize the enforcement of inequities toward the Fire element that is endemic to the United States. We tend to kill, oppress and deprive the indigenous and the people in the south. This is part of the pattern. The pattern tells you about the character.

Following the rules of Ba Zi, it is possible to identify who might be lucky and who might not based on whether the year is Monkey, Rat or Dragon. This method illustrates how external or annual energy is helpful in a generic way. You could also call that timing.

For elections held in Monkey years, Snake, Monkey, Rat and Dragon have an edge.
For elections held in Rat years the Ox, Monkey, Rat and Dragon are lucky.
For elections held in Dragon years Rooster, Monkey and Rat are favored.

Don’t get stuck on these rules, rather use them as a starting point. Sometimes being clashed is helpful too or there would be no Tiger, Horse or Dog as Presidents. I suspect that if you’ve managed to get the nomination and your year pillar matches the election year pillar, you can win against the rules of who is favored.

As always, looking at history is a good way to refine your perception of the pattern. Using the pattern of election years, along with the pattern of who wins in what year, provides a starting place for a deeper dive.

For example, even though they might not be favored in most years, Snake is the year pillar that seems to have a slight edge when it comes to being elected. Snakes have won in six elections, so has the Rat who is favored every time. The elemental flexibility of the Snake is often the sign of a politician. The Snake can weave a spell with persuasive words, but can keep their own counsel when it’s advantageous. It turns out that’s a helpful trait when you want a powerful position.

Maybe the Snake is more successful because the year pillar of the United States is Fire Monkey. In a visual interpretation of the pillar it’s as if the Snake is sitting on top of the Monkey. The relationship of Monkey and Snake is called Secret Friends. It’s also known as one of the Six Destructions. Things get explosive at times between the Monkey and Snake. Our country is prone multiple breakups and reunions. We want to be united, but we’re mutually suspicious, sometimes for very good reasons. This is the relationship of Monkey and Snake.

After the Snake and Rat, we have Dog and Pig tied with five wins each. Ox, Tiger and Horse have four wins each. Monkey has three wins. Sheep has won twice. Two elections were won by a Rooster but it was the same Rooster: Grover Cleveland. If you understand the nature of the Rooster, it won’t surprise you that he is the only President to have won non-consecutive terms.

The Chinese Zodiac signs are listed below with the Presidents born under that sign. Each Zodiac sign has been elected at least once. What patterns do you see?

Rat Presidents

Election Year Winner Birth Year
1788 1732
Earth Monkey George Washington Water Rat
戊申 壬子
1792 1732
Water Rat George Washington Water Rat
壬子 壬子
1852 1804
Water Rat Franklin Pierce Wood Rat
壬子 甲子
1968 1913
Earth Monkey Richard Nixon Water Rat
戊申 resigned August 1974 壬子
1976 1924
Fire Dragon Jimmy Carter Wood Rat
丙辰 壬子
1988 1924
Earth Dragon George H.W. Bush Wood Rat
戊辰 甲子

The Rat is the first animal in the cycle of twelve. Appropriately, our first President George Washington, was born in a Rat year, but not a Wood Rat year. These things matter. As a Water Rat, George may have felt bearing authority to be confining and depressing. This would not be the case for Wood Rats like Jimmy Carter or George H.W. Bush.

A person born in the year of the Rat has a good chance of being elected in any election year but their influence is strong whether they are elected or not. The way I see it, a lot of the decisions made in the US are directed by the Rat’s energy. England is the country associated with the Rat so this makes historical sense too. These are the roots of our colonizer mentality.

Ox Presidents

Election Year Winner Birth Year
1880 1829
Metal Dragon Chester Arthur* Earth Ox
庚子 VP to Garfield 己丑
1920 1865
Metal Monkey Warren Harding Wood Ox
庚申 d. July 1923 乙丑
1968 1913
Earth Monkey Gerald Ford* Water Ox
戊申 VP to Nixon 癸丑
2008 1961
Earth Rat Barack Obama Metal Ox
戊子 辛丑
2012 1961
Water Dragon Barack Obama Metal Ox
壬辰 辛丑

Barack Obama was first elected in a Rat year. The powerful Ox is able to co-opt the Rat’s power and influence but only for a short time, so an Ox has a good chance of winning in a Rat year.

In the Metal Rat Year of 2020, a Water Horse was elected. What stops the Ox from winning might be their ephemeral popularity. It’s hard for the Ox to make it far enough to win unless they know how to show off a little.

Tiger Presidents

Election Year Winner Birth Year
1816 1758
Fire Rat James Monroe Earth Tiger
丙子 戊寅
1820 1758
Metal Dragon James Monroe Earth Tiger
丙子 戊寅
1836 1782
‎Fire Monkey Martin Van Buren Water Tiger
丙申 壬寅
1896 1843
Fire Monkey William McKinley Water Tiger
丙申 壬寅
1900 1843
Fire Monkey William McKinley Water Tiger
庚子 Assassinated September 1901 壬寅
1952 1890
Water Dragon Dwight D. Eisenhower Metal Tiger
壬辰 庚寅
1956 1890
Fire Monkey Dwight D. Eisenhower Metal Tiger
丙申 庚寅

You can hardly ever count a Tiger out of the running when there’s a contest.

Metal Tiger Dwight D. Eisenhower was a General in the U.S. Army before he was President. In his final speech as President he warned about the developing military-industrial complex. It may not have been the legacy he wanted, but I wonder if he ever realized his own role in its creation. That’s kind of a Tiger thing.

Rabbit Presidents

Election Year Winner Birth Year
1796 1735
Fire Dragon John Adams Wood Rabbit
丙辰 乙卯
1844 1795
‎Wood Dragon James K. Polk Wood Rabbit‎
甲辰 乙卯
1880 1831
Metal Dragon James Garfield Metal Rabbit
庚辰 Assassinated September 1881 辛卯

Obviously it’s been a long time since we valued the type of staying power the gentle Rabbit possesses. I would be surprised if a Rabbit is elected ever again. Remember what I said about Rat energy influencing elections?

Wood Rabbit and father of six children John Adams was known for his political independence or non-partisanship. The only element in his year is Wood. Just one element.

Dragon Presidents

Election Year Winner Birth Year
1848 1784
Earth Monkey Zachary Taylor Wood Dragon
戊申 d. July 1850 甲辰
1864 1808
‎Wood Rat Andrew Johnson* Earth Dragon‎
甲子 VP to Lincoln 戊辰
1912 1856
Water Rat Woodrow Wilson Fire Dragon
壬子 丙辰
1916 1856
Fire Dragon Woodrow Wilson Fire Dragon
丙辰 丙辰

1856 Fire Dragon Woodrow Wilson was a lawyer, professor, author and President of Princeton University, all prior to becoming the 28th US President. That’s a Dragon with 食神 shi shen – full of ideas; meticulous with work when it interests him.

Snake Presidents

Election Year Winner Birth Year
1840 1772
Metal Rat William H. Harrison Water Snake
庚子 d. April 1841 癸巳
1860 1809
Metal Monkey Abraham Lincoln Earth Snake
庚申 己巳
1860 1809
Metal Monkey Abraham Lincoln Earth Snake
庚申 Assassinated April 1864 己巳
1888 1833
Earth Rat Benjamin Harrison Water Snake
戊子 癸巳
1908 1857
Earth Monkey William H. Taft Fire Snake
戊申 丁巳
1932 1882
Water Monkey Franklin D. Roosevelt Metal Snake
壬申 辛巳
1936 1882
Fire Rat Franklin D. Roosevelt Metal Snake
丙子 辛巳
1940 1882
Metal Dragon Franklin D. Roosevelt Metal Snake
庚辰 辛巳
1960 1917
Metal Rat John F. Kennedy Fire Snake
庚子 assassinated November 1963 丁巳

I don’t know about you, but what stands out to me about Snake Presidents is that they tend to have health problems and/or are more likely to be assassinated. Maybe this is a manifestation of the potential destruction between the Monkey and Snake. Snakes might want to consider they can last longer in politics if they are less prominent.

