Metal Rat 庚子 2020 : Bearing Witness

Observers who go unnoticed: this is your year. Take back authority through your revelations and actions. I’m talking to those who aren’t sleeping at night because they are making plans to protect their families and the planet.

We’ve been heading in this direction for some time and now we’ve arrived in a place where we are touched by millions of eyes without being perceived. We can be heard worldwide and still rebuffed. We knew each other once, but will we again? Who will be the first to witness another’s truth in the long winter?

Through bearing witness we participate in another’s experience. It’s time to realize how much we have in common. In 2020 we can trust each other but not the systems of authority and governance we have created. Let’s start there.

The original meaning of the word martyr, which comes from the Greek word μάρτυρ, is witness. The definition of a martyr was: a person who testifies to information they obtained from personal observation or experience. In the best sense, there’s no compromise of integrity here. No self destruction required.

Sometime between 29-100 AD the definition of martyr changed. It came to signify a person who could expect at any time to be asked to deny their testimony under penalty of death. Let’s go back to the earliest meaning.

Humans gain an added level of meaning to their experience when there’s someone bearing witness. Why else would we gather together for significant initiations such births, deaths, marriages, holidays and other events where stories of family history and culture are shared? A public recounting of a shared past (for better or worse) might be the thing we want most from each other. Like Water, we yearn to be admitted unreservedly; all carried in the same current.

During the Metal Rat year intergenerational conflict may deflect us from our purpose. Some will be questioning the value of their heritage while others will learn that not everyone wants what they have to give. Bearing witness builds the bridge that allows us to rejoin. If there’s going to be a Deus Ex Machina it’s us.

Four Pillars of the Metal Rat Year

Hour Day Month Year
Yin Earth Yin Water Yang Fire Yang Metal
Sheep Snake Rat Rat
Hexagram 46 Hexagram 43 Hexagram 27 Hexagram 42


A Metal Rat arrives every 60 years. In other Metal Rat years there have been sweeping changes in American government but I know forecasting that for 2020 won’t be a revelation to anyone. I’ll leave it to others to make predictions of what we all know is coming regarding our planet too.

From December to March we can expect success with small challenges. Think of this as practicing crossing streams so you can be ready to ford the river later. Take this time to get yourself prepared to handle changes that may come quickly.

From March to June there will be events that cause food shortages and rising food prices. The advice from the I Ching is “Observe the ways people eat for guidance.” I’d say there’s a reference here to the impact of plant based or non plant based diets.

From June to September strategy will be more important than conflict when there’s a threat of attack.

From September to December it appears that women take charge. Expect sacrifice, charity and other actions that put the material world in order, i.e. the usual stuff.

In this Metal Rat year, as well as in bigger time cycles, Water is quite strong. The Fire element will become stronger as the year progresses but it’s embryonic and finite. The Earth element is weak. Metal is strongly expressed in a cold and possibly violent way because it’s indiscriminate. Wood is dormant.

In short, emotions will be running high and impulsiveness may lead to regret. There’s joy in the midst of loss. Calculations are required that cannot be made useful without faith.

The two Rats in the Four Pillars of the year start refer to ancestors and children. We will need to focus more on taking care of these and other vulnerable groups. Our loyalties will be changing at a time when we’re uncertain as to where we can be useful. Just look around you.

New ideas will be compelling simply because of their novelty so it will be important to distinguish between useful innovation and what seems useful simply because it’s new.

For example, Derek Walters, a 1936 Fire Rat without whom you would likely not be reading this, was the first to give access to authentic knowledge of Chinese Astrology to the western English speaking world through his books. Derek’s work sets a standard of scholarship in a field where calculation and precision meet magic. That’s a feat in itself. At the same time, in his most technical work The Complete Guide to Chinese Astrology, Derek’s innovation was to assign Roman and Arabic numerals to the branches and stems as a way to assist the reader. Many found this unhelpful. Interestingly, Lily Chung (who is also brilliant and whose Scholar Star is Rat), uses similar “codes” in her books. This is Rat stuff.

If we have any sense left this will be the year that we give up the idea that being the fastest, first or number one makes anything or anyone the most valuable or important. At the same time, in a way that is typical of yin and yang, we will need to question those who claim to be egalitarian because they may simply be uncaring.

Metal Rat 庚子 2020 Feng Shui Basics

Here’s what you need to know to get ready for the Year of the Metal Rat.

Tai Sui, Sui Po and San Sha

In the Year of the Metal Rat, which opens on December 22, 2019 at 13:04 to be exact, the Tai Sui is in the north. If you’re not already familiar with the concept of the Tai Sui you can think of it as the boss of the year. In some years people born under the same Animal sign as the year are considered to be offending the Tai Sui. In my opinion this isn’t one of them.

Seeing as how a Rat is associated with the water element, it seems fitting to say that the strongest energy of the year is akin to a firehose shooting out water from north towards the south. Being in the south on the receiving end of the firehose is an unfavorable situation.

The Animal sign opposite the Rat in the north is the Horse in the south. So for 2020 we can call the Horse the Sui Po or “year breaker”. The Horse is on the receiving end of the hose. Horses: Don’t let the metaphor freak you out. There’s so much more to this than the lowest level of understanding.

