The Tiger in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

Bengal Tiger

Can You Dig It?

Looking at the Ba Zi of the Wood Dragon Year I’d say that in 2024 there are many people like the Tiger who are all interested in the same resources, housing and money. In the annual chart it appears that there isn’t much to go around. This describes the current situation but not the “reality”.

Although there is still plenty to go around, the plenty is now only available for the few so the rest of us are left to compete for what’s left. That doesn’t have to be true. Some of the current energy of the Tiger is related to Boomers. This same Tiger energy could describe younger Tigers who are scrapping to establish a foothold in the world. This is yin and yang. In 2024 Tigers will profit from considering where you are on this spectrum and what they want to do about that.

Although Tigers were somewhat out of the limelight in 2023, in 2024 they might get dragged back into it by those who think the Tigers actions have been too aggressive all along. Are you one of those Tigers? I’m not sure that a Tiger will fondly remember this Wood Dragon year. It’s kind of meh, although your actions and decisions are important in shaping the collective future.

Where there’s a Tiger, there will be action even though the year is less eventful for you. February appears to be the most important month and it will be over before you know it. If you want to move things forward, it will be easiest in February and March. When we get the second half of the year, starting with the Monkey month*, expect more delays and pushback.

Maybe the Wood Dragon year would like Tigers to reduce their demands. Maybe Tigers would like the Wood Dragon to just cooperate for goodness sake. In 2024 you might find yourself in some kind of standoff unless you’re able to be content with small bits of progress in the context of a mountainous task.

Summon your patience. Apply your focus to the priorities. If there are big matters now in need of your attention, maybe it’s time to turn your attention to smaller matters that have been neglected. These small things are often the roots of what you would later call failure. You know this, but are you still convinced that the big impressions you might make are all you have to offer?

Whatever it is that’s been worrying you, are you ready to take a position on the issue this year Tiger? Are you willing to make your position known? 2024 is the year you find out that closing the deal was just the beginning. Now you have to deal with the deal you’ve made. Allies are exactly what you need with the Dragon present. Look to your network. Find out what’s been going on with people from your past, family and friends. Supporters can change your whole year in a good way if you let them.

While travel is a major theme for the Tiger in 2024, I wonder if there will be places to go when you want to go. Maybe you are trying to make some special memories? Tigers will be looking for the right kind of place, not any old place will do. Travel may become more challenging for you as we progress through the year. Older Tigers have some money to spend but where? Overly acquisitional Tigers may find real estate investments from recent years have not turned out well.

But still, the Tiger can get good compensation from their work this year, and Tigers will profit from travel and movement in 2024.

I can tell a Tiger all these good things but I can still feel their dissatisfaction with the direction they see things going in the bigger world. Tigers are dealing with generations of ancestral anger like the rest of us. The amount of tasks most Tigers have in 2024 make you feel that you are not good at any of them. This is not true. I’d like to suggest you can’t see the forest for the trees, because what I see Tigers trying to do is everything. It’s too much. What can you let go? Think big about that.

I’m asking what you can let go because I know that when Tigers get into an overload kind of situation, they might lash out at any movement or noise in their vicinity as a way of protecting themselves. If you love a Tiger, it helps to understand this. Maybe the threat the Tiger feels is one you can also identify with. There’s no excuse for bad behavior but empathy finds a way to talk about it and that’s probably what needs to happen. Tigers, don’t push your loved ones away as a show of strength. They will always see you as a leader.

The more open Tigers can be about what they want and what they want to do this year, the more it can happen. The more you can open your mind, the more you can move. The big risk of 2024 is becoming stuck in a place where anger crowds out the meaning of everything that really matters to you. It might not even be your anger. Don’t put up with that from anyone.

Tigers who want more satisfaction out of life this year may find it by seeking the meaning of things, rather than accepting what’s on the surface. It’s hard to make sense of this current energy. Tigers are not usually interested in the meaning unless they think it will give them leverage. What if the meaning is your most powerful lever? Investing meaning can change your behavior quicker than any thing else I can think of if you want that. Where Tigers will find the most meaning is where changes can be made. This is where you want to focus your work in 2024. Find the cracks in your life and get in there to open things up wide. Let other people in where you work and live.

In the first half of the year, you’ll want to try to get things settled in place for the second half. Get things done while it’s easier.

In February take care with being around people who are ill. In these times, it may be difficult to know who is for certain so take the appropriate precautions. While illness is part of being human, it’s not a contributor to good health. Illness is not a sign of weakness, health is not a sign of strength. Let’s get that straight. Mask up. You’re not an exception to the rule. I’m only bothering to say this because I care.

Tigers will find the best opportunities in June and October. In February and November your actions may be perceived as too aggressive.

Take care in May and August with travel. August may put a damper on your plans by way of accident or mechanical breakdown. If you find yourself among people who want to fight, be aware that their words may push you into being overly strong. Those are the times when Tigers might hurt themselves. Be aware of your own potential and actual aggression. Look for the hints of 2025 in May and August as well.

As always, if you want to know more about what the year will be like, you can look to the position of the Tiger pillar in your chart. For example, if you were born in a Tiger year, you might have more financial security because your parents are the type to help you out if you need it. Maybe your parents will travel to see you and bring assistance. Those are just some possible interpretations.

The Tiger will carry other nuances in the month, day or hour pillar. If you’d like to explore more of the meanings the Tiger has for you, ask your Ba Zi. Get in touch if you’d like a reading.

The Tiger’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
It may be worth the rush.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
What supports you or literally holds you up is the small stuff.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
You can’t do this alone and that’s okay because you have friends.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
Sneaky preview of 2025. What do you mean by ego?

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
Someone wants to save you. You can save them back. What’s the plan?

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
“Humbling” yourself with all the small matters.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Take care with travel.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
Becoming refined. Attention to appearance.

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Appreciate your wealth, whatever that means to you. It’s here.

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Reminders of why you left certain situations and why you are attracted to them.

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
Be the bridge between opposing parties. Deliver a message of hope.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Check to see what is still stuck under your paw.

* The Monkey month covers approximately August 7th -September 7th. Each year the dates may vary slightly.

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