As always in any crowd, John F. Kennedy stands out, this time because he has a Snake year, Snake month and a Yin Metal day stem. He was a tricky guy from a family of politicians. As a Metal day stem person his power is in the Snake, that is, in his ancestors, siblings and his job.

The Water-y nature of any election year tends to stimulate the Snake with promises of potential power and transformations.

Horse Presidents

Election Year Winner Birth Year
1868 1822
Earth Dragon Ulysses S. Grant Water Horse
戊辰 壬午
1872 1822
Water Monkey Ulysses S. Grant Water Horse
壬申 壬午
1876 1822
‎Fire Rat Rutherford B. Hayes Water Horse
丙子 壬午
1900 1858
Metal Rat Theodore Roosevelt* Earth Horse
庚子 VP to McKinley 戊午
1904 1858
Wood Dragon Theodore Roosevelt Earth Horse
甲辰 戊午
2020 1942
Metal Rat Joe Biden Water Horse
庚子 壬午

Elementally, it’s a Water Horse’s job to cease Fire, however, when the proportions of Water and Fire are off, the opposite might happen. In harness with Abraham Lincoln, Water Horse General Ulysses S. Grant led the Union Army to victory in the Civil War prior to becoming President. There was a LOT of burning as I recall.

On a lighter note, it’s hard not to think of 1978 when I think of Earth Horse Theodore Roosevelt. With his goofy mustache and glasses he was a precursor of 1970s men’s fashion. Teddy is also known for his promotion of national parks and preserving nature. In the 1970s we began to return to regarding the earth as a living being, rather than just a resource. That’s the spirit of the Earth Horse.

Don’t count the Horse out in a Rat election year just because they clash with the Rat. Sometimes a clash is exactly what is needed to win. Ask Joe Biden.

Sheep Presidents

Election Year Winner Birth Year
1808 1751
Earth Dragon ‎ James Madison‎ Metal Sheep
戊辰 辛未
‎1812 1751
Water Monkey James Madison Metal Sheep
壬申 辛未
1848 1800
Earth Monkey Millard Fillmore* Earth Sheep
戊申 VP to Taylor 己未

Metal Sheep James Madison was the oldest of 12 children. That’s excellent training for a Sheep who wants to be a leader. The Metal Sheep has a lot to manage. Other Sheep may prefer to be second in command, rather than number one.

Being President is not usually an aspiration of a Sheep. A closer analysis may reveal that people with a Sheep year rarely run for the office of U.S. President. Millard Fillmore, the only other Sheep to be President assumed office due to being Vice President when Zachary Taylor died.

Monkey Presidents

Election Year Winner Birth Year
1924 1872
‎Wood Rat Calvin Coolidge* Water Monkey
甲子 VP to Harding 壬申
1944 1884
Wood Monkey Harry S. Truman Wood Monkey
甲申 甲申
1948 1884
Earth Rat Harry S. Truman Wood Monkey
戊子 甲申
1960* 1908
Metal Rat Lyndon B. Johnson* Earth Monkey
庚子 VP to Kennedy 戊申
1964 1908
Wood Dragon Lyndon B. Johnson Earth Monkey
甲辰 戊申

Wood Monkey Harry S. Truman was our 33rd President. The Wood Monkey is the sign of a decision maker; could be a person who lands in what they think is a catch-22. This is a person with a dilemma.

When the decision maker is the President of the United States, the decisions have huge consequences. Might be something like making the horrible misjudgment of bombing Hiroshima. A Wood Monkey is capable of making good choices too, of course.

Rooster Presidents

Election Year Winner Birth Year
1884 1837
Wood Monkey Grover Cleveland Fire Rooster
甲申 丁酉
1892 1837
Water Dragon Grover Cleveland Fire Rooster
壬辰 丁酉

1837 Fire Rooster Grover Cleveland is the only President to serve two terms non consecutively. I think his secret to success was that Yin Fire is reborn in the Rooster making the Fire Rooster more adaptable than other Roosters. They know how to stay relevant.

Dog Presidents

Election Year Winner Birth Year
1840 1790
Metal Rat John Tyler* Metal Dog
庚子 VP to Harrison 庚戌
1928 1874
Earth Dragon Herbert Hoover Wood Dog
戊辰 甲戌
1992 1946
Water Monkey Bill Clinton Fire Dog
壬申 丙戌
‎1996 1946
Fire Rat Bill Clinton Fire Dog
丙子 丙戌
2000 1946
Metal Dragon George W. Bush Fire Dog
庚辰 丙戌
‎2004 1946
Wood Monkey George W. Bush Fire Dog
甲申 丙戌
2016 1946
Fire Monkey Donald Trump Fire Dog
丙申 丙戌

There were only two Dogs elected before Bill Clinton won in 1992. He seems to have started a trend that was only broken by Obama. I would attribute this succession of Dogs to a bigger cycle of timing than the annual energy. Period 7 formed the way these men grew up and their attitudes about women, Period 8 put them in charge.

Pig Presidents

Election Year Winner Birth Year
1800 1743
Metal Monkey Thomas Jefferson Water Pig
庚申 癸亥
1804 1743
Wood Rat Thomas Jefferson Water Pig
甲子 癸亥
1824 1767
Wood Monkey John Quincy Adams Fire Pig
甲申 丁亥
1828 1767
Earth Rat Andrew Jackson Fire Pig
戊子 丁亥
1856 1791
Fire Dragon James Buchanan Metal Pig
丙辰 辛亥
1980 1911
Metal Monkey Ronald Reagan Metal Pig
庚申 辛亥

Like electricity, too much power takes the usual checks and balances offline. When you’re powerful or popular, people hesitate to mention your crimes, that your comb over has flopped or that you’re using fatal amounts of painkillers.

The versatile and creative Pig who becomes a President has the self penalty and the power to potentially make big mistakes. Thomas Jefferson was smart and multitalented but apparently (to put it lightly) he couldn’t keep it in his pants. This seems to be a common problem for men who have too much power.


If you found this post useful or helpful, know also that there is more to forecasting a US Presidential election than understanding the data here. Seeing as it’s 2024 and the next US Presidential election is in November, in my next post I’ll be narrowing the focus of my investigation, writing about elections in Dragon years.

*Elected as VP, assumed office of President

12 Animal Fortunes for 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

How To Use The Animal Fortunes

If you already know your Four Pillars click on the animal name in the table to go straight to your forecast. If you don’t know your Year Animal, click on your birth year. You’ll want to read the fortune for all four of your pillars. If you don’t know your Four Pillars, please ask me.

The position of each pillar will tell you how the fortune relates to your life.

Year Pillar

Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar

Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi.

Day Pillar
Yourself and your partner; relationship.

Hour Pillar
The innermost you, your children, future, dreams.

The interpretation of elements in a Ba Zi rests on the day stem, therefore, these forecasts cannot take into account the dynamic interaction of your particular natal chart, your elemental flow or favorable elements. Do you want to learn more about how to use your BaZi for timing and other purposes? Visit my Services page if you’re ready for a reading.

Happy New Year!

2024 Animal Fortunes

Dragon 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012
Snake 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013
Horse 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014
Sheep 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015
Monkey 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016
Rooster 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017
Dog 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018
Pig 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007
Rat 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008
Ox 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009
Tiger 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010
Rabbit 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011

Follow me on Twitter or Instagram for daily forecasts, monthly fortunes and other helpful information.

The Rabbit in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

Before Truth

As is the case for the Tiger, it’s unlikely to be an eventful year for the Rabbit. The focus has shifted off of you for now. Maybe you’ve got a new place to call home for a few years. I hope you were able to make that what you wanted it to be.

Rabbits are the recipients of the 息神 Rest Spirit in 2024. It is considered an auspicious star, but in these times, I hope it’s not adding to your frustration. How’s your health? As implied, the Rest Spirit means you rest and/or you have time to rest. It may be related to breath, as in catching your breath. We have experienced the Rest Spirit in the Rabbit before, most recently in March 2020.

