Fire Rooster : Fire Under Mountain

Well, here we are a little over a year after what many people thought was a stunning upset in our Presidential election history. Whichever side you’ve chosen, you’ve got to admit that the Presidential campaigns and election of 2016 marked the dawning of a new era.

Photo by Ella Schwab

The Lap Yum for the Fire Rooster year, which is sort of a summary of a pillar, is Fire Under Mountain. Sounds potentially explosive, right? What was simmering for ages has finally burst through the surface. This applies to all of us everywhere. It’s not just about Donald, Hillary and Vladimir.

This has been a year to come out of the closet but perhaps not in the usual sense. All year people have been coming out, through public remarks and past actions, purposefully or not, as: hateful, damaged, an abuser, a rapist, ignorant, bigoted, misogynist, a traitor, a cheater, racist, homophobic, privileged, fearful, hurt, bullied, a victim, an accuser… It seems like the brakes are off when it comes to what we are willing to say this year. There’s a backlash against political correctness and going along to get along. Maybe this outpouring of disclosure will help clear the decks for next year and make for new ways of wielding power. Obviously it’s going to take more than disclosure. This is just the beginning.

These are the major themes I will remember about 2017

Can’t remember
Pretending everything is okay when it’s not
Vulnerable to being taken advantage of
Disclosure that you feel crazy and of what made you “crazy”
Stand off
Playing chicken

Trust issues
The exposure of lying
No recollection
Blame others
Weathervane – constantly changing direction/opinion
Jealous demands and demonstrations of jealousy
Demands for loyalty and demonstrations of loyalty
Outbursts of honesty

Name calling
Fake news
Open disloyalty and covert disloyalty
Covert loyalty and open loyalty
Questions of why after x number of years did so and so come out with that truth/accusation?

Many of these themes have to do with the clash of the Rooster with the Rabbit. On the Luo pan (Chinese compass) they are opposite each other. If you’ve got a Rabbit or a Rooster in your chart* the themes above may resonate more than for others. The Rooster branch is also associated with both a craving for attention and a short attention span. In a Rooster year we are all more inclined to bring attention through our words. The question is – is it the kind of attention you wanted?

Most conversations I’ve participated in this year have revolved around these core ideas whether or not they were spoken of openly. I am usually fairly perceptive about others’ opinions, but this year I’ve found myself surprised by my lack of discernment. Where I thought there was common ground it had either fallen away or was never there in the first place. While following my own path I had assumed that the people in my life had been learning the same lessons. Maybe they thought the same way about me. It’s been very helpful to dispel this illusion. I’ve found I can still love and accept if that is my choice.

If I was to create my own summary for the Fire Rooster pillar it would say “There will be explosions. First react, then respond”. The feelings and the reaction are just as important as what you do with them. What you choose to do is the response. Doing nothing is a choice too. Take that however it hits you.

*Contact me if you’d like to know what your Four Pillars are.

Floyd Mayweather, Jr. vs. Conor McGregor

My son Joe asked me to make a prediction for the upcoming fight between Floyd Mayweather, Jr. and Conor McGregor. I’m not one to follow boxing or UFC but I thought it would be a challenge and add some flexibility to my readings.

I decided not to do any research on either fighter before writing this, but Joe did tell me that Mayweather had retired from boxing in 2015 and that McGregor is not a boxer. I am using birth data and the fight date only for this analysis.

I am predicting that Mayweather will win. There are many reasons why that have to do with elements and timing, but you could sum it up by calling it good luck.

Fight Date

The day of the fight is Saturday August 26th, 2017. The fight is scheduled to begin around 9 pm Pacific Time in Las Vegas but Joe tells me they don’t usually start on time. Let’s assume the fight will begin between 8-10 pm which is the Fire Dog hour.

You can see above that there are two Roosters in the chart. Two Roosters together is called a self penalty. Because there are two Roosters in the day it will apply to every one of us on August 26th, regardless of what is in our own natal charts. The penalty has to do with attracting attention, strutting, crowing and cockiness. With the Monkey adding more Metal in the month, and the presence of the Dog in the hour, there is a lot of Metal. To McGregor Metal is his self element; to Mayweather it is his resource. There may be help from the Metal element for both fighters but I still don’t think it will be enough to help McGregor win.

The Earth Monkey month brings Mayweather’s 7 killings energy as this is what the Yang Earth is to the Yang Water. It’s a win at any cost sort of energy. But McGregor has this energy too. For him it is Fire and it is part of his nature. It is present in his natal chart in the Horse (day branch) and in the hour the fight will begin (see day chart above).

Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
February 24, 1977 Ox Hour (est.) ~ Age 40

Floyd Mayweather, Jr. is a Yang Water person.

