The Ox in 2025 ~ Wood Snake Year

Metal Family Patterns

As I write this, we are coming to the close of the Wood Dragon year of 2024. This will probably come as a relief to the Ox. The relationship of the Ox and Dragon is not the warmest, and with the Dragon present the Ox usually experiences quite a bit of uncertainty as well as some loss. People may disappear from your life. Some of the loss may involve money, maybe in the form of necessary expenditures, but it’s the missing out on relationships that hits the hardest. That was 2024. Now we are entering the Year of the Snake that is 2025.

The sign of Snake is a family sign for the Ox and for the Rooster. Depending on where the signs are in your chart, we might be talking about ancestors, peers, your partner or your children. A well set up combination of all three signs in a Ba Zi can make a tight knit family but any combinations have potential for that.

Maybe in the Dragon year Oxen lost family, either through death or through their own choice to cut someone off. In the Snake year you might have some good luck pulling your group together again, or with starting a new family. If you had to take some distance from life temporarily, it is probably safe to go back now and see what’s left if you want that. Some of last year’s punches did come before and after the bell, and you were probably right to protect yourself with new boundaries. Don’t get stuck there.

If you’re honest with yourself, you might realize you feel very different now than you did in 2024. That usually means it’s time for a rethink. You know it’s better not to let these estrangements go on for too long, but for the Ox time passes almost without them noticing. The Ox will get lost in work and routine because it’s safe. They don’t mean to ghost you but maybe they don’t mind doing it either. Meanwhile, the hurt feelings on either side haven’t been addressed.

When the Ox is very angry, they may feel that withdrawal is the best choice. The Ox is good at storing up experiences, but maybe not at letting things go. A typical Ox problem is that they know they can annihilate predators (including Tiger), and sometimes they want to, but it makes them cry so they try to avoid that kind of energy. Revenge doesn’t make the Ox feel better. As my Mom used to say “What a deal”.

In the Year of the Snake, like the Pig, it may benefit the Ox to learn how to express anger effectively in real time, rather than letting it build up and erode your gravitas. Anger can be a Wood thing too, meaning go ahead and use that bellyful of Metal you carry around to increase the space for things and feelings you want. If you’re feeling bitter, expel it in ways that are safe for you and you’ll create healthier relationships. Consider clearing out “souvenirs” that you’ve kept (hoarded?) – the ones that make you feel sad. Maybe take a break from poking the wound to see if it still hurts?

In 2025, a liaison with power is one possibility for the Ox. You may find you have friends or associates in places that can place your talent in front of bigger audiences. There’s an underlying support for your words and work that doesn’t come around every year. Consider that when planning. It’s mostly going to be your special talents and your network that will help to make the year easier.

Speaking of special talents, yours are popular and in demand this year. Being an Ox means you like to work but if your attachment to that gets in the way of more intimate relationships, you might want to balance that out. Or – you might not! Sometimes the Ox is perfectly happy to keep working, preferably in a quiet place where they will not be interrupted. Employers love the Ox’s work ethic, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they care about you. You might have to look for that somewhere else. Try to remember this when you feel lonely.

Wood energy will be seeking out the Ox in 2025. That might mean a new boss or a new partner is imminent. Remember there are two kinds of Wood: yin and yang. You may sort out which is which by how it feels to you, and most of us have a preference about these things. Yang Wood offers a special relationship that reinforces the yin Earth of the Ox. Yin wood might have intentions of taking over yin Earth. I try not to characterize these elemental relationships as either good or bad. As I said, we all have preferences. Don’t be afraid to share your richness and explore yours.

In 2025 the Ox may be seen as a good investment, or someone to be trusted with important resources. Before you sign up for either of those roles, be sure you’re clear about the agreement and that it’s what you want. You are probably in a position to make some demands as long as they are not outrageous. Your ability to produce will support what you asked for. There’s a benefit to this situation as long as you figure out how to maintain your integrity. The only danger would be if you didn’t.

Oxen may be prone to being misunderstood in the Year of the Snake because they tend to stick to the same answers and explanations they gave that were not understood in the past. Do you sometimes feel that no matter how clear you try to be, multiple people misunderstand you? You know what they say…the common denominator might be you. When people don’t understand your answer, reframe or edit. If there are phrases you reuse in place of saying what you really mean, strike them and be more explicit. It hurts to be misunderstood, especially by people who have been in your life for some time. Get over it by doing better with your communication. Don’t be afraid to show some emotions. The Year of the Wood Snake may also have some lessons to offer about that.

What happens when the always sensitive Ox becomes less able to hide their feelings? I think you’re about to find out. Oxen may find themselves shedding tears more than their usual in 2025. If that’s true, let them flow. If you think it’s more appropriate for Ox women, as opposed to Ox men, to cry, I want to say I don’t. For some Oxen, this might be hormone related, but really what isn’t?

I think crying is an equal opportunity employment when it comes to gender. In public life we may find negative consequences for emotional expression. In private life, with practice, you may find it’s the opposite. In private life you can get positive consequences for emotional expression if you’re looking for that. Soften your natural tendency to turn Water to Earth.

Regarding health, Oxen may be accident prone this year, especially the athletic ones. Take note 1985 Wood Ox Cristiano Ronaldo and former decathlete 1949 Earth Ox Caitlyn Jenner: this is due to the energy of the year. Kylie Jenner, the daughter of Caitlyn and Kris Jenner*, was also born in an Ox year – 1997 Fire Ox. Kylie, being a former high school cheerleader is both sporty and sports adjacent. It’s not uncommon to see this kind of generational pattern in a family.

Whether you are sporty or not Ox, be careful with knives, needles, pins, or anything metal that might cut. Your words are Metal too, so take care with them in your experiments with communication. Avoid risky environments and high risk physical activities. Let someone else prune the big tree or chop wood for the fireplace. Find a sous chef.

I recommend you set up your plans in 2025 to stay put, because most of all it’s travel that might exacerbate your risk of injury or illness. Avoid it if possible. If you must travel, try to pick months and days that will make it smoother. Trust that your instincts will protect you if you honor them. Know what you know. Know sometimes you have to tough it out but not always.

As I always say Ox, the biggest challenges for anyone in any year have to do with what is going on inside your head. It seems important to tell you this:

Don’t count yourself lucky because others have it worse.
Count yourself lucky for your blessings instead.

Tally up the people and whatever else you love about life regularly. Every year offers good and bad. Financially speaking, things are about to get back on track and it’s true you’ve got a lot of work to do in 2025, just how you like it.

*Kris Jenner was born in a 1955 which was a Wood Sheep year. Note that Sheep and Ox clash.