Here’s a question for Rabbits. In March 2024 will you dive back down into the hole? Or will you hide out in plain sight? Are you going to choose yin or yang this year? Yes or No? Guess what? There is no final answer. You get to decide as you go along. You’re a Rabbit and this is your life. No one can tell you it’s wrong. No one can tell you it’s right. Do you hate that or love it?

Things feel a little bit unstable this year for the Rabbit. Maybe there’s an energy under the surface that is making you feel such connection to the tectonic shifts of the year.

For the Rabbit, it’s as if the Tiger year has returned, at least in the first half of 2024. You might feel overshadowed. The second half of the year is mostly about money and success. Again, like the Tiger, Rabbits want to be aware of the size of what you’re taking on but also not be put off by it. When progress is slow, it’s hard to imagine the growth spurts that will come later. This same Wood energy that connects you to the power of the year might get cut off in September or October. Is there anything that might happen in those months that you could address now?

I have to admit, I didn’t understand how Rabbit energy might mean disagreeing about the meaning of everything – that is, until last year. So many of us in 2023 were still purposely ignoring or misinterpreting the meaning of pertinent scientific facts. Another thing I never really thought about with the Rabbit is the potential for violence and how adept the Rabbit can be with it. I suppose with Roosters as your enemy, that makes sense. Rabbits have to be pushed beyond some point of no return to do violence, but once that happens, it’s on and you will not be ready.

Many Rabbits have had to purposely ignore or misinterpret the meaning of their experiences in order to survive. Maybe you have purposely ignored or misinterpreted the meaning of the Rabbit because it hurts too much to acknowledge that your social status can change in devastating ways based on your physical body. You don’t want to know that. I don’t either but now I know.

This isn’t just a Rabbit thing, everyone has things they avoid acknowledging, but the Rabbit might have coined the phrase “what you know could kill you”. You could die from knowing it. You could die from not acknowledging it.

I think Rabbits are often told how brave they are because of what we think they have endured. In America we like to celebrate survivors but I’d prefer to celebrate people not having to be perpetually resilient to survive. Before you tell people how brave and amazing they are, think about whether or not they had a choice. Yes they are brave and amazing, but what choice was there for them other than to accept what was done or given? Accept or fight for your life. Those are the usual choices a Rabbit starts off with. Persistence and resilience can only go so far. At a certain point the anger becomes part of the collective, and now it is.

Wood can dry up Water but this isn’t always a benefit to the Wood. It depends. If Rabbit is the sign that can contain fear, that’s Wood controlling Water. At times, Rabbits can be the bravest of the brave. I imagine that feat takes some serious dissociation. Also – when we identify someone’s commitment to having a life as bravery, I wonder if that makes sense. They are just trying to be themselves in spite of their physical (or other) limitations, just like all of us.

To be blunt, I worry that the Rabbit has been more impacted by Covid than any other sign. I don’t necessarily mean people born in the year of the Rabbit or even those who have a Rabbit in their Ba Zi. There are wider meanings to these symbols and what I’ve seen is that children and mothers are being damaged. I’m seeing people who may have limited mobility, living in group settings, and being infected. What I’m seeing often is the people who need the most care are the people we would very much like to ignore. I think this is because it makes us so uncomfortable to think of what our lives would be like if we were them. We would rather not think about those possibilities. We don’t like realizing how we might be letting people down in relationships of all kinds.

Maybe the collective anger of 2024 is embodied most by Tigers and Rabbits. When I say this I don’t mean that only Tigers and Rabbits are fighting back or picking fights, I mean that I think these two signs are carrying the energy of generations of women’s anger in them. It has taken years for some of us to be able to speak or think about the wrongs that were done, the expectations that we could never meet, and our dreams that were deemed unimportant or unrealistic. Still we persist.

In the first half of the year, March might slow you down, however it still may be easier to accomplish things. In the second half of the year progress will likely be slower.

For those who do have a Rabbit in their Ba Zi, this year there are a couple of signs that in March you could be staying at home more. If that was going to happen, who would you want to be around? Is home a safe and functional place for you? Do you have a support system for yourself?

September is the time when you might need that support the most. The Rooster has special privileges this year and as you know, that is a clash month every year for you. Some Rabbits may be reduced but others might get promoted. That’s the kind of thing you can’t say for sure until you look at the Ba Zi.

Rabbits can profit by focusing on the learning that is available in April, August and December. There is still work to be done between you and the Rat, meaning improving communication and giving acceptance. Explore your relationship with the Water element.

For almost all Rabbits in the Wood Dragon year, remote work is best if you can get it. A good activity for many Rabbits in 2024 is writing, marketing and advertising. You can do that for your own work or as a job. Get yourself out into the world through the written word or by way of social media. Activate your network of friends and family.

If this isn’t your favorite year Rabbit, you can still use it to get ready for the future.

The Rabbit’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Take advantage of this timing to get things accomplished.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
Resting at home? Or somewhere else?

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
Too much for anyone to take on alone. Get some support.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
The truth shows itself. Did you see it?

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
You might conform, you might play, you might love. Mistakes will be made.

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
Friends or family come to your assistance, calming things down and leveling the playing field.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Work with Water: communication, emotion, rest, wisdom, fear…you have guidance if you want it.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
Clashed. Are you being critical of your appearance and blaming it on someone else?

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
If you want protection and defense, it’s available now. Get under the canopy.

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Letting someone else do the driving. Next year you will drive them.

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
Your charm and good manners will neutralize any bad vibes if you want that.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Friends are almost here again. Keep the writing, talk, words flowing.

* The Monkey month covers approximately August 7th -September 7th. Each year the dates may vary slightly.

The Tiger in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

Can You Dig It?

Looking at the Ba Zi of the Wood Dragon Year I’d say that in 2024 there are many people like the Tiger who are all interested in the same resources, housing and money. In the annual chart it appears that there isn’t much to go around. This describes the current situation but not the “reality”.

Although there is still plenty to go around, the plenty is now only available for the few so the rest of us are left to compete for what’s left. That doesn’t have to be true. Some of the current energy of the Tiger is related to Boomers. This same Tiger energy could describe younger Tigers who are scrapping to establish a foothold in the world. This is yin and yang. In 2024 Tigers will profit from considering where you are on this spectrum and what they want to do about that.

Although Tigers were somewhat out of the limelight in 2023, in 2024 they might get dragged back into it by those who think the Tigers actions have been too aggressive all along. Are you one of those Tigers? I’m not sure that a Tiger will fondly remember this Wood Dragon year. It’s kind of meh, although your actions and decisions are important in shaping the collective future.

Where there’s a Tiger, there will be action even though the year is less eventful for you. February appears to be the most important month and it will be over before you know it. If you want to move things forward, it will be easiest in February and March. When we get the second half of the year, starting with the Monkey month*, expect more delays and pushback.

Maybe the Wood Dragon year would like Tigers to reduce their demands. Maybe Tigers would like the Wood Dragon to just cooperate for goodness sake. In 2024 you might find yourself in some kind of standoff unless you’re able to be content with small bits of progress in the context of a mountainous task.

Summon your patience. Apply your focus to the priorities. If there are big matters now in need of your attention, maybe it’s time to turn your attention to smaller matters that have been neglected. These small things are often the roots of what you would later call failure. You know this, but are you still convinced that the big impressions you might make are all you have to offer?

Whatever it is that’s been worrying you, are you ready to take a position on the issue this year Tiger? Are you willing to make your position known? 2024 is the year you find out that closing the deal was just the beginning. Now you have to deal with the deal you’ve made. Allies are exactly what you need with the Dragon present. Look to your network. Find out what’s been going on with people from your past, family and friends. Supporters can change your whole year in a good way if you let them.

While travel is a major theme for the Tiger in 2024, I wonder if there will be places to go when you want to go. Maybe you are trying to make some special memories? Tigers will be looking for the right kind of place, not any old place will do. Travel may become more challenging for you as we progress through the year. Older Tigers have some money to spend but where? Overly acquisitional Tigers may find real estate investments from recent years have not turned out well.