The flow of ch’i in the chart is pretty smooth. He has a Fire flow which would mean he can make lots of money. That would also indicate he has many women in his life.

Two of the branches in the chart, Snake and Tiger, are called Stations. The Stations have to do with movement, staying in motion, and changing things up. The Stations, the many Water and Metal combinations in the chart, and the nature of Water itself makes for the type of fighter who seems to easily evade punches. He wins by slipping away. He waits for the right moment to throw his punches and win.

Ren and Ding combine in the chart to enhance his creativity but he’s already a tricky, calculating type of guy. If you think he is not smart you are about to be had.

The year pillar has to do with the physical body and shows Mayweather’s fighting style. He has a lot of different ideas. The Snake also combines with the Rooster (2017) which makes him more of a planner. He would see getting injured in order to succeed as a sort of failure.

Mayweather, Jr. entered his current fate of Earth Dog in 2013. The Earth Dog pillar is called a Fui Kong. McGregor has a Fui Kong pillar too (see below). This is the type of ch’i that would be required for a successful professional athlete. A person with one of these pillars can be an indestructible risk taker, capable of bouncing back from defeat and injury. It’s pretty handy to have this type of ch’i late in his career but it also means he is going to have to work hard.

The year 2018 is an Earth Dog, so it may be that we all have to show some endurance and take some risks next year.

Connor McGregor
July 14, 1988 at 12:30am ~ Age 29

Connor McGregor is a Yang Metal person. Metal is the sign of a fighter for sure.

There is an Earth flow to the chart. Earth is his resource but Earth cannot make Metal stronger. More Metal is what makes Metal stronger.

With the Dragon in his year, the Rooster should be helpful but on the day of the fight it may be a liability due to the Rooster self penalty. McGregor, as a Yang Metal person, will be more vulnerable to this energy than Mayweather, who is a Yang Water person. McGregor is susceptible to making some kind of mistake where he is distracted by something or showing off and takes a blow to the head. He may be talking a better game than he can deliver.

McGregor’s year pillar is Earth Dragon. This is a Fui Kong pillar and will reflect his fighting style because it’s in the year. The energy of Earth is like a piling up/piling on. He likes to grapple, wrestle, knock you down, land on top of you. He probably sees getting hurt as just a normal part of life. With the Earth Dragon in his natal chart and in the year position he is probably physically stronger than Mayweather. Obviously being younger is a plus too.

The power element for McGregor is Fire. If it was May or June or the Snake was present he would have a better chance of winning. Too bad summer is over.

Dragon Month : All Will Be Revealed

In April, after the rain the air is like a living thing. It smells of aspiration and dirt – everything is possible. The colors are brighter, the view of Mt. Rainier is so clear you can almost touch it. There’s a psychedelic quality to April. It reminds me of that Beatles song Because, which was released in 1969 – an Earth Rooster year.

In the Chinese calendar the Dragon marks the end of the wood season of spring. It’s the part of spring that is the most magical and changeable. The weather changes throughout a single day; today’s bright flowers will be spent tomorrow. There’s a poignancy in knowing it won’t last – except in the choices you make this month.

If you are looking to make a change then April is the month to do it, especially during this Rooster year. With the Dragon present you will find the things you thought were holding you back (including bullies) are really just the shadows on a wall – a perception that does not have to be your reality.

In April there is hidden knowledge under the surface. If you try to look directly at it it will slip away. Take a more subtle approach and see what you catch out of the tail of your eye. Don’t try so hard. It’s all there if you are open to it.

A Dragon manages impressive achievements and solves problems of all sorts without apparent effort or preparation. You probably know people who are like this or it may even be you!

Born in a Dragon Year: 1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000,2012
Born in a Dragon Month: April 4th-May 4th*
Born on a Dragon Day: *
Born in the Dragon hour: 7-9am**

*You need an almanac to get this right – or ask me.
**The location of your birth is needed to get this right – just ask.

Ox and Sheep : Clash of the Feminine

Ox and Sheep are two of the four earthly branches that are called vaults. Each one marks the end of a season. The Ox marks the end of winter which is the water season. The Sheep marks the end of the fire season which is summer. These facts alone reveal how different they are and yet they are similar in that they are both yin as opposed to the yang of Dragon and Dog – the other two vaults.

Ox and Sheep are both feminine or yin, but compared to each other the Ox is yin and the Sheep is yang. The interplay of yin and yang is always evident, sometimes even obvious, in any situation you can describe. All that exists for us exists in relation to something else. As much as we might sometimes like to think that we are separate, the lesson there is that we only exist in relationships.

