I’ve rounded up some of the more detailed forecasts for the year of the water snake 2013 and listed them by author. They are listed in no particular order. Some are forecasts based on your year animal or year pillar, others are forecasts of world events. These forecasts will also give you an idea of how different people use different timing systems to determine the new year. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did.
If you don’t know what your year animal is click here and enter your birthday including birth time if possible.
The picture below illustrates the proper feng shui according to the Land Form School. Many people consider Land Form the most powerful feng shui method. Note that the house mimics the position of a person sitting in an armchair with an ottoman in front of it. This configuration is sometimes known as the “comfortable armchair” and just like your favorite armchair it will make you feel protected, safe and relaxed.
Land Form School “Comfortable Armchair”
The positions of the Tortoise, Dragon, Tiger and Phoenix are all assessed from the perspective of the person in the house. If you want to know which side is which, go and stand in the front doorway of your house* and look outward. The tiger side is on your right and the dragon side is on your left. Ideally, the land on the tiger side should be slightly lower than the land on the dragon side. If that’s not the case for you it may be possible for you to change this via landscaping or feng shui adjustments.
But for now we’re going to ignore considerations of the compass, five elements, colors, climate, exposure, etc and focus solely on which plants are appropriate for the dragon side based on yin/yang.
The dragon side is meant to be protective and active (yang) while the tiger side is meant to be receptive and quiet (yin).
Plants with big leaves belong on the dragon side of the garden.
Fatsia japonica leaf. Image from Wikipedia.Petasites Japonicus var. GiganteusAcanthus Mollis leaf. Photo from Wikipedia.Gunnera manicata. Photo from Wikipedia.Paulownia tomentosa¹. Photo from Wikipedia.
Trees add protection and the trunks have that upwards, woody energy that is yang. Bamboo carries that same energy. You can use landscaping and trees to make the dragon side “higher” than the tiger side of the lot, which is considered proper when using the Land Form method of feng shui.
Choose trees carefully and don’t plant them too close to the house. Before planting, think about how big the tree will be in 30 years. To my mind, evergreen trees are the best choice for the dragon side.
Eucryphia x Nymansay in bloom with bee visitorBark of the Arbutus “Marina”Arbutus unedo or Strawberry bush
Woody evergreen shrubs are also a good choice to support the dragon side of the garden.
Umbellularia Californica (Oregon Myrtle)Myrica californica (indestructible in the PNW and a good substitute for bamboo)Rhododendron. Photo from Wikipedia.Pittosporum tobira variegata or Japanese Mock Orange
Thorny or dense plants for protection, are appropriate for the dragon side. Keep them planted and pruned well away from where people will be walking or sitting.
Chaenomeles Superba “Hollandia” or Flowering QuinceBerberis darwinii. Also know as barberry.Mahonia aquifolium “Oregon Grape”. Image from Wikipedia.Poncirus trifoliata or Flying Dragon. A literal choice? Image from Wikipedia.
Some people might say you should not have any thorny plants in your garden or that flowering shrubs and trees belong on the tiger or yin side but I disagree. I think you just have to find the right place.
I’ll do another post about what you might want to plant on the tiger side later.
*Just FYI: This is a very simplified explanation. Your front door may or may not correspond to the facing of your house. If it does not, this information may not apply. It depends…
¹ Regarding Paulownia tomentosa: I’m pretty sure Judy Thomas has one of those in her garden. I believe she cuts it down each year so it doesn’t overgrow the space.
We’re coming up on the end of the year of the Yang Water Dragon or Ren Chen. How was it for you? I think it lived up to the predictions of sudden changes and reversals. One step forward, two steps back. A year of hard work just to stay in place, rather than moving ahead.
In terms of the garden I’d say Ren Chen was a good year. I didn’t lose any plants last winter and don’t expect to this year. As I write the Daphne bholua, hellebore and Yuletide camellia are in bloom.
Daphne Bholua in Bloom 2013Helleborus x Balliardiae “Cinnamon Snow”Camellia Sasanqua “Yuletide”
The little gardenia hedge is sheltered enough by it’s location and the more mature plantings this year so no winter damage so far. If I feed it it will probably go like gangbusters this year. The only thing that really stands out about the year in the garden was the very, very dry fall and how much watering was needed even into October.