But still, the Tiger can get good compensation from their work this year, and Tigers will profit from travel and movement in 2024.

I can tell a Tiger all these good things but I can still feel their dissatisfaction with the direction they see things going in the bigger world. Tigers are dealing with generations of ancestral anger like the rest of us. The amount of tasks most Tigers have in 2024 make you feel that you are not good at any of them. This is not true. I’d like to suggest you can’t see the forest for the trees, because what I see Tigers trying to do is everything. It’s too much. What can you let go? Think big about that.

I’m asking what you can let go because I know that when Tigers get into an overload kind of situation, they might lash out at any movement or noise in their vicinity as a way of protecting themselves. If you love a Tiger, it helps to understand this. Maybe the threat the Tiger feels is one you can also identify with. There’s no excuse for bad behavior but empathy finds a way to talk about it and that’s probably what needs to happen. Tigers, don’t push your loved ones away as a show of strength. They will always see you as a leader.

The more open Tigers can be about what they want and what they want to do this year, the more it can happen. The more you can open your mind, the more you can move. The big risk of 2024 is becoming stuck in a place where anger crowds out the meaning of everything that really matters to you. It might not even be your anger. Don’t put up with that from anyone.

Tigers who want more satisfaction out of life this year may find it by seeking the meaning of things, rather than accepting what’s on the surface. It’s hard to make sense of this current energy. Tigers are not usually interested in the meaning unless they think it will give them leverage. What if the meaning is your most powerful lever? Investing meaning can change your behavior quicker than any thing else I can think of if you want that. Where Tigers will find the most meaning is where changes can be made. This is where you want to focus your work in 2024. Find the cracks in your life and get in there to open things up wide. Let other people in where you work and live.

In the first half of the year, you’ll want to try to get things settled in place for the second half. Get things done while it’s easier.

In February take care with being around people who are ill. In these times, it may be difficult to know who is for certain so take the appropriate precautions. While illness is part of being human, it’s not a contributor to good health. Illness is not a sign of weakness, health is not a sign of strength. Let’s get that straight. Mask up. You’re not an exception to the rule. I’m only bothering to say this because I care.

Tigers will find the best opportunities in June and October. In February and November your actions may be perceived as too aggressive.

Take care in May and August with travel. August may put a damper on your plans by way of accident or mechanical breakdown. If you find yourself among people who want to fight, be aware that their words may push you into being overly strong. Those are the times when Tigers might hurt themselves. Be aware of your own potential and actual aggression. Look for the hints of 2025 in May and August as well.

As always, if you want to know more about what the year will be like, you can look to the position of the Tiger pillar in your chart. For example, if you were born in a Tiger year, you might have more financial security because your parents are the type to help you out if you need it. Maybe your parents will travel to see you and bring assistance. Those are just some possible interpretations.

The Tiger will carry other nuances in the month, day or hour pillar. If you’d like to explore more of the meanings the Tiger has for you, ask your Ba Zi. Get in touch if you’d like a reading.

The Tiger’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
It may be worth the rush.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
What supports you or literally holds you up is the small stuff.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
You can’t do this alone and that’s okay because you have friends.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
Sneaky preview of 2025. What do you mean by ego?

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
Someone wants to save you. You can save them back. What’s the plan?

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
“Humbling” yourself with all the small matters.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Take care with travel.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
Becoming refined. Attention to appearance.

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Appreciate your wealth, whatever that means to you. It’s here.

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Reminders of why you left certain situations and why you are attracted to them.

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
Be the bridge between opposing parties. Deliver a message of hope.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Check to see what is still stuck under your paw.

* The Monkey month covers approximately August 7th -September 7th. Each year the dates may vary slightly.

The Ox in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

Designated Decider

The Ox is not clashed by the Dragon, rather the Ox and Dragon have a relationship called Destruction. This relationship carries a potential energy that may or may not be expressed. If that sounds worrisome to you, find relief by choosing how you would like it to be expressed. For example, the Ox is a creature of routine. What if you break up with some routines? If you’re an Ox, it’s good for you to get knocked out of your rut every once in awhile. That’s how I see the Wood Dragon year for the Ox. Get knocked out of the rut, then resettle into new productive patterns. The Wood of the Wood Dragon will see to that.

Before continuing, I think it’s important to mention that a Destruction is most often a psychological challenge. For the Ox it’s a challenge of enduring doubt. It’s a challenge to stay the course while allowing change at the same time. There’s a flood of potential success if you can stay present to receive it.

In 2024 any Ox might be feeling that something is off. If what you’re picking up is making you more sensitive, nervous, anxious, agitated or unstable my advice is to take the risk you’ve been planning anyway. Whatever leap you were about to make, don’t stop now. Take a chance. You’ll really appreciate that you did when you get to 2025.

But wait, there’s more. You need to know that the Ox is pulling a big wagon of good luck that outweighs any potential worries or hardships.

Every year, the Special Stars of the year shift around, which is one of the reasons people have an annual Ba Zi reading. The four Special Stars that are considered to be the most significant are 太陽 Great Sun, 太陰 Great Moon, 福徳 Fortune Virtue and 龍德 Dragon Virtue. In a year where one of these four shows up in your Ba Zi, you know there’s the potential of a special experience.

In 2024 the Ox is the lucky recipient of Fortune Virtue. Whatever other pillars you have in your Ba Zi, if you have an Ox you know you can lean on the luck that is there. Fortune Virtue is money luck, but it’s also the kind of luck that seems random. It’s luck you’ve accumulated from good deeds. This good luck isn’t related to what you do as much as what you have done in the past, so working harder now is probably not going to be the answer if you’re trying to invoke it. Consider simply enjoying it. In spite of what I’ve said about past good deeds, I doubt any of this stuff has a cause and effect relationship anyway. Good deeds are usually done without thoughts of how we will reap a reward.

The position of the Ox in your Ba Zi will reveal what area of your life will be enhanced by the Fortune Virtue. If Ox is your year pillar, your luck might be related to ancestors.

If Ox is your birth month*, Fortune Virtue will influence the way you go about things. You might get help from siblings or peers. Fortune Virtue will influence your work. The month pillar might be the best place to have it if you want to accumulate more good deeds, however, in the day pillar it might bring unexpected luck with partnership. If the Ox is in your hour pillar, you’ll be thinking about how lucky you are in spite of delays and disruptions. That seems great too!

In the Wood Dragon year, Oxen will have more than enough of food, material necessities, and time. You may be in circumstances that make you doubt how long that can last. Don’t. Let yourself stop worrying about those things so you can get on with what you like and want to do. If you feel overshadowed, know that it’s temporary. Maybe that’s what you’re afraid of?

Being lucky and able to overcome potential bad luck means it’s a good year for taking chances that the risk averse Ox might not normally take. Whenever you get to the point in the year where you think I’ve led you astray (July?), remember that I also said you’ll be going out on a high note next January.

For Oxen or anyone who is concerned with bad luck, know that in any given year it’s common to find that you have at least one pillar that is not clashed or one pillar that carries some special luck. You want to lean on those. Focus your energies on the pillars that are lucky for you. For the Ox this year, all in all I think you’ll find your good luck outweighs the bad.

In the Ox’s darkest moments this year, you might think the year has a specific threat for you or that you’re in danger. Some nasty things may be said about you by others because of your good luck outweighing the bad. As I’ve already said, it’s the feelings that are the hard part of the year. It’s the feelings that get to us. Remember that others’ feelings do not belong to you.

As is the case for the Rat, there may be times in 2024 where the laws of time and space don’t seem to apply to the Ox. You might find ways to speed past obstacles and shrink distance. This might also mean it’s difficult to get attention. For the Ox, if both of these things are true at the same time, it might be kind of perfect.

What might be problematic about the attention part is that everyone needs attention some time. If you shy away from that, you might miss an opportunity for the kind of mentoring you didn’t think you could get. If 2024 is the year you might lose some of your innocence, maybe you would like to do that by embracing some intimacy. That’s not necessarily the physical kind, you know. If you are lonely, allow yourself some company.

