The Snake in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year


The Waiting is Over

It’s been a long road since 2019 and some Snakes are still waiting for their comeback. If that’s you, consider yourself in the right place. According to your pattern, you’re right where you should be. Stick with your efforts at restoration. If you’re a caretaker of others, be patient with yourself and them. You know about waiting and the work required to be prepared when the right moment arrives. You are the successor now.

This year, Snakes enjoy the blessing of the 太陽 Tai Yang or Sun. This energy of the Sun brings a special time for the Snake when they can take their pile of evidence, training and ideas and turn it into something everyone can clearly see. Put attention on the pertinent facts. Tell the story. Connect the dots. This is how problems can be solved. Stick with the truth. Be consistent. Along with the other blessings you have this year, you can see the future. I’m not referring to being psychic (although not ruling it out), but rather having the logic and vision to see what is going to happen well forward in time.

In the Wood Dragon year of 2024, the Snake will have been waiting patiently or impatiently for their turn. What if you are waiting for 2025 when you don’t have to? Do you hear what I’m saying? It’s not too early to come out of hiding. Friends are available. The Universe is poised to mentor you.

It’s going to be a good year for the Snake. Should it happen that some of the year’s opportunities disappear at the last minute, ask yourself if you already knew what would happen. The potential fallout will likely be mostly psychological – the feeling that someone else’s grass is always greener. Is that paranoia? Suspicion? Reality? There are more opportunities to come in the near future. Don’t worry about it.

While the Tiger may be the expert when it comes to knowing the right moment to kill, the Snake has mastered the art of waiting. When you’re a Snake, you learn to see the patterns and you often choose to wait it out, that is, except when a Monkey is involved. The Monkey is your Secret Friend. This is important to know in 2024 when the Monkey has connections with people you would enjoy as teachers or mentors. Without the Monkey, the Snake will maybe spend too much of their time waiting, wanting to be certain of their final form. Don’t you know by now that your flexibility might keep you waiting forever Snake?

A Snake’s form is not permanent, however, there is a pattern to how it changes. A Snake’s favorable elements may change over time. For 2024 I recommend you seek Fire*. By Fire this time I mean the people nearby who will help you create warmth and joy by way of mutual assistance, even in difficult circumstances. Encourage others and they will encourage you.**

Since it’s a Snake’s nature to stay hidden in some way, if you’re feeling lonely in 2024, I’m going to guess it’s by choice. Maybe you’re still unsure about commitment and what it means to you, or what it means to your potential partner. If you’re not sure what you want, know that your choices will reveal your priorities. What you do reveals what you want. If you want to meet friends and lovers, it helps to engage socially. I hope you will also consider that too much isolation, even when it is your choice, could be dangerous.

The Wood Dragon year will be a year of dealing with boundaries and how they might be respected, disrespected, and purposely or inadvertently crossed. Snakes will be trusted to bring the facts about such matters to light. This gives you a lot of power to exercise.

Snakes are some of the most important people when it comes to the 2024 US Presidential election because they have the most influence and vision. Many a Snake plays the role of politician or diplomat on the family level or in bigger venues despite (because of?) their desire to avoid the spotlight. Snakes often have stories of how they track information and use reverse engineering to find patterns that others miss. This skill can be used to enlighten, confuse. or amuse. That’s a Snake thing too.

Snakes know that the presentation of information influences how it is received, but no matter how eloquent and honest you may be, you can’t please everyone. Trying to do so is a trap for the Snake.

2024 is a year where the Snake’s gifts of discernment and scholarship are enhanced. Your ideas are important so protect them. You might do that by teaching. Writing and other academic achievements will bring Snakes attention and fame as well. If you’re a Snake who doesn’t consider yourself a writer, this year might change your mind. Not ready to go public with your work? The ideas you have this year are the raw material for your creativity well into the future so write them down. If there’s something that catches your attention, dive in. You’ll know quickly whether you’re digging in the right place. Research is satisfying, yet this year it feels very risky to the Snake who often is endangered by knowing too much.

Most Snakes can enjoy having enough (or more) money this year and will be paid well for their work. Instead of lending money, either give it or do not. Repayment seems unlikely this year.

Recognize that you might be putting together something important out of materials that no one else deemed worthwhile. Snakes are good at making do with what is available at any given moment in time. To maximize your luck, cobble together your skill set to create the role or job you want. You’re probably already doing it and if you have enough experience, you’re probably good enough to be paid for it. If you’re inexperienced or untrained, a Snake will probably be the one to question your competency. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

The best remedy for almost any Snake ailment this year is proper breathing, which will make a big difference in helping you through any illness or other stress. Try breathwork.

On a related note, for the Snake the possible dangers of 2024 likely have to do with burning and smoke. You can take this literally and metaphorically. If Snake is your year, this relates to your ancestors and experiences they may have had. I mean, it is dangerous to be so willing to expose the truth. History will confirm that. Some people will say you’re taking advantage. Regardless of the associated risks, your assignment this year is to shine a light. Step into the light. Timeliness makes it safe.

The Snake’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Take care with driving and travel. Try breathwork.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
Dispelling misinformation/disinformation. Protect respiratory system.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
An apprenticeship begins if you want it.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
Equal Rights, justice, and breaking down walls. Careful of belongings, lock doors and windows in SE.

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
In the midst of activists

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
Decentralizing the money; starting the revolution

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Drama, partnerships, dissolution; meeting power?

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
Romance and parties facilitated by acquaintances

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Metal or Fire? I recommend the latter.

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Could be the beginning of your 2025

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
Metal or Fire? To charm, it’s Metal. Time to shift gears.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Seeing potential others miss. A nobleman you know can help with money.

*If you want a more specific interpretation about what Fire means for you, please book a reading. Fire may or may not be a helpful element for your natal chart.

**This advice is safe for anyone I think.

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