But now it’s time to start thinking about the coming new year of the Yin Water Snake. In the Chinese Zodiac the sign of the snake is associated with the truth and truth telling and therefore also its opposite: lying.
Snake in the Grass
In general you’ll want to be aware that the year of the Yin Water Snake is also called “Snake in the Grass”. Etymologically speaking, the word “snake” describes something that creeps or crawls. The idea is that it’s easy for the snake to go unnoticed until it’s too late. The phrase “snake in the grass” also carries a sense of betrayal and so we sometimes apply it to backstabbers and traitors.
That may give you a hint to proceed with circumspection this year. There may be hidden dangers ahead or you may find that circumstances are not what they seem to be. Be careful of those who are not telling the truth. Don’t be afraid of those who are and are branded as rebels.
In terms of practical matters here’s the least that you need to know if you have projects to do after February 3rd, 2013:
Tai Sui
The Tai Sui or Grand Duke is located SSE (compass degrees 142.5-157.5) in the year of the Snake. If your house faces SSE it is clashing the Tai Sui. You need to avoid activating that direction by minimizing movement. No construction or digging in this area.
Sui Po
The Sui Po sits opposite the Grand Duke so this year it is the Pig and is located at NNW (compass degrees 322.5-337.5). No digging, renovation or construction in this area. If you spend time facing NNW this will be helpful because it puts the Tai Sui behind you.
San Sha
For the year of the Water Snake the San Sha are located in the east from ENE or Tiger mountain to Dragon mountain in the ESE. This covers the compass degrees from 52.5-127.5. Keep the areas quiet; no digging, construction or drilling should be done. Avoid having your back to those directions.
Flying Stars
This year the Flying Stars chart is the same as the Post Heaven Bagua. Here is the Flying Stars chart for 2013:
Post Heaven Bagua or Lo Shu
Every house (and every lot) will have the 5 Yellow Disaster star in the center this year. This means you’ll want to try to minimize use, noise and traffic in that area if possible. If the center of your house is an area that is used often, such as a stairway, bathroom or kitchen hopefully you have already hired a feng shui consultant. If you haven’t, this would be a good time to do that.
For most residential lots the house is covering the center of the lot but if this is not the case for you then you must not dig holes, install a fountain, build a playhouse, or install a swingset in the center. Don’t set up the above ground pool in the center. You get the idea.
Four Pillars or BaZi
Another way to look at the new year is to consider Four Pillars.The first day of the new astrological year is thought to set the tone for the year and is used to make predictions for the year.This is the BaZi Chart for the first day of the Water Snake year:
Four Pillars Chart for Water Snake Year
Richard Ashworth predicted that Obama would win the recent election based on his birth chart and the relationship to the chart for 2013. Obama was first elected in 2008 which was the year of the Yang Earth Rat or Wu Zi. The first hour of the Water Snake year is Wu Zi or Earth Rat. Since he won in 2008 the energy of the first moments of 2013 predicted another win and he could be expected to be our president in 2013. The first day of the water snake year is Yin Metal Ox – a match with Barack Obama’s birth year.
Barack Obama’s Four Pillars Chart
One of the aspects of Chinese Astrology that I find most interesting is the concept of energy/time cycles. For example one might see an Earth Tiger day as the “preview” or “historical perspective” for an Earth Tiger year. I like to keep up with the daily energy by tracking the almanac and taking note of what the day was like for me. If you study Four Pillars this is a helpful way to figure out what your favorable elements are.
I wanted to know what the Water Snake year was going to be like for me so I took note of the day’s feelings and events on November 28th, 2012. That day it was easy to do some clear thinking and writing so I worked on a BaZi chart that had been sent out as homework by a teacher of mine. I got the best feedback that I had ever received from that teacher. I have high hopes for 2013, but just knowing that I can make some real progress with my studies isn’t enough. I have to actually take action. I don’t think 2013 will be my luckiest year but I’ll make the best of what is offered. That way when my luck is really good I will be ready to fly.
Thank you for reading my simple summary. If you want to read detailed predictions for 2013 then check with an expert like Richard Ashworth or Bernice Low (aka BaZi Queen).
Whether or not this is a lucky year for you, keep working hard, doing good deeds and focus on personal growth. Free will and choice are just as important (and sometimes stronger) than any other factors that influence your llfe.