The Horse in 2025 ~ Wood Snake Year

Hephaestus for the Rest of Us

Put your head up Horse. You may get lost at times, but you don’t stay that way do you? A Horse is good at running away, which is probably how they become good at finding their way home when they want to. If you have disappeared, maybe it’s time for you to come back. Back to what is the question!

I’m going to be blunt: envying the dead isn’t going to get you anywhere, but grieving will. That kind of jealousy may beckon again now, but it’s not yours, it belongs to the year. In 2025 you finally have the strength to transform Metal again.

What would you like to make out of your grief? An anchor? A shield? An axe? A sword? A dagger? Or would you like more beauty? Maybe you just want to be able to breathe clean air deeply again. In nature a horse’s sense of smell is crucial for guidance, survival, and emotional wellness. I think this is true for Horses too. Focus on breathing.

What’s new in the wind? Celebrations are still important. Joy is too. A Horse is Fire and the Horse’s work is to perform a joyous rescue. A Horse’s job is to create Earth, meaning a safe place for you to be. The way the Horse goes about this is often by starting over from the ashes as their way to make it back to peak. Yes, the process can be dramatic.

For example, sometimes the sign of Horse can indicate an athlete. Not always – you have to be able to recognize it. One pattern you may see for professional athletes is that when it’s retirement time they reinvent themselves as entrepreneurs, salespeople and/or recommit to partner and family. For better or worse, they start over with things in a big way. Some professional athletes may not make it through this transition, falling into addiction or living a life troubled by injuries. If you need help with your next iteration, get in touch.

The way of starting over that Horses practice is pretty extreme. Starting at over at zero is hard work, not to mention it is not sustainable in the long term. Young Horses will have seemingly endless capacity to start over. It’s only when they get older they may realize that it’s not a strategy you want to use for every instance. Luckily the Horse is capable of learning and redefining success. Finding ways to get things done and still avoid the limits of your endurance is usually a better plan than burning out and starting over. If you use fights as a way of ending things, this year you have a chance to change that.

Horses like to shine wherever they roam. They like to stand out and often that energy is fun for others to experience. Being embarrassed is a natural part of the Horse’s life because they attempt the jumps where others balk. A Horse that is in hiding or doesn’t want to be seen might be unwell, or they might simply be at a low point.

I know a Horse who, due to physical illness, has been making jokes about being dead since 2020. Horses are very much embodied. Maybe this is why they like to play with unconsciousness. They think it’s their only respite. While Rabbits are health conscious and often do the work when it comes to maintaining health, a Horse’s motives around health are mostly about not dying. You know the expression, it’s not a threat, it’s a promise?

If the current climate of burnout is any indication, we have generations of Horses now who have to decide whether or not they are going to make a comeback, one more time. Horses who come to mind immediately include 1942 Water Horses Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell, 1954 Wood Horses Angela Merkel, Sonia Sotomayor and Carly Fiorina as well as 1966 Fire Horse Kirsten Gillibrand.

In the last five years, Horses have experienced a series of jolts in the form of reality checks and disappointments and death, as have we all. Now is the time for Horses to relearn how to put Fire to work. The same Fire of the Horse that can lead to burnout is the Fire that creates Earth, which includes food and safety. A Horses natural energy creates stability through Earth. It moves fast but it is inconstant. It’s at its best in short bursts.

In contrast to the last five years, Horses have no major opposition in 2025. You’re not clashed, you’re not in the San Sha, you’re not particularly on anyone’s radar. Good news! This gives you an advantage and on the dial plate this year the Horse is in the position of Great Advantage. You’re sitting next to power – that’s what gives you the advantage. Consider making friends with power in a way that will fuel your endeavors.

People probably are not expecting what you’re about to come up with in 2025 because maybe you’ve been unusually quiet or they know you’ve been struggling. You will probably surprise yourself too if you commit to fueling your independence. Being a Horse, sometimes opposition and resource are interchangeable. When you don’t have either, you might be wondering where everyone has gone but now is the time for friendship – the thing Horses are not as good at. Time to learn. There is no underlying let down for the Horse in 2025. Push your luck further by making good choices. This is the way.

In 2025 Horses can stand out in the academic environment more easily. This same energy could be applied to any learning situation. If you’re looking to change jobs or offer new products or services, do your homework. It will pay off. It’s likely you’ll be more persuasive than you’ve been in some time so craft your pitch and be clear.

For the Horse, this year of the Snake is made for falling in love again. Start with your current partner if you have one – see how it goes. Get back to sharing your feelings regularly like you used to. Horses have a special charisma this year that will get you more attention but may distract others from what you want them to notice. Be aware that you may be perceived as flirtatious or as someone looking for relationship drama. Are you? Take care with laughing off serious situations that you may have instigated. That’s not cool.

The Horse is granted the blessing of the 太陽 Sun this year, so shine a light on any problems or disease you find and it’s likely you can make great progress. Play with Fire. Bring things to attention. Enact solutions. Move on to the next project! As a Horse, having the Sun might mean being your true self: wild and gentle at the same time. Learn how to be generous as you like to do, without the self-sacrifice. Change the rules to fit each rescue. If you are lonely, seek true connection instead of passing distractions.

A special power for Horses in the Wood Snake year is the ability to create something seemingly out of smoke. Since you do have resources in 2025, this means you might create something quite special. Decide by February what you want to do with that gift and stick to it. Only indecision can get in your way. For Horses who are also cooks or participate in the culinary world, you might find your star rising; leveling up your skills at the least. If Fire isn’t a favorable element for you, this may not apply.

Your luck is still changing Horse, all in all for the better. Your good luck is good enough to outweigh any challenges in 2025 as long as it’s backed by solid choices. Perhaps don’t expect too much financial gain. There are other more sustainable joys for you this year.