Using Feng Shui Outdoors

One of the ways in which feng shui was westernized in the 1990s was by placing the emphasis on what is happening inside of the house. It made the concept of feng shui more palatable to the average person because it seemed to be mostly about re-decorating, placing symbolic objects, and making color choices. The original Chinese approach of working with energy may be less attractive than the interior design approach because the interior design approach allows us to focus on the house itself, and sort of gloss over the need for people in it to make choices and act.

While interior form, decoration and clutter are important to address, they should be considered as a sort of second layer of the analysis. Going indoors, taking the compass degrees and other such factors are appropriately considered after the outdoor form. The outdoor form is stronger and more important.

Exterior form should be assessed as the first part of a feng shui analysis because it determines how, where, and how much energy is available to your home’s interior. This type of assessment also reveals any sources of negative energy. You just can’t proceed to an accurate conclusion without knowing where the chi is coming from, where it’s going and where it enters and leaves the property. What you also need to know is how to use the bagua and which one to use.

Most people who have read a book about feng shui or studied it at all are familiar with what is called the “Later Heaven Bagua” which is the arrangement of the 8 Trigrams used for indoor feng shui analysis and adjustment. Each trigram can be associated with a certain family member such as mother or father, a phase of life like youth or middle age, males or females, etc. The meanings of the trigrams don’t change but their positions do depending on whether you are using the bagua indoors or outdoors.

Qian Trigram
Qian Trigram

The Qian trigram is associated with the father, the oldest male, males of the house, authority, bosses, and the element of metal. We use its position on the bagua to check for any problems in the areas of the lot or house that will affect that gua or area. If you are working indoors the Qian trigram is located in the NW sector. If you are working outdoors the Qian trigram is located in the S sector. Why?

When you are working with energy indoors you need to use the Later Heaven Bagua. The Later Heaven arrangement is meant to reflect life on earth with its seasons and unique geography, rather than the primordial and perfect arrangement of the Early Heaven Bagua.

Later Heaven Bagua for use indoors
Later Heaven Bagua for use indoors

When you are working with energy outdoors what you want to be considering is the Early Heaven Bagua”. Let the Qian trigram be your guide.

Early Heaven Bagua for outdoor use
Early Heaven Bagua for outdoor use

So – if the man of the house is finding it difficult to succeed in his career, usually you will check the northwest location of the house. Hopefully you won’t find a bathroom there. In addition, you’ll want to check the South to see if there is anything to clean up or any of what is called sha or negative energy that could be causing trouble for him.

Yin Water Pig Month and the Water Element

Thursday November 7th is the first day of the Yin Water Pig Month, also known as Gui Hai. Since the main element of the pig is yang water, the pillar for the month is yin water sitting on top of yang water. An entire pillar of water (except for that tiny bit of yang wood hidden in the pig). In terms of feng shui and bazi the element of water represents many different things.

The Element

Gui Hai Pillar for SJS

The element of water is yin by nature and represents wisdom. The presence, location and strength of the water in a chart can tell you something about a person’s intelligence. The water element also represents the emotion of fear, the season of winter, cold, a salty taste, a putrid* smell, and the colors blue and black. Qualities of water are flexibility, calmness, and a yielding or receptive nature. The natural movement of water is downward, seeking the lowest point.

In general terms of five elements and bazi, water is about output: emotions, words, talents, creativity. Too much output in a bazi chart elementally works against a person’s self control. Lots of water in a chart may also make it difficult for a person to sit still or stay put because of its inherent quality of movement.

The Month

The month of the pig will provide a big contrast to the fiery phases we experienced in month of the dog that just ended. For some people the water energy will provide a welcome respite from the fire. For others it may “put a damper” on things. It all depends on your day master and your favorable elements. Don’t know if water is a favorable element for you? Maybe you should have a Four Pillars analysis – OR – just keep track of events during the month and come to your own conclusions. You might be surprised by what you learn about yourself.

Very General Predictions by Day Master

To determine your day master or day pillar, click here. The element at the top of the “Day” column is your day master.

Wood Day Master

If you are a wood day master water is your resource. If water is favorable to you then you might find it easier to absorb and use information this month. You might feel smarter or feel your intuition is stronger than usual.

Fire Day Master

For fire day masters when water is a favorable element it can enhance your self control, power and fame. This might be a good time to ask for a raise, for a promotion or seek a new job.

Earth Day Master

If you are an earth day master and water is a favorable element in your chart you might find more money coming in November. If you are a man you may find you are more interested in or captivated by women this month.

