The Monkey in 2023 – Water Rabbit Year


Driver’s Seat

Monkey, what I can tell you for sure is that 2023 is going to be better than 2022. In fact, it’s likely that you will easily solve any problems that are still hanging on from last year.

Monkeys can fly under the radar in 2023, at least after February is over. This will give you plenty of space to do your thing without interference. The flip side is, you might feel like no one is paying attention to you. If you want assistance, you will probably need to be the one driving it. It seems like the biggest danger for you this year is getting stuck in your own head so direct your attention outward.

Monkeys are not part of the Wood Trio of Pig, Rabbit and Sheep. If you know your Five Elements, then you understand that the Monkey’s relationship with Wood is a clash. Within this clash relationship, the Wood is the Monkey’s prize or booty.

To take this a step further, seemingly against the rules, the Monkey is capable of forming a special bond with the Sheep and Rabbit. This means Monkeys could have a special relationship with the “emperor” and one of their advisors in 2023. Are you capable of guiding power? Would you wield power for someone who would prefer to avoid confrontation or is not accustomed to it? Could you do it in a loving way?

For many a Monkey, a Tiger year problem is that more money goes out than comes in. This may be why inflation hit the Monkey harder than others last year, however, now you have a chance to stem the outflow of cash. You’ll still be spending a little more than usual in 2023, possibly on behalf of others. It’s possible you’ll be spending to get free of something. Try to stick to a budget anyway. If you have the means, consider making a small donation to a cause you support. Otherwise, the money you spend this year is best spent on you, that is, for health, education or self development. Spend on taking the opportunities that you want. Plenty will be offered.

This is a year for risk management. There are risks but you can manage them by way of information and investigation because in 2023 you have the ability to take in a bigger reality, it’s almost like you have an omniscient perspective. This is a great gift when it comes to solving your own problems, and other people will also be asking you for advice.

You’ll want to be very clear in your communications if you’re going to share your visions with others. People are used to your jokes and silliness so you might have to make it clear that you are serious when sharing what you see coming. Deliver your message first. If you want to use humor to release the tension, wait until understanding has been achieved. Don’t sell your knowledge short.

In 2023, use preventive measures to take care of your health. If you’re visiting/assisting sick people, or working in a health care or science related field make sure you are taking the necessary measures to protect yourself from infection. Take precautions in crowded areas, especially those that are poorly ventilated.

As is the case for the Sheep in 2023, people may want what you have, Monkey. I’d recommend you avoid showing off this year, but also learn how to share. This will be a lesson we all need to learn in 2023 when so many are in need of the most basic sustenance: food, housing, physical assistance, healthcare.

On the compass at SW3 this year we have Robbery Sha. This means the Monkey is at risk of material losses. Be careful of scams, scammers and robbers. Trust your instincts and be aware of your surroundings. Lock up doors and windows. Pay special attention to those that are located between 232.5-247.5 degrees. If you’re a Monkey who enjoys the nightlife, go in the company of friends and keep your wits about you. Don’t leave your drink unattended. It’s probably best not to go out alone.

One of the best things about 2023 for the Monkey is that people are apt to trust you. Maybe this suits your mischievous nature? You like your reputation for being unpredictable. That’s easier when people want trust you, isn’t it? Maybe it’s okay to let people know what you are thinking whether they are going to try to talk you out of it or not. You know you always do what you want anyway.

People’s trust might not sound like much until you think about it. What could you achieve with that kind of support? You can get financial assistance, borrow tools, find a place to stay, or anything else you might like. Just remember, for best results, whatever you borrow will need to be returned, probably by December. If people are giving you trust, hopefully you will honor that by being trustworthy.

Monkeys will do well to look to their associates Rat and Dragon should they want to team up. Rats may be the one to float you a loan while the Dragon can help you solve your problems. Your Secret Friend the Snake has a higher perspective this year, as do you. For this reason, the Rabbit year might be a time that the two of you can work together heartbreak free, that is, if you can avoid being swept away by the dramatic potential.

It seems that 2022 has set you adrift. Maybe you’re feeling like you’ve lost important attachments or that people who should be supporting you are not. I know this is a painful feeling and I want you to know that a big part of it is timing. It will pass.

While you’re waiting for that to happen, you may need to ask people for help if they aren’t noticing that you need it. If you’re feeling like just letting things go wrong because no one cares, get your self together. That kind of behavior creates a self fulfilling prophecy. The same people who loved you last year love you now and want to include you. If you’re feeling left out, do something about it.

Lastly, for Monkeys who lost a partner last year, or any Monkey who is looking for partnership, I hope you know that it’s okay to love again and there are potential romantic partnerships available for you this year. If you are recently widowed or already partnered, it looks like you may have some concerns about what people might have to say about that should your new love interest become public knowledge. Don’t worry about it, life is too short to wait until everyone tells you you’re right. I don’t think anyone could live that long, do you? So explore a new relationship if you want to. Be open and honest and it will be fine.

In that context, look for someone gentle who will understand your need for companionship and will respect that you want to be friends first. Let them provide some coziness and consistency that lifts your days. In return, offer your skills in fixing mundane things as well as your authority in executing. Don’t worry about defining your feelings about this, especially if you are waking up with more interest in what the day holds. If happiness comes, let it.

Above all, in 2023 I want you to remember that you can mitigate or offset any possible bad luck by doing good deeds. I know people say this all the time, and it does seem to be true, but it happens that this year’s Rabbit actually favors you in particular that way.

Job Title: Rebooter*
Allies: Monkey, Rat, Dragon, Snake
Best Months: April, May(?), August, December
Romance: If you want it.

Timing for all signs: Whatever you want to accomplish this year will need to be started no later than March. Plan on finishing by July ideally, but no later than the end of August.

*Watch for 1980 Metal Monkey Kim Kardashian to come out of hiding.

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