The Rat in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year


Behind the Curtain

When you’re a Rat in a Dragon year, once again you control the frame, just as you did in 2020 and will again in 2028. What Rats do when they are in control this way is set a certain tone of concern about what is worthy of attention and what is important. Often the focus of their decisions involves Fire. Rats could probably go anywhere they like this year but I suggest, for your own safety, leave the south alone.

The prevailing energy for much of the Wood Dragon year is Water and that’s exactly where the Rat lives. This timing gives Rats a special gift for command in a year where their usual strategic skills are further enhanced. Rats, be conscious of who you are advising and their intentions. Ethics are important. While the Dragon is the boss of the year, you are the boss’ advisor and teacher or mentor.

The more grace you give, the more you receive. That’s the calculation for 2024.

The Wood Dragon year elevates the Rat. Rats have a higher, wider or bigger perspective which is exactly where a Rat likes to be. You are meant to see what goes unseen and this year makes it easier. Given your relationship to power in 2024, it’s your assignment to advise about what is going unseen. Get all the secrets out now. Actually, it may be hard for the Rat to avoid spilling the tea in 2024. You might do purposely or accidentally. What you expose may lead to some awkwardness in December.

Even with your good luck in 2024, it may not be a year where the Rat receives the amnesty from others that they think they deserve. There may be no special dispensations. It’s more likely that you will be required to give them. Ouch. Do you have expectations and attachments about what you are owed due to your work? I know I do. Let those for whom this is not true cast the first stone, this isn’t just a Rat thing. We could all use a reminder that life and relationships are not a transaction.

Rats benefit in 2024 from the ways they are untouchable, operating outside of the rules of time and space. Friends from the past show up as do friends of the future. It’s a year where you might decide to start/join a group or mastermind a reunion. For some reason, the word revival comes to mind. Rats are capable of organizing events on a larger scale.

Nikki Haley is a 1972 Water Rat by the way. She’s been on my mind for some time because in a Dragon year, a Rat would have a good chance to gain a high position. A Dragon probably won’t – maybe that’s Kamala Harris who is a 1964 Wood Dragon? I have asked for knowledge about who will win the 2024 US Presidential election using different Chinese divination methods and what consistently came up is that it’s a woman. Can you think of ways that might happen? But I digress…

Throughout the year, financial matters are fairly smooth for the Rat.

In the first half of the year, Rats are creative. This year offers a kind of creativity is special for you because it took many lonely hours to hone the skills required for it. If for some reason you’re not able to work with that creative energy in February and March, make notes of your ideas and plans for later execution. Rats will be inventive in this Wood Dragon year.

The second half of the year will be more about execution of ideas and plans – group pursuits. Rat and the Rooster will be the sweethearts everyone wants to work with. This timing may require you to come out of hiding, or maybe that’s when you can get others to do your work for you. When you don’t want to be seen or witnessed, I suppose that sounds good. Maybe it’s time to try something new?

In 2024 Rats will be perceived and witnessed, possibly as being too aggressive. While aggression is appropriate under the right circumstances, you don’t want it distract from your message. You might want aggression to direct the intention of your message instead. Meet with people face to face when you can, or at least over video. The advantage of being in dialogue is that you can explain yourself.

I say this because I think it will be hard for Rats to hide their expression and this year, it may be interpreted as anger on sight. I expect that Rats, like the rest of us, have generations of anger to express or to exorcise by making things right, finally. There are patterns of nepotism to break for one thing…Spread the opportunities Rat. These times require thinking one step beyond yourself and your descendants. And repeat. In an age of Fire, you may need to become adept at this to survive. This advice is for all, not just the Rat.

This year supports you becoming a better friend. To maximize your luck, team up purposely with the Dragon and Monkey. The Dragon will accept your legacy of knowledge and develop it. The Monkey is the multitool of the Rat and Dragon; encoding, repairing, making the abstract tangible.

In December, which will likely be the most exposing month of the Wood Dragon year for you, consider whether you may have made the outcome of the year too much about you and not enough about your homies. Right now, you still have time to change this. The Monkey’s contributions to the year may be overlooked without your advice as to their delivery. Throughout the year, take a look around you and see who is not appreciated. If you can’t draw attention to them, you can give them strategic advice.

In 2024, Rats are likely to show up in leadership positions or as consultants to the Dragon. Rats will also be getting some business courtesy of the Ox who even as a nobleman of the year may have too much of their own problem solving on their plate to be helpful. The Ox has higher blessings to receive perhaps.

One of the best blessings in any year is having a sunnier perspective and in 2024 the Rat will be feeling it. Life is good.

If you’re a Rat who is thinking of relocating you may want to do that this year, maybe in August. This might be you making a pre-emptive strike against a potential forced move in 2025 or in 2026 when it is your turn to be clashed. This year is a good time to consider how you might prepare for the coming heat. Use your good luck to prepare.

The Rat’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Inventions and inventiveness. If you lack time for executing them all, write them down.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
Look for ways to encourage others’ joy. Give an endorsement.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
If you see a friend making a mistake, break it to them gently. Have a solution in mind?

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
It’s a good month to protect your health. Take advice.

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
A stimulating clash comes with introspection. Ideas flow, your work can make money.

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
Observe your impact of your words on those around you. They don’t want to mention it.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Use up the Water. Seek Wood. Write, talk, give birth or be reborn. A big push.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
Draining or drained? That is the question. Breaking up or considering it.

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Boundaries crossed and broken. Does it matter if they’re not yours?

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Let people think you are small. You know how big you are when you’re with your friends.

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
A predictor of the next two years for the Rat. Meet people at least halfway.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
One last “routine” January. Changes will be coming faster in 2025.

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