Kamala Harris Ba Zi

Kamala Harris was born in a 甲辰 Wood Dragon year – like 2024. She turns 60 this year which, in the system of Chinese Astrology means she has completed the Cycle of 60 Pillars. When you turn 60 you have lived through all the possible pillars, you’ve had at least a year of every possible… Read More

US Presidential Elections : Dragon Years

In the United States, Presidential elections are held every four years. The first Presidential election was held in 1788, an Earth Monkey year. Because the Chinese Zodiac follows a 12 year cycle, this timing set the precedent for US Presidential elections being held in Monkey, Rat and Dragon years. You can read more about that… Read More

US Presidential Elections and Ba Zi

The system of Chinese Astrology known as Ba Zi can be applied in analyzing any pattern and predicting a likely outcome. How might it be applied to the four year pattern of United States Presidential elections? America’s birthday is generally reckoned to be July 4, 1776. That was a Fire Monkey year (like 2016). The… Read More

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