Ox and Sheep both share the feminine qualities of being sensitive and maybe even psychic. They both have to do with fertility but not in the same way. Ox symbolizes a woman’s stages of pre fertility or post fertility. The life producing quality is still there but is distant and inaccessible. At the end of a cold and sometimes dark January (the Ox month) the wood season of spring begins. Above ground, Ox is a time of waiting for enough warmth to arrive to stimulate growth. Underground, it is the time that roots are growing and the life is stirring in the soil. The fertility and potential are there, it’s just not as obvious as it is during the fruitful Sheep month of July.

There’s a connection between the Ox and the Greek goddess Demeter. Although Demeter provides the grain and sustenance of life, she is not compliant and seems to disappear at will. She’s not afraid to go to the underworld if she has to in order to solve a problem. This is the part of women that many men fear. Demeter is a mother who sometimes appears in a form that is remote and intimidating because of the impersonal nature of her nurturing. Like Demeter, the Ox has rules that will be followed and that applies to everyone who wants to eat. In terms of time there are Ox years (like 2009), the Ox month which is January*, Ox days** and the Ox hour comes every day from 1-3 am***. That might be the time of the night that you wake up haunted by repetitive thoughts.

In contrast to the Ox, the Sheep is more like the archetype of Kore or Persephone who is a fertile young woman. Remember, the Sheep month of July which is about warmth and picnics comes right before the Monkey month of August which is about metal and reaping. The Sheep is ripe and a bit naive, more easily lured into relationships and groups than the Ox with her rules. To men the Sheep might be the younger, accepting, accommodating and non-threatening woman. In terms of time there are Sheep years (like 2015), the Sheep month which is July*, Sheep days**, and the Sheep hour comes every day from 1-3 pm***. In many cultures this is known as the siesta time; time to take a break and nap or do some wool-gathering. Afternoon delight.

The Sheep and Ox clash because they are so much alike. Being more about rules, the Ox has to do with religion or religious attitudes while the Sheep has more to do with spirituality and enlightenment. The clash has to do with conflicting beliefs and competition.

Although all women enfold the qualities of both Ox and Sheep, these clashes of belief are what we often see among women. The very things that should bring us together are also the things that divide us. It’s often a question about “Who is doing it right?”

Women divide along lines of age, whether or not abortion is acceptable, working outside of the home vs. not working outside of the home, having children or not, how to raise them, who has money or doesn’t, whose children/husband is the best/worst, who looks the best/worst, and who is the happiest/unhappiest. Still, women are known for being more cooperative and nurturing with each other than men are and I think that is generally true. It’s the same old dance of yin and yang.

*Chinese months don’t follow the same dates as the Gregorian calendar, starting and ending slightly later.
**You’ll need to use a 10,000 year calendar or a calculator to figure out the stem and branch of a day.
***When Daylight Savings Time is in effect you have to adjust the time to get the hour correct.

Fiery Patterns in Time : Metal Horse Month

I was going through my Twitter feed this morning and came across this tweet from History Link:

history link twitter

A historical tidbit like that is just the right thing to get me looking for patterns in time and circumstance.

Today is the first day of the Yang Metal Horse month, also known as Geng Wu. June 6, 1889 was also the first day of a Yang Metal Horse month. Here are the two charts:

Thursday June 6, 1889 2:45 pm
Thursday June 6, 1889 2:45 pm
Friday June 6, 2014 2:45 pm
Friday June 6, 2014 2:45 pm

You may already know that because this is a Yang Wood Horse year we can expect fire to be very strong in 2014, however, at certain points this year the energetic cycles will create super fiery phases. With two horses in the chart from now until July 6 we can expect extra strong fire. It’s the perfect set up for days and hours where fire will be particularly intense.

Representations of the Fire Element

Moving quickly forward and upward
Triangular shapes
Fame; notoriety
Creative ideas
Spontaneous awareness or understanding
Warmth; Heat
The colors red, pink and purple

Certain combinations of branches getting together in the chart, such as Tiger-Horse-Dog and Snake-Horse-Sheep, are the reason for the flare ups. Here are the days that will be real scorchers:

June 8 – Metal Dog
June 12 – Wood Tiger
June 17 – Earth Sheep
June 20 – Water Dog
June 24 – Fire Tiger
June 29 – Metal Sheep
July 2 – Wood Dog

I’m not going to hazard any predictions about what this month will bring – even if I did they would have to be pretty general. Depending on your day master element fire can represent one of 5 things in your chart: self, wealth, power, output or resource. Pay attention to events, your thoughts and feelings and you will understand the effects of fire on your chart this month even if you know nothing about astrology.