The Wood Dragon wants to give you an assist with your career, or if you prefer, your life path. The doubt you’re feeling about whether you’re fulfilling your purpose, or why you might have chosen it in the first place is something you’ve experienced before. Think about it. Maybe this is just a pattern for you that is meant to keep things fresh. It’s not the time to chuck it but it might be the time to think about that. Thinking is good. Chucking might not be appropriate.

With so much help available for you Ox, I hope you accept some. Know also that part of your assignment this year is to be the Nobleman for others. I know you like to teach people lessons – make it kind and helpful. This will be a supportive year for Oxen who are already known as consultants as well those who do it on the side. People will be looking for your advice.

I know you’ll be saying you don’t need all that luck, that your hard work will be enough and you’re probably right. If your way is to insist on total self sufficiency (no friends?) open up to the possibility that life could be enhanced by a few select relationships. This is one way to disrupt your own routine.

In this Dragon year of 2024, there will definitely be reversals for everyone. In the case of Ox, consider that you may be the one who initiates them. You might not be the catalyst but you’re definitely a decider.

The Ox’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Feels like being pinned in place. Cultivate ways to remember who you are and what you want.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
Careful with that schadenfreude. Find other ways to distract yourself.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
Peak of disrupted routines. Let the changes happen. Flexibility wins.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
Great for starting new projects. Extra points if they are on behalf of the revolution.

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
Your work is out in the open and it’s looking good. Mutual attractions.

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
Possible disagreements about who has it worse. It’s settled. We’re all in this together.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Your creations come easy now. Perhaps start winter’s work in advance.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
Your finest work is happening now. Are you able to feel your success?

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Through your persistence in 2024 you’ll find that an obvious bully is nothing to you.

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Some things are beyond your control now so let them happen. Emotional preparations for 2025.

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
If think your work empowers others more than it does you, think again.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
The Snake is already showing up with data to help you plan for 2025.

* The Ox month covers approximately January 5th-February 4th. Each year the dates may vary slightly.

The Rat in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

Behind the Curtain

When you’re a Rat in a Dragon year, once again you control the frame, just as you did in 2020 and will again in 2028. What Rats do when they are in control this way is set a certain tone of concern about what is worthy of attention and what is important. Often the focus of their decisions involves Fire. Rats could probably go anywhere they like this year but I suggest, for your own safety, leave the south alone.

The prevailing energy for much of the Wood Dragon year is Water and that’s exactly where the Rat lives. This timing gives Rats a special gift for command in a year where their usual strategic skills are further enhanced. Rats, be conscious of who you are advising and their intentions. Ethics are important. While the Dragon is the boss of the year, you are the boss’ advisor and teacher or mentor.

The more grace you give, the more you receive. That’s the calculation for 2024.

The Wood Dragon year elevates the Rat. Rats have a higher, wider or bigger perspective which is exactly where a Rat likes to be. You are meant to see what goes unseen and this year makes it easier. Given your relationship to power in 2024, it’s your assignment to advise about what is going unseen. Get all the secrets out now. Actually, it may be hard for the Rat to avoid spilling the tea in 2024. You might do purposely or accidentally. What you expose may lead to some awkwardness in December.

Even with your good luck in 2024, it may not be a year where the Rat receives the amnesty from others that they think they deserve. There may be no special dispensations. It’s more likely that you will be required to give them. Ouch. Do you have expectations and attachments about what you are owed due to your work? I know I do. Let those for whom this is not true cast the first stone, this isn’t just a Rat thing. We could all use a reminder that life and relationships are not a transaction.

Rats benefit in 2024 from the ways they are untouchable, operating outside of the rules of time and space. Friends from the past show up as do friends of the future. It’s a year where you might decide to start/join a group or mastermind a reunion. For some reason, the word revival comes to mind. Rats are capable of organizing events on a larger scale.

Nikki Haley is a 1972 Water Rat by the way. She’s been on my mind for some time because in a Dragon year, a Rat would have a good chance to gain a high position. A Dragon probably won’t – maybe that’s Kamala Harris who is a 1964 Wood Dragon? I have asked for knowledge about who will win the 2024 US Presidential election using different Chinese divination methods and what consistently came up is that it’s a woman. Can you think of ways that might happen? But I digress…

Throughout the year, financial matters are fairly smooth for the Rat.

In the first half of the year, Rats are creative. This year offers a kind of creativity is special for you because it took many lonely hours to hone the skills required for it. If for some reason you’re not able to work with that creative energy in February and March, make notes of your ideas and plans for later execution. Rats will be inventive in this Wood Dragon year.

The second half of the year will be more about execution of ideas and plans – group pursuits. Rat and the Rooster will be the sweethearts everyone wants to work with. This timing may require you to come out of hiding, or maybe that’s when you can get others to do your work for you. When you don’t want to be seen or witnessed, I suppose that sounds good. Maybe it’s time to try something new?

In 2024 Rats will be perceived and witnessed, possibly as being too aggressive. While aggression is appropriate under the right circumstances, you don’t want it distract from your message. You might want aggression to direct the intention of your message instead. Meet with people face to face when you can, or at least over video. The advantage of being in dialogue is that you can explain yourself.

I say this because I think it will be hard for Rats to hide their expression and this year, it may be interpreted as anger on sight. I expect that Rats, like the rest of us, have generations of anger to express or to exorcise by making things right, finally. There are patterns of nepotism to break for one thing…Spread the opportunities Rat. These times require thinking one step beyond yourself and your descendants. And repeat. In an age of Fire, you may need to become adept at this to survive. This advice is for all, not just the Rat.

This year supports you becoming a better friend. To maximize your luck, team up purposely with the Dragon and Monkey. The Dragon will accept your legacy of knowledge and develop it. The Monkey is the multitool of the Rat and Dragon; encoding, repairing, making the abstract tangible.

In December, which will likely be the most exposing month of the Wood Dragon year for you, consider whether you may have made the outcome of the year too much about you and not enough about your homies. Right now, you still have time to change this. The Monkey’s contributions to the year may be overlooked without your advice as to their delivery. Throughout the year, take a look around you and see who is not appreciated. If you can’t draw attention to them, you can give them strategic advice.

In 2024, Rats are likely to show up in leadership positions or as consultants to the Dragon. Rats will also be getting some business courtesy of the Ox who even as a nobleman of the year may have too much of their own problem solving on their plate to be helpful. The Ox has higher blessings to receive perhaps.

One of the best blessings in any year is having a sunnier perspective and in 2024 the Rat will be feeling it. Life is good.

If you’re a Rat who is thinking of relocating you may want to do that this year, maybe in August. This might be you making a pre-emptive strike against a potential forced move in 2025 or in 2026 when it is your turn to be clashed. This year is a good time to consider how you might prepare for the coming heat. Use your good luck to prepare.

The Rat’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Inventions and inventiveness. If you lack time for executing them all, write them down.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
Look for ways to encourage others’ joy. Give an endorsement.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
If you see a friend making a mistake, break it to them gently. Have a solution in mind?

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
It’s a good month to protect your health. Take advice.

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
A stimulating clash comes with introspection. Ideas flow, your work can make money.

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
Observe your impact of your words on those around you. They don’t want to mention it.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Use up the Water. Seek Wood. Write, talk, give birth or be reborn. A big push.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
Draining or drained? That is the question. Breaking up or considering it.

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Boundaries crossed and broken. Does it matter if they’re not yours?

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Let people think you are small. You know how big you are when you’re with your friends.

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
A predictor of the next two years for the Rat. Meet people at least halfway.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
One last “routine” January. Changes will be coming faster in 2025.

The Pig in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

Approaching the Delta

Zoom out your lens Pig. The Wood Dragon year is going to ask you to take a wider perspective, maybe even a higher one; probably both at the same time. This year is made for your versatile nature and the attention your multiple talents deserve. We don’t need a specialist when we have you available to help us. Pigs will be solving problems like the wind! I can only assume that such good fortune would be a result of you becoming more adept at preparation.