Metal Day Master

Metal day masters who have water as a favorable element in the chart may find themselves more creative and expressive than usual. You could be a great communicator or teacher this month.

Water Day Master

For water day masters the element of water represents peers and friends. If water is favorable in your chart it could be a month where you get support and help from others, as well as enjoying socializing.

As always, none of this information applies unless you ACT. Don’t sit back and wait for good luck to happen. Keep things rolling along in the direction you want to go.

*Putrefaction is the stage of decomposition that changes solids into liquids – seems like the appropriate word choice.

Feng Shui for Gardeners 2014 : Year of the Yang Wood Horse (Jia Wu)

As you are wrapping things up in the garden for 2013 it’s time to think about next year’s season and make plans for various projects. If you’ve read any of my other posts about Feng Shui for gardeners you’ll know I’m about to tell you what areas you should not disturb next year. If you want to cut to the chase scroll down to the summary at the bottom of the post.

Just as there are areas in your garden where you’ll want to avoid digging, stump grinding, cutting down big trees or doing other noisy activities, there are also areas that you may want to activate.

Year God, Year Breaker, Three Killings (Tai Sui, Sui Po and San Sha)

Now let’s start with the usual stuff. 2014 is the year of the Yang Wood Horse or Jia Wu. It is also sometimes called the year of the Green Wood Horse or Horse in the Clouds.


The point is that the Horse is in charge for the year and is called the Tai Sui or Year God. The god part isn’t about religion, it refers to the type of energy represented by the horse being the predominant energy of the year. Horse energy is a southern, fiery energy and so it is the Rat with its northern watery energy that is in the position of the Sui Po (or Year Breaker) for 2014. In general, avoid facing south or having your back to the north. If your head points south or north when you are sleeping, or you sit at a south facing desk all day, you might consider changing the position of your furniture. The San Sha or Three Killings energy is also located in the North in 2014.

In the garden you need to avoid disturbing both the south representing (among other things) the father and males of the house and the north representing (among other things) the mother and females of the house. The strongest concern is for young men and women of the household. If you want exact compass degrees for any of this or want to know if there’s a way to do your big project without getting yourself in a bind please contact me.

Flying Stars 2014

For 2014 the Annual Star is 4 which corresponds to the wood element, the oldest daughter, middle aged women and many other things. The annual star, the period star, and the stars corresponding to the sitting and facing direction of the house can be analyzed to give clues about what will happen to whom and when it will happen that year. For example if there is a single woman who wants a relationship, we might look for the 3 star to come into the house in the right place since 4 is in the center for all of 2014. That’s a generalization.

Flying Stars for 2014 with compass directions
Flying Stars for 2014 with compass directions

The thing you’ll want to pay attention to is actually called the Yellow 5 Star which has the reputation of bringing about all sorts of nasty results if it is not dealt with properly. It will be located in the northwest in 2014. Since the metal element of the northwest will naturally exhaust the earth element where the 5 is located (like babies exhaust mothers) it’s less worrisome. In this case pay attention to the northwest area of the house. Is there an exterior door, bathroom or kitchen? The more active the area the more likely it may generate some trouble. Try to keep the northwest area calm both outdoors and in. No digging or renovations in the northwest. One last thing: don’t place water in the northwest next year.

Four Pillars or BaZi

Jia Wu Pillar for sjs

The year of the Yang Wood Horse begins on February 4, 2014 with the month of the Yang Fire Tiger. That’s quite a bit of fire and wood together.

When the new year pillar Jia Wu or Yang Wood Horse comes into play it is important to consider its interaction with your natal chart. Each pillar (year, month, day, hour) in your natal chart can interact with the year pillar, as well as the monthly and even hourly pillars as they arrive. When your favorable elements come into the chart and are timely, that’s what we call good luck.

The Yang Wood Horse pillar is made up of wood energy being burned by fire energy. The wood may get too dried out. The wood also fuels the fire so to speak, thus the fire energy is strong. That may lead to clashes with the water element.

I expect to be watering more than usual in 2014.


Guidelines to follow starting on February 4, 2014

  • Do not dig, renovate or otherwise disturb the south, north or northwest of the house or lot.
  • No water elements in the northwest.
  • Do not face north or sit with your back to the south.
  • If your head points north or south when you sleep consider moving the bed.

There’s still plenty of room to play in the garden in 2014, along with more than the usual amount of interesting energetic combinations happening that I can’t even begin to explain in a blog post. If you’d like a Four Pillars analysis or Feng Shui consultation to help with your planning please contact me.

I wish you good luck in 2014!

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