To continue with the firehose metaphor, obviously that blast of water is not just going to affect the Horse – it will also splash over to the areas on either side. The area between SE3 (Snake) and SW1 (Sheep) is called the San Sha or Three killings. I’m talking about the entire area between and including Snake and Sheep. The San Sha covers the area on the compass from 142.5-217.5 degrees.

So here are the rules:

  1. Don’t face north. You can spend time in the north location of your house but don’t face that direction. If your house faces north or south it would be helpful to consult a professional to evaluate your home and mitigate any potential issues.
  2. Don’t spend time in the south location of your house. That’s the Sui Po. Avoid as much as possible.
  3. Also avoid the areas directly adjacent to the south where the Horse is. That’s the San Sha. Avoid digging, drilling or other activations in this area. Keep it quiet if possible. If this is not possible, consult a professional (like me) who can recommend the proper timing.

Flying Stars for Metal Rat Year 2020

Flying Stars is a system used to identify energy pockets within a building, city, country…The base energy is the traditional Lo Shu where 5 is in the middle. In addition to the base stars which are static, there are the annual stars which move each year. There are also monthly Flying Stars and daily Flying Stars which you may be familiar with if you read my daily forecasts.

Each Star corresponds to a trigram from the Later Heaven Bagua and so each one also has an elemental nature. Some Stars naturally pair up. Some Stars play well together and some don’t. Some are helpful and some not so much. I won’t try to explain it more here as it’s quite complicated.

The map below will tell you the locations of the Flying Stars within your home for the Metal Rat year.

Annual Flying Stars

San Sha SE3-SW1
6 2 4
E 5 7 9 W
1 3 8
  1. As a general practice, we want to avoid the Wu Huang or 5 yellow, so don’t spend time in the east location of your home. Keep it as quiet as possible. Facing east is fine just don’t be in that area.
  2. The 7 star is in the middle (the home of base star 5) making the tai chi or center of your house another no go area for hammering, drilling or other such activations that cause disruption and noise.

I’m particularly interested to hear from people with Period 7 houses this year since I suspect the 7 in the center may make these houses more timely during 2020. What the heck is a Period 7 house? It’s a house of a certain age. Maybe. Get in touch if you want to ask about yours.

When to Act

Moving things around the house and placing Feng Shui cures and enhancements is best done between December 22nd 2019 and February 4th 2020. For best results find a good date. I recommend them in my newsletters and/or I can find one that’s tailored to you.

By using the information in this post and knowing your Ming Gua, you can probably figure out how to set up your home in a way that will help you make the most of 2020. Just compare your good directions with the “rules”. And of course I’m available if you want to enhance or mitigate rather than simply avoid.

Metal Rat 庚子 2020 Your Good Directions

Ming Gua, East and West Life Groups

The Ming Gua is a number that is calculated using gender and birthday in order to employ the Feng Shui method called 8 House, 8 Mansions or Ba Zhai. Each number corresponds to a trigram and an element in the Later Heaven Bagua. The Ming Gua is also known as the Natal Trigram, Destiny Number or Life Star number.

Do you know your Ming Gua? If not, send me your birthday and gender and I can tell you. Once you know your number you will be able to use your best directions for setting up your home.

The Guas fall into two categories in this system: East Life Group and West Life Group. You can use the chart below to figure out which group you belong to.

East Life Group Numbers West Life Group Numbers
1 2
3 6
4 7
9 8

Your Ming Gua gives the Life Group and the good directions for you. Each person has four and they support in different ways. Use them to set up your desk, bed, computer, tv and other furnishings. If you’re remodeling your kitchen you can use Ba Zhai to set up your stove as well. This requires a higher level of expertise.

Good Directions for East Group Good Directions for West Group

N.B. When you are lying in bed you are facing the direction your head is pointing.

What I haven’t addressed here is that there are also four house orientations that are appropriate for each Life Group. Do you know if your house supports your Ming Gua? Email me if you’re curious about your house.

And one more thing – you’re going to need to know if any of your four good directions are unhelpful in 2020. You may want to rule some out temporarily. I’ll be explaining that in my next post.

12 Animal Fortunes for the Fire Rat Month

Fire Rat 丙子 Month
December 7 19:20-January 7 06:06

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Fire Rat. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time.

If you don’t know them get in touch. Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

The Fortunes

Years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Month: December roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
I’d say your year starts on the winter solstice. That’s December 22nd. A Rat’s time is the night, usually out of sight until no one else is around but now you’re ready to step forward. This month is your window of opportunity to set goals freely. Be clear about who is in charge of the outcome.
Hint: The habit of waiting for others to reveal intentions, positions or plans before you do may not be as useful as usual. Dive in now!

Years: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Month: January roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
You’ve got the power and the support. The question is what are you going to do with it? Balanced Oxen will see a fertile field of opportunity and get to plowing early. Unbalanced Oxen will block their own success, possibly through illness. Seek the flexibility of the Snake. That could help you both right now.
Hint: Excessive stillness brings illness.

