Rooster Month: Stuck On the Yin Side?

The lack of good water placement dates this month is indicative of the Rooster’s uneasy relationship with Water. I’d say it’s something like seduction vs. truth telling. I don’t necessarily see those concepts as opposites or mutually exclusive even though they often seem to play out that way in real life.

In a Rat year the Rooster month signals the possible timing of a breakup rather than the beginning of a long term proposition. This will be a choice, not an inevitability. The Water element of the Rat gives us emotional expression, communication and intimacy – or not. That’s up to you. The position of the branch(es) in your natal chart will tell you what to expect. Get in touch if you want to talk about yours.

The Rooster is called a Peach Blossom branch and naturally attracts the attention of the Monkey, Rat and Dragon, also known as the Triple Water Combination. The Rooster, being a branch of pure Metal, also produces or supports Water. A Rooster tends to pump up the Water element to overflowing if you get my meaning. Right now, this kind of attention could be draining for the Rooster. Rooster month is not the time to seek it.

This time around the Rooster month is a Wood Rooster. The Wood Rooster is sometimes called the Rooster crowing at noon. That’s too late right? Or is it way too early? Is it a false alarm or an emergency? It’s difficult to say. With so many warnings in play these days, you might be tempted by the potential bliss of ignoring all and hoping for the best. I get that, however, I think you’ll find it more helpful to think about what you under/over emphasized in September 2005. What deals did you make then? What would you do differently now?

If you’ve got a Rooster in your BaZi, the excess Water of 2020 could be a release, welcome or not, of what you’ve been needing to express. In some cases this same excess Water may instill a deep and cold fear in the Rooster; an insidious damp. Some Roosters will experience this on a physical level. There are names for this condition in traditional Chinese medicine that, unlike those of Western medicine, imply there is a way to heal. The cycle of the Five Elements is at the root of the difference here. There is no element that is bad or wrong but you’ve got to keep up with tweaking the levels. Like acupuncture and herbs, the practice of Feng Shui is a way to interact with an energetic system in a way that supports its self regulation; a return to health.

Water is moving, flexible and unstable, therefore it comes with pitfalls and risk, both literally and metaphorically. If you know your trigrams this is Kan, the middle son, the emotional one. In the Flying Stars system it’s Star 1 which occupies the center of every building along with Star 7 (yin Metal like the Rooster) until October 8th. If your anxiety is running high you’ll want to know it does have some relationship with timing.

When there is too much Water, the Rooster may employ spiritual bypass, or other addictions, as a coping mechanism. On the other end of the spectrum, the Rooster may decide to pick a fight. The Rooster is so yin that they often come across as yang; extreme fear manifesting as extreme aggression and other types of self harm.

Many a Rooster will have decided, in an attempt to hide their own imperfections, not to let people in. With a Snake present it will take longer to realize this because the Rooster will be secretive, or at least prone to omit. Trust doesn’t come easily when you’re afraid you will be displaced or discarded for your flaws. If this speaks to you my question is: do you understand you could be missing out on the experience of loving and being loved?

This month is a time to remember that perhaps you are being haunted by your own standards, not by those of others. What do you care about? What are your rules? Can you live up to them? Is it humanly possible? Can you see that there is no perfection without imperfection?

The Rooster’s exacting nature is one reason people think Roosters are cold hearted. They’re not. Yang fire is reborn in the Tiger, but yin Fire is reborn in the Rooster. It’s a candle flame that needs encouragement, so stoke it by recognizing and celebrating your successes no matter how small you think they are. They are enough. Let yourself be satisfied.

Given that we’re all prone to the Rooster’s self clash this month, it’s tempting to choose to dam up until we feel it’s safe to communicate, or open the flood gates when we’ve reached the breaking point. You’ve probably already learned that those methods isolate and exacerbate. I know that’s not what you want. And forget the idea that there is such a thing as one and done when it comes to communication. Handle the Water drop by drop instead. If you’re questioning whether you have any endurance left for that, the answer is yes.

“I used to hate myself but now I think I’m alright”
Small Poppies by Courtney Barnett (Fire Rabbit Year)

12 Animal Fortunes for the Wood Rooster Month

Wood Rooster 乙酉 Month
September 7 13:12-October 8th 05:15

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Wood Rooster. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time.

If you don’t know them just ask! Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

The Fortunes

Years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
Month: September roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
Whatever you’ve been battling since last fall can end now. The price is your consistent attention. Look inward and outward at the same time. Find the Dragon, bring back the ganas. ¿Entiende?
Hint: Don’t let fear trump endurance. You do have it in you.

Years: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
Month: October roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
The Rooster month may seem like a whole lot of going on about nothing, but there’s valuable intel in the mix. Clear out some space now to accommodate next month’s healthy boundaries.
Hint: Prick up your ears.

Years: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1994, 2007, 2018, 2030
Month: November roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
So much of this year has hinged on startling revelations of unspoken values and alliances of acquaintances, family and friends, but this month makes it crystal clear who you can count on.
Hint: It’s all out in the open now. Believe it.

Years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Month: December roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
Romantically speaking (and in other relationships) you hold the whip hand this month. In case of break up, a Rat might either go over the top with giving the reasons why they’re leaving or disappear like a ghost