The Monkey in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year


Comedy Gold

After going through the cycle of Water, followed by the cycle of Wood, Monkeys might be feeling bitter. Maybe there’s been too much detaching for you. Is anything fun any more? Your love of tricks and pranks feels extinguished – but it’s not. Now you’re riding the wheel up. Do you understand now how time was needed for your new form to emerge? If you weren’t able to re-engage in 2023, know it will be easy in 2024. The Dragon knows you well.

For Monkeys who are feeling bitter, it seems to me that the pessimistic part of it does come from your life experience, as well as a feeling of helplessness. Monkeys will try to handle their hurt by appearing not to care, but I know you do. There have been many disappointments in the last few years, but here you are, poised to engage with the big world again. This is where you are now, regardless of the past.

What Monkeys have been through since 2022 is the raw material of the comedian – the jester that you are. What you have been through is what it takes to make comedy gold. It takes time to make it, it takes effort to dig it out. In 2024, you’re going to make something from those experiences. Make us laugh. Make us cry. That’s what you do so do it with love. Your words will heal you too.

Most of the time, what makes us laugh the most is the joke that connects with our darker emotions. It helps us to take on a friendlier relationship with them. Monkeys are the “relief valve” of our society when it comes to darkness I think. We don’t always give the appreciation they deserve for this role. Maybe we don’t consider the human experience behind the joke. Life is absurd and I feel like it’s cathartic to acknowledge it with laughter.

Don’t forget, there are times when being serious is required. Above all, keep language and communications beyond reproach with descendants, employees, students and other people you “supervise” if you don’t want gossip and disputes.

For those with a Monkey in any pillar, it’s a year for finishing. Instead of worrying what that might be about, choose what you want to complete! No matter what your age and/or their status, this completion might have to do with a parent or someone who was in that role for you. Most endings demand that we repeat them and this is just one of those times. Luckily the year has much more than resolutions to offer.

There’s travel in store for the Monkey in 2024, or at the least the desire for it. Go where you are invited. Invite others to visit or travel. This is important. You may have to invite yourself or take a lead role in planning. Consider the position of the pillar in your BaZi if you want to know more about what that travel might involve. Some reasons a Monkey might travel in 2024 are children, work, love, money, health or pleasure.

Maybe the travel IS the Monkey’s work in 2024, even if it’s a metaphorical journey. It’s going to be an emotional year, and you might think you don’t want that, however, the Water element is what will facilitate the changes the year offers. I hope you’re ready to talk more because the year is asking for it. Don’t stop communicating or you’ll find you keep getting stuck in the mud. Not again!

Maybe a Monkey’s travel in 2024 is related to being out of their home, or stirring things up at home with upgrades or renovations. If you have a Monkey in your day pillar, maybe you’ll move house and/or acquire roommates. As a person who moved 13 times in their first 15 years of life, I can tell you moving house is no joke. Even when you’re going somewhere you want to go, it’s stressful! If you don’t want to move, there are solutions I know of. Maybe you want to get a reading?

The Monkey is not overly driven by material things, but in 2024 you may find Monkeys looking for a better quality of food, clothing, cars, and even people. This isn’t something to be ashamed of. I’m going to guess it’s been a while since you made your surroundings meet the level of physical support that you need for long term well-being. You are worth it. You might be surprised how much difference it will make in what you can accomplish, and by that I mean, accomplishing the things you would like to accomplish as opposed to the things you have to do. A supportive home is not an extravagance. February is a good time to start stirring things up. In March you can reap some rewards.

Your suspicious tendencies in 2024 may serve you well in the context of home projects or other matters. Vet anyone you might make a contract with. Get a second opinion on prices or plans from people you trust. Aim to work with people you’ve worked with before, the ones where you had a good outcome. Just doing this will make for a pretty good year. Research big purchases. Secure construction permits, leases, and paperwork as needed. Don’t neglect the details.

For the Monkey in 2024 the energy is ascending. New opportunities are opening up, but at the same time people might not give you enough credit for your participation in the good outcomes. Projects that you start may be taken over by others who stand out more, maybe in August. Nevertheless, your talent will be strong and flowing this year, especially in April, August, September and December. It’s baffling when you can see the results of your actions but feel so out of control. I’m telling you now Monkey, this is all for a good cause.

Although you might not be winning the reputation it seems your efforts would merit, you’re in the right crowd if you want access to more recognition in the long run. Keep in mind that when you’re so connected to the energy of the year, that means you have good luck. There’s always someone who is going to feel miffed about that. Remember too, that if you’re running with the wrong crowd, maybe you should pay attention to those people who are miffed. Think about it.

If you want the cai, meaning treasure, money, success, booty… it’s probably easier to get in the first half of the year. You might think it’s out of your reach, but it’s not if you’re daring. Whatever is to you, in 2024 it won’t be long lasting unless you put the work in to make that possible. That might be asking a lot of yourself so don’t overcommit. What if you can just have fun? Your tastes have changed. It might be interesting to explore that, but there are always more opportunities to come. Like the bus, will come around again, just wait if that’s your preference.

The Wood Dragon brings a year where Monkeys can pass tests. Set one up for yourself if you haven’t done that already. New ways and opportunities to support yourself financially and otherwise will appear if you’re looking for them; new ways to express yourself too. Let yourself move on if that’s what’s needed. Now you are ready to see the open doors, the ones that have probably been there for some time. Let go of regret and be free again.

The Monkey’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Clash yourself. Start the project. Get uncomfortable.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
A fair challenge. is attracted to you.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
Your talents and work may be redirected. Express them anyway.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
Foreshadowings of 2025. Make some notes.

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
Consider stretching exercises such as yoga, tai chi, chi gong. Get outdoors.

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
If the Water has been too much, this is your break. Take some time off.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Let the Water flow through you. Emotional renovation.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
A cute person arrives to play, probably for a limited time. Yowsah!

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Some connections are broken here, at least for now. A natural process of the year.

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Safety first. Consider the impact of your actions on others who may not say anything about it.

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
Your agency is not lost. You’re here because it’s stimulated.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Only a fool would underestimate your stamina. Someone you might like is discovering you now.

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