Years: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Month: February roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
Be careful of trying to over control as a way of avoiding the dark thoughts that come with this time of year. Since you don’t want to talk about it, talk about it. A neutral third party or a friend who will listen without advising would help even if you don’t think you need it.
Hint: You deserve it as much as anyone else.

Years: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Month: March roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
Your expression toward parents, partner or other long term supporters may be coming off as rebellious and disrespectful. You may feel the same way about them. Acknowledgement and respect could change everything if that’s what you want. Use your charm to disarm. Don’t give up.
Hint: Open the conversation.

Years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
Month: April roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
People are ready to work with you at a time when you feel like being noticed for your executive skills. Could be the beginning of a trend. Here’s your preview of the Rat year. Opportunities abound.
Hint: With ideas that bright I hope you’re keeping track of them.

Years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Month: May roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
A boring but powerful associate comes to your assistance, finally. It’s starting to feel like there’s a buffer between you and disappointment. Are you still feeling adrift? Could be time to travel. Go as an observer if that’s your thing. Just go.
Hint: If this year has convinced you that you’re always going to feel rebuffed your perception could prove it wrong.

Years: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Month: June roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
Come on baby light your fire. You like to be independent or at least you think you do. The spark is there. Consider how the Water element stimulates you; instead of fighting join. Emotional disclosure will sustain you whether you like it or not. Your high sensitivity is an asset, not a curse.
Hint: Do the self care to maintain it. Let someone trustworthy in.

Years: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Month: July roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
When friends are in need there’s no one who shows up as consistently as you. This month that could land you in someone else’s conflict. Charm might get you out of it though. Proceed with caution. Who is it you think mistreated you?
Hint: There may be conflict regarding your values. Stay true to yourself.

Years: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Month: August roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
For balanced Monkeys I expect insights and breakthroughs. Unbalanced Monkeys may struggle with feeling attacked or over emotional. For average Monkeys there will be all of these. Teaching could be healing because it lets you share your story in a constructive way. Writing works too. Step forward with confidence.
Hint: Talk, talk, talk. Use it as your tool rather than just downloading.

Years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
Month: September roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
You have the ability to influence others through your charisma this month. Reach out for social opportunities if you want them. Examine your ideas about commitment in the context of relationship.
Hint: Someone you know will back you up if you need assistance. Ask.

Years: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
Month: October roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
Respect for boundaries will go a long way toward people’s openness to you. And you could use some new friends so maybe give it a try. You don’t mean to intrude – you’re just doing your job. This is a good month to rewrite the job description.
Hint: Start with your definition of success.

Years: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1994, 2007, 2018, 2030
Month: November roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
Respite from recriminations. Take a deep breath or two. Flow freely. You’re extra charming this month so take advantage in setting up your holidays. Get out the 2020 calendar and start making plans. As Ishmael Butler says “Clear some space out so we can space out”.
Hint: If you want to speed things up make a plan. Make a list.

Fire Rat Month: For Faith’s Sake

When Water is at its strongest, Fire is weak. This is yin and yang; a cycle without end. The Fire Rat month emphasizes these elemental interactions.

Water tends to dampen our faith in things turning out right. We lose optimism. Do we stick or split? Do we give up and start over or stay the course? In extreme cases there’s a temptation to give ourselves permission to force things. We are impatient to escape the pain of not knowing what the outcome will be or the possibility of being wrong.

These are questions and feelings we want to avoid, yet even in difficult times there is at least one thing that is going right. What is yours? Is there more than one? Finding these things, however small, provides the Wood that you can use to keep your Fire going. As I like to say in moments of frustration and/or celebration: sh*t adds up.

I think faith has to do with Fire: our faith in it coming back each day with the rising sun. We have faith that summer will come and we will be able to grow our crops again. There’s faith that comes from being warm; from being warmed by food, touch, light, art, performance, music and words. For better or worse, we want to reinforce our faith with things we can see. That’s not always an option.

In this cycle of years, Fire becomes scarce and therefore a valuable resource, but you can’t hoard Fire – can you? It’s a lot like Water that way. You can influence it but only timing might allow you to believe you can control it.

The imbalance of Fire and Water sometimes manifests in the free market as the scarcity principle or scarcity value. This demonstrates how we only need to perceive something as valuable to increase its monetary value. It is not required that the item have a value beyond being considered desirable and in limited supply. Most of us fail to see there’s magic in that phenomenon and use it to our advantage.

If we create the perception of value by assigning it, we can go assign value to whatever we choose. That’s influence.

There’s my divine madness – a vision of sugarplums to dance in your head. Blame it on the Fire Rat. An interesting way to explore these ideas might be through the use of pyromancy or divination from fire. Want to play?

Light the fire and get comfortable because pyromancy is probably one of the more lengthy forms of divination. It’s perfect for a cold winter night. Watch for shapes and images in the flames. Let the fire burn down to coals and throw on some salt, aromatic wood, herbs, evergreens, pinecones… Observe the patterns in the coals after the fire dies down again. See what comes up. Keep a record of your discoveries. It could come in handy in the coming Metal Rat Year.

Here’s to the return of the light…and enlightenment. Happy Winter Solstice.

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