Coincidence or…What? October 21- 22, 2013

On Monday, October 21st 2013 which is a Metal Monkey (Geng Shen) day in a Water Dog (Ren Xu) month in the Chinese calendar. A Bing Fire (Yang Fire) day master that I sometimes work with has so many combinations in his bazi chart in this unseasonally fiery time that he became very strong. Coincidentally(?) he was offered two high level sales positions today. The type of metal in the monkey represents what we call his “indirect wealth”, meaning the kind of wealth that comes from things like investments maturing, gambling, inheritance, winning the lottery and…sales commissions!

The following day, October 22nd which is a Metal Rooster (Xin You) day he had a job interview that led to him getting a salaried position because the offer was so much better. The type of metal in the rooster represents what we call his “direct wealth”, meaning the type of regular income that comes from a pay check.

The real secret to his success? He kept on having meetings with people, networking, researching and applying for different jobs every day. When the good luck arrived he was thoroughly ready to receive the benefits.

Coincidence or…What? August 1st 2013

Today is Thursday August 1st, 2013 which is a Ji Hai or Yin Earth Pig day in the Chinese Almanac. Given that this is the year of the snake one would expect obstacles to travel. Coincidentally(?) I was taking my car in for maintenance that morning when the alternator died leaving my car stranded in the right hand turn lane of a big intersection in the south east area of Seattle. The wheels would not turn at all and it required a special towing set up to move it to the shop.

Later that morning I took my daughter shopping using my husband’s car and (coincidentally?) ended up stuck in traffic while traveling south east-ish. The cause of the back up was a collision between two semi trucks.

Coincidence or…What? July 24, 2013

Today is July 24, 2013 which is a Xin Mao (Yin Metal Rabbit) day in the Chinese Almanac. Coincidentally(?) a crew of men with chain saws, loppers and pruners showed up in my neighbor’s yard (which borders mine) to take down a good amount of height from the English Laurel hedge which is in the east location for my house.

Yesterday was July 23, 2013 which was a Geng Yin (Yang Metal Tiger) day in the Chinese Almanac. Coincidentally(?) my son injured his right hip. The metal in the stem and the wood in branch activated the Tiger and Rooster that are side by side in his chart. They are located in the hour and day pillars which would indicate the right side of the body. Metal versus wood can sometimes indicate an injury to bones or extremities.

Yin and Yang are Not Opposites

If there is nothing else that you can remember when you think about Feng Shui, please remember this:  any Feng Shui method or formula that works that can be explained by the relationship of yin and yang.

Yin and Yang are not opposites, but rather an expression of a relationship or relationships.  If we say that noon is yang, we must be comparing it to something like the yin of midnight.  Compared to the surface of the sun, noon would be yin, right?  Compared to a tomb, midnight would be yang.  In a house, humans are yang.  In the great outdoors, the puny human is yin.  Logical arguments can be made against any of these previous statements, again citing yin and yang.  Yin and Yang do not exist in the abstract, or on their own.  They only exist in relationship.  They are not absolutes.

I recently read a post by Zoe Foo on the 13 Voices site which discussed the conflict Feng Shui practitioners can feel when confronted with the “proven science as irrefutable fact”,  exoteric views of our society vs. the esoteric, philosophical and inspired nature of the theories that form the discipline called Feng Shui or Chinese Metaphysics.  Her post is another great example of dealing with the yin and yang in every day life.

For a student or practitioner of Feng Shui, this root theory of yin/yang creates a need to understand and work in the realm of relativism, while staying grounded in common sense and science.  Feng Shui, when applied properly, has to be a combination of science and intuition or inspiration.  I think inspiration is probably a more accurate term. Applying  Feng Shui principles effectively requires a drawing in or breathing in of the visible, or exoteric (i.e. the particular situation), resulting in a sudden insight via the esoteric, or unseen.  For this reason, effectively applied Feng Shui can seem like magic or a miracle – even though magic and religion have nothing to do with it.

Some people get mired down in this relativism, worried that it applies to the morals and ethics of the profession as well.  Why?  Because some people feel freed by this relativism to act unethically and immorally toward their teachers, students, fellow students and clients.

The practitioners I want to emulate are the ones who have  figured out how to live in this yin/yang existence, striving to recognize the relationships that are all around. They can live with the discomfort and the responsibility of having a foot in two worlds.  These are the consultants who worry about the quality of their advice and its implementation, rather than how much money they can make, or how many followers they have.  A consultant or teacher who respects the balance of the yin and yang cares what happens to you and wants it to be good.  You help them to learn by providing the opportunity to see the results of their advice.  Be careful and do your research before you choose a consultant.

If you are a student of Feng Shui, do your research before you choose a teacher.  If you are serious about pursuing your studies of Chinese Metaphysics this choice will matter very much to you in years to come.  Beware of those teachers whose great new formula breaks down when you try to apply the principles of yin and yang.  Students must remember that anything they learn must work with the yin/yang principles or it is not Feng Shui.

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