Just in case you need a refresher course, let me remind you that a Pig who is organized and prepared is unstoppable.

In a Ba Zi, the Pig is one of the four self clash signs. The other three are Dragon, Horse and Rooster. For the Pig, the self clash usually involves not seeking support, or not speaking up about urgent matters. Trying to handle everything on their own can lead a to self destructive ways of coping. Regarding a Pig’s behavior, this is a tendency, not a prophecy. I’m reminding you of this because the Snake is coming next year.

Full disclosure: much of this forecast is meant to prepare the Pig for the clash they will experience in 2025. Guess what? 2024 is not time to build a house of straw, sticks or bricks where you can hide away. It’s time to be seen and known. That’s the way to prepare. I want you to be ready to meet the opportunities that are coming.

Pigs have 龍德 Dragon Virtue in 2024. You’re lucky! That means it’s time to get a reputation, or change the one you have. I doubt there’s anything wrong with it other than it needs an update or reconfiguration. You and the times have changed.

In the first half of 2024 comes the reinvention, along with a “disaster pass” for those born in a Pig month, meaning just in case there is one, you emerge unharmed. In this year where you will be planting seeds, or growing yourself, protect what you have planted. Protect what you’ve got growing or budding. Protect yourself too because you’re the root.

You’ll want to have some projects well established before we get to 2025. Whatever you’re working on, grow it as big as you can this year. Get down to business right away in February and don’t look back until September. You might even think of yourself as a tree expanding without limit, knowing when it’s pruning time your beauty will be revealed.

What you learn in this Wood Dragon year will have the power to change the way you think forever. If I haven’t yet made it clear, 2024 is very much about rebirth, birth and growth. Much of it will be witnessed by others. This is not necessarily embarrassing, in fact, people may find your journey compelling.

What you have to offer in 2024 is the culmination of years of your ideas, learning, training. All those things you’ve taught yourself to do are welcome and lucrative. People are interested and attracted to you and your talent. Although in April the Pig may feel that time is going backwards, or that they are about to be ridiculed again, act as if that’s not the case this year because it isn’t. Problem solved. It’s not denial, it’s reality. It’s as if you could speak things into existence this year. Don’t take this special imperial power too far. Use it most for your own good intentions.

There’s a lot Pigs can get done as leaders in the Wood Dragon year, which is kind of special. If you don’t love that role, exploring it anyway could bring some pleasant surprises. Next year will be your turn to be clashed and if you do the proper preparation this year, the clash will be something like the shaping or refinement of your talent. Leadership will prepare you to see the meaning of 2025. That might not be as easy once you’re in it.

As I mentioned earlier, if you were born in a Pig month*, in 2024 you have the special blessing of getting out of a difficult situation without any lasting effects. This luck shows up repetitively. Maybe this is your year to be bold, and find out that there are times you can do that and everything will turn out just as it’s meant to – fine. Interestingly, it’s this collective anger of the year energy that protects you. You might look for ways to encourage its expression in healthy ways.

If the Pig is in your year pillar, you may find yourself disengaged or disengaging from people you think are not treating you the way you deserve to be treated. This is something to consider deeply in the case of family relationships. It may be time to disengage with some people, places or things that have done you wrong, however, you may also find there is no disengaging from family. No matter where you go, they are in you. Try to embrace this as much as possible.

Your vague sense of impending mistreatment peaks in May. It may have a root in the Dragon and how they can transform to Metal at a moment’s notice. This is not ever something the sensitive Pig is prepared for. The Dragon and Snake may carry a similar energy for you at times. What you always need to keep in mind is that you are safe. For real.

As a Pig you probably already know that when people stand out by being more lucky or more commanding and confident, they get more fans and friends. They also get more “enemies”, by which I mean people who are unhappy with their own situation and your improvements remind them of that. What can you do? Try not to worry about it. Be kind anyway.

In a Wood Dragon year, make sure your paperwork is in order especially in the context of new ventures. Do you need permits or licenses? If there is a governing body involved with your project, meaning government, church, or boss, get to know the people you might need to contact. Meet them in person at least once if possible before you start your working relationship. Get used to being in touch with authorities. It’s a skill like any other. You’ll be okay.

I know it’s often difficult for the Pig to imagine a sunny outcome even when things are good. Other times your expectations of negative events exceed reality. Be careful of November’s darkness which might be dangerous for you. Get in the light. Ask for help. Prepare for November in advance.

So much of how 2024 ends and what you will be doing next year depends on your communication skills during this Wood Dragon year.

Keep communicating – it doesn’t matter if it’s awkward. People may think you have some wild ideas. If you want them to understand you will most likely need to say more and in laymen’s terms. You can do that. Know that you’re going to get attention, it won’t be difficult. In these times getting attention is one of the fastest and easiest ways people make money if you want that.

In 2024 Pigs have the gravitas to back up their performance. It’s real.

The Pig’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Reap the results of last year’s behavior. ‘Ware the Tiger.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
Set up or renew support networks now.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
Time goes backwards. Find your voice mid month.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
If you want to know more about 2025, take some notes.

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
Ideas come through you starting a cycle that leads to money.

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
Redefined. Finding a connection that can bridge next year’s clash.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Possible losses but friends will always come through.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
Finding out how someone you think you know well is changed by seduction might startle you.

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Witness what it’s like to be the year breaker before it’s your turn. Maybe it’s not that bad?

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
You might need that support system this month. Is this the beginning of 2025 for you?

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
Feeling outshined doesn’t mean you are. People know what’s real.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Eyes already on you. Are you ready to meet the Wood Snake?

*The Pig month covers approximately November 7th -December 7th. Each year the dates may vary slightly.

The Dog in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

Live a Little, Get Around

Being opposite the Dragon on the compass, in this Wood Dragon year of 2024 the Dog is the 歲破 Sui Po or the Year Breaker. The Dog is the recipient of the focused attention of the Dragon. Is that good?

Some people say that as long as there is energy is focused on you, it’s good even if it’s a clash. They say that when there is no energy or no dynamic flow for you it’s worse than a clash. One teacher told me “junk food is better than no food”, and that’s true but thank goodness no one is asking you to live that way this year Dog. This year is a year you are nurtured and rearranged at the same time.

The clash of Dragon and Dog is a clash between two yang Earths. It’s like two mountains crashing into each other. In any year, this particular clash indicates that there may be blockages and obstacles for everyone. Seeing as how it’s a Dragon year, they may pile up a bit more for the Dog. Ask Prince William who is a 1982 Water Dog what that might be like. It’s probably painful and difficult but also brings some opportunities you didn’t expect to arrive so soon. Good things will be happening too.

For Earth, Wood is power or empowerment. Now the clash of the Dragon and Dog is focused by, or focused on, Wood or power itself. Who has it? Who is in charge? Who can survive it? It’s a year for Dogs to explore power and anger. That’s probably the biggest risk for you right there. Being a Dog, you may have a talent for ignoring the things that are troublesome as long as they are not overly threatening – for you. I want Dogs, Dragons and everyone to think about how you might use your anger, which is a microcosm of the collective anger, to redistribute power. Decentralize power. Organize the decentralization of power.

The conflict between the Dragon and Dog brings with it themes of winners and losers, borders, boundaries, walls, showdowns and ultimatums. The outcomes are predictably unpredictable. Many conflicts may play out on a physical level so if you don’t want that in your life, don’t start it. * If you seek the root of these disputes, you’ll find the usual disagreements about belief systems and the tension between tradition and evolution.

Due to their massive presence and powerful nature, Dogs are used to being unintentionally offensive. This year you may find that happening even more often than usual. Know your audience. Some will eat it up, most will not. Let’s just say it’s not an asset and leave it at that. Dogs will especially benefit from appropriate conduct regarding women this year. Bad behavior will come back to bite you. Just be kind so you don’t have to worry about it.

A Dragon year often brings a darker outlook for the Dog, perhaps not merited by the events of the year. This may or may not manifest as depression. Don’t worry too much about labels, just check in with yourself or someone you trust about your behavior. Are you not yourself?

Learn to take care of yourself if you haven’t already. Stop accepting what authority figures have to say unless it makes sense to you and the people you care about. Apply that to your boss, your doctor, the police, the government. Don’t trust that everyone has your best interests at heart. This is one of the most important pieces of advice I can give to you. Don’t accept your fate blindly. Facing it will be so much more meaningful. It is possible to maintain your influence but not your control.

The flow of 2024 means movement for the Dog. Go with it. For most of the year, Dogs will benefit from being unattached to staying in any one place for an extended period of time. If you’ve got a Dog in your Day Pillar or Year Pillar, you may be moving house. If you have a Dog in both day and year, I expect big life changes are in store. Maybe you’re crossing borders. You’re going to benefit from travel so why not go big? You’ll probably be spending some money anyway.

If you’ve got a Dog in your month pillar, maybe you were laid off last year or that’s a concern for you. It’s reinvention time. You have the knowledge, skills and depth. This is a good time for some Dogs to start their own businesses.

If the Dog is in your Life House, maybe you have life long issues with displacement or bullying. How might you want to change that pattern? This is the year to do it.

In any clash there are both good things and bad things happening at the same time. It can be confusing and exhilarating too.

The Dog is the Great Consumer in 2024, a title which goes along with Sui Po. In Dog and Dragon years, the clash of Dog and Dragon often has to do with losing or getting money. 2024 has that potential for the Dog more than usual. To mitigate spending, some people renovate or repair their homes or spend money on things they’ve been wanting or needing. Some donate money. You might do that in April and/or October. When it comes to finances, your money element is a more important indicator than the general timing of months. If you don’t know what your money element is, a Ba Zi reading can tell you; it might not be Earth. These nuances are important for forecasting.

In spite of being clashed by the year, or maybe because of it, Dogs will probably find themselves in a position where people are wanting to give them responsibility for important matters. Ask yourself if it’s finally time to do the opposite of what you might have done in the past. If it would normally be your way to say yes to any position you saw as important, maybe don’t. If it’s been your way to decline responsibility as much as possible, maybe take some on. What’s important is you thinking about how you want to succeed and what that looks like. Do you think you need empowerment? Do you want it? Don’t let stubbornness get in your way.

A challenge for both Dog and Dragon this year is potentially being cracked open by anger, however, when you are cracked open, it’s easier to change. Nobody likes this. It’s unpleasant. For both the Dog and the Dragon, anger (and the collective anger) is very much a part of your reality this year. Both Dog and Dragon have a special advantage in that their own anger literally has the power to move mountains. If “enemies” team up, this is what can happen. Hint hint.

Just because you are clashed, don’t count yourself out Dog. When big changes come they can be good too, even great. In any given year, regardless of all these rules about clash, the most flexible one wins.

The Dog’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Get a running start knowing things will slow down in April.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
You’re still assisted. Don’t lean too hard on the Rabbit.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
A peak of blockage. At the same time, you might team up with a powerful “enemy”.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
Could be some worries about next year. Be flexible.

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
In a flow now. Let things come through you. Striving doesn’t work.

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
For good luck, be kind to women and everyone else.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Success begins to show itself.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
You might attract money this month. Someone could be jealous about that.

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Where the Wood meets the Earth. Lacking compassion, big moves are quite risky.

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Cooling down at home.

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
Your contribution or words are the missing element. Open up.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Time to go over the year. How’s your report card?

*As I’m writing this I’m thinking about how in my life these words will mostly be metaphors for my experience of 2024 and how in others’ lives these words embody events I can’t even imagine. Why am I so lucky? Good choices help, but they can’t turn back a missile.

The Rooster in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

Darling Starling

Welcome to the Wood Dragon year Rooster. Be perceived and appreciated by the power of this timing. If you want the short version of your forecast, expect a great year. If you’re going to get whatever you wish for, be careful what you wish! When you might get everything you wish for, how will you help others grow? 2024 is a year that emphasizes relationships, secret and otherwise. The secret ones aren’t likely to stay that way so act accordingly.

As was the case in in 2023, there’s quite a bit of success available right in front of you Rooster. The scary clash is over, and you may have discovered that you have the power to turn bad to good. How do you like that?

For those who have a Water Rooster or an Earth Rooster pillar in their BaZi, this year is even more insistent in asking you for a decision. Who is in charge? Can that shift back and forth? Will you accept the partnerships that are offered? For how long? When?

Roosters have the potential to influence others more than they are influenced this year. To the Rooster, this probably feels like an upper hand with friendships and other relationships. Find your generosity in sparing others from that kind of inequity or by using your influence benevolently. Don’t you know you’re in a murmuration? We’re all moving together.

In 2023 Roosters were clashed by the Wood of the Rabbit, and still there were advantages for you. In 2024 Roosters are supported and even cherished by the Dragon, however, the Wood element is still here. Have you figured out that what you perceived as your opposition might have been …the opposite? When the prize was dangled last year, did your pride keep you from admitting that you wanted it? I hope not, but if it did, maybe this year is another chance to get it right, by which I mean right for you. Success is easy lately, relationships are the Rooster’s real prize. If you want one where you are in control, look for a Dragon.

The Dragon is mesmerized by the Rooster. Simply by being the secret friend of the Dragon, in 2024 Roosters can get away with a lot. The year is very much in favor of that so I’m telling you now to rack up good behavior and good deeds. Have a care for the rest of us. Just because you can get away with something doesn’t mean you should try.

In fact, when you can get away with anything, maybe that’s the time to direct your energy to something great that no one thinks is possible. That’s what this year is for the Rooster. You might feel pressured about such a big assignment but all the little things you do will be enough as long as you mind your intentions. Accumulating good deeds will always enhance your luck. That’s one thing that doesn’t change.

When you’re a Rooster it’s those psychological challenges that really get in your head. lol

And on that note, some Roosters may be looking for revenge regarding things that happened last year, probably in October or November. It may be hard to resist going back to examine those feelings, especially in April and September. If you feel like someone’s radiating negative energy in your direction, was it you who originally started that pattern? Even if it wasn’t you, you could complete this phase and move on for real by forgiving. If you think it was you who started the trouble, let that influence your actions. Roosters sometimes think there is someone who wants to take them out because they want to take someone out.

If your day (or year) pillar is Earth Rooster, this year you might get away with anything by turning attackers into supporters. You’re on some kind of five year plan so think about what you want to be doing five years from now. Should that sound too far away, I want you to know that the seemingly insoluble problems of last year could disappear now if you let them go. I guess that’s the hard part for the Rooster. Me too.

Like the Monkey, in this Wood Dragon year there will be times for the Rooster where they are required to speak, maybe more than usual. Know that you will be heard this year means there’s no need to fight for attention. How might that shape your behavior? Well, you don’t have to be loud. Let your confidence grow for real. That’s very different from faking it. You don’t have to do that this year.

2024 is a good year for the Rooster to make investments. Although you might think of this in the traditional financial sense, I invite you to consider that anything you pay attention to on a regular basis is an investment. The more you pay attention, the more you will get out of it. Caring too much won’t hurt you.

With the Wood Dragon present, many “suitors” will be looking for your attention, or at the very least you will be thinking that they are. The position of your Rooster in your natal chart or life house will tell you where you might land on that range of possibilities. These suitors could be present pertaining to work, acquaintances, or a more intimate relationship.

For your suitors’ safety and yours, decide how to handle their attention in a way that suits both your attention span and integrity. Avoid pitting others against each other. Are you already committed? How committed are you? Some Roosters are looking for a fling. If that sounds good to you, line it up with your long term plans. If it doesn’t fit, be honest. That might be all that is needed to have fun together, harm free.

Regarding money, last year Roosters were in the position of Great Consumer, this year you are the Lesser Consumer. To mitigate spending you can always make donations. In 2024 the Lesser Consumer star relates to money and your relationship with the Dragon who is the boss of the year. The way this energy manifests might also be indicative of how you go about getting power. Do you insist on others who want to be close to you bending to your will? Do you make yourself small when you’re not? I know you have your reasons, and you don’t have to answer, but do think about these questions for a moment.

On the mundane level, what you probably want to know is, will you spend more money or make more in 2024? A Ba Zi will tell you what your money element is and how much impact this year’s energy will actually have on your finances. Don’t worry about lacking for necessities. You won’t. Some of this will be due to the Rooster’s thriftiness while some is due to timing.

Roosters are trusted this year with important matters, documents and endorsements. Take care with being distracted by other important matters, that is, personal things. Your challenge is to find balance. If this makes you feel overburdened, don’t worry too much, you can probably get yourself out of any sticky situations easily. Just brush that dirt off your shoulder.

Which reminds me to say, attention to appearance will be helpful in this Dragon year. It’s not because you need it, it’s because of timing. People are going to be looking at you and you want to be comfortable with that, so you might spend more time or money on beauty. I don’t recommend surgery. Maybe you want a better moisturizer? More hair care? Nails? Roosters always worry that they are ugly. Well, you’re not. If this year can’t convince you of that I don’t know what to say. Live like you are beautiful Rooster. It makes sense.

The Rooster’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Sparkling already.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
The leftovers of 2023. Or 2020?

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
The peak of influence for Water Roosters (1993) happening now.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
Work plans for 2025: learn new research skills or team up with experts

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
Just another opportunity to be the star. Swept away or sweeping?

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
Success is not as easy now. Take a calming break.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
And you’re back! Time to talk and talk. Let emotions flow.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
If you’re going to wear out your welcome with the Dragon, this is where it might happen.

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Summon your patience knowing your boundaries are safe. Money comes.

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Probably the start of the Wood Snake year of 2025 for the Rooster.

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
Secrets come out. I hope you have a party so everyone can see how you’re shining.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Rebirthing to do. Take a rest!

The Monkey in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

Comedy Gold

After going through the cycle of Water, followed by the cycle of Wood, Monkeys might be feeling bitter. Maybe there’s been too much detaching for you. Is anything fun any more? Your love of tricks and pranks feels extinguished – but it’s not. Now you’re riding the wheel up. Do you understand now how time was needed for your new form to emerge? If you weren’t able to re-engage in 2023, know it will be easy in 2024. The Dragon knows you well.

For Monkeys who are feeling bitter, it seems to me that the pessimistic part of it does come from your life experience, as well as a feeling of helplessness. Monkeys will try to handle their hurt by appearing not to care, but I know you do. There have been many disappointments in the last few years, but here you are, poised to engage with the big world again. This is where you are now, regardless of the past.

What Monkeys have been through since 2022 is the raw material of the comedian – the jester that you are. What you have been through is what it takes to make comedy gold. It takes time to make it, it takes effort to dig it out. In 2024, you’re going to make something from those experiences. Make us laugh. Make us cry. That’s what you do so do it with love. Your words will heal you too.

Most of the time, what makes us laugh the most is the joke that connects with our darker emotions. It helps us to take on a friendlier relationship with them. Monkeys are the “relief valve” of our society when it comes to darkness I think. We don’t always give the appreciation they deserve for this role. Maybe we don’t consider the human experience behind the joke. Life is absurd and I feel like it’s cathartic to acknowledge it with laughter.

Don’t forget, there are times when being serious is required. Above all, keep language and communications beyond reproach with descendants, employees, students and other people you “supervise” if you don’t want gossip and disputes.

For those with a Monkey in any pillar, it’s a year for finishing. Instead of worrying what that might be about, choose what you want to complete! No matter what your age and/or their status, this completion might have to do with a parent or someone who was in that role for you. Most endings demand that we repeat them and this is just one of those times. Luckily the year has much more than resolutions to offer.

There’s travel in store for the Monkey in 2024, or at the least the desire for it. Go where you are invited. Invite others to visit or travel. This is important. You may have to invite yourself or take a lead role in planning. Consider the position of the pillar in your BaZi if you want to know more about what that travel might involve. Some reasons a Monkey might travel in 2024 are children, work, love, money, health or pleasure.

Maybe the travel IS the Monkey’s work in 2024, even if it’s a metaphorical journey. It’s going to be an emotional year, and you might think you don’t want that, however, the Water element is what will facilitate the changes the year offers. I hope you’re ready to talk more because the year is asking for it. Don’t stop communicating or you’ll find you keep getting stuck in the mud. Not again!

Maybe a Monkey’s travel in 2024 is related to being out of their home, or stirring things up at home with upgrades or renovations. If you have a Monkey in your day pillar, maybe you’ll move house and/or acquire roommates. As a person who moved 13 times in their first 15 years of life, I can tell you moving house is no joke. Even when you’re going somewhere you want to go, it’s stressful! If you don’t want to move, there are solutions I know of. Maybe you want to get a reading?

The Monkey is not overly driven by material things, but in 2024 you may find Monkeys looking for a better quality of food, clothing, cars, and even people. This isn’t something to be ashamed of. I’m going to guess it’s been a while since you made your surroundings meet the level of physical support that you need for long term well-being. You are worth it. You might be surprised how much difference it will make in what you can accomplish, and by that I mean, accomplishing the things you would like to accomplish as opposed to the things you have to do. A supportive home is not an extravagance. February is a good time to start stirring things up. In March you can reap some rewards.

Your suspicious tendencies in 2024 may serve you well in the context of home projects or other matters. Vet anyone you might make a contract with. Get a second opinion on prices or plans from people you trust. Aim to work with people you’ve worked with before, the ones where you had a good outcome. Just doing this will make for a pretty good year. Research big purchases. Secure construction permits, leases, and paperwork as needed. Don’t neglect the details.

For the Monkey in 2024 the energy is ascending. New opportunities are opening up, but at the same time people might not give you enough credit for your participation in the good outcomes. Projects that you start may be taken over by others who stand out more, maybe in August. Nevertheless, your talent will be strong and flowing this year, especially in April, August, September and December. It’s baffling when you can see the results of your actions but feel so out of control. I’m telling you now Monkey, this is all for a good cause.

Although you might not be winning the reputation it seems your efforts would merit, you’re in the right crowd if you want access to more recognition in the long run. Keep in mind that when you’re so connected to the energy of the year, that means you have good luck. There’s always someone who is going to feel miffed about that. Remember too, that if you’re running with the wrong crowd, maybe you should pay attention to those people who are miffed. Think about it.

If you want the cai, meaning treasure, money, success, booty… it’s probably easier to get in the first half of the year. You might think it’s out of your reach, but it’s not if you’re daring. Whatever is to you, in 2024 it won’t be long lasting unless you put the work in to make that possible. That might be asking a lot of yourself so don’t overcommit. What if you can just have fun? Your tastes have changed. It might be interesting to explore that, but there are always more opportunities to come. Like the bus, will come around again, just wait if that’s your preference.

The Wood Dragon brings a year where Monkeys can pass tests. Set one up for yourself if you haven’t done that already. New ways and opportunities to support yourself financially and otherwise will appear if you’re looking for them; new ways to express yourself too. Let yourself move on if that’s what’s needed. Now you are ready to see the open doors, the ones that have probably been there for some time. Let go of regret and be free again.

The Monkey’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Clash yourself. Start the project. Get uncomfortable.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
A fair challenge. is attracted to you.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
Your talents and work may be redirected. Express them anyway.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
Foreshadowings of 2025. Make some notes.

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
Consider stretching exercises such as yoga, tai chi, chi gong. Get outdoors.

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
If the Water has been too much, this is your break. Take some time off.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Let the Water flow through you. Emotional renovation.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
A cute person arrives to play, probably for a limited time. Yowsah!

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Some connections are broken here, at least for now. A natural process of the year.

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Safety first. Consider the impact of your actions on others who may not say anything about it.

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
Your agency is not lost. You’re here because it’s stimulated.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Only a fool would underestimate your stamina. Someone you might like is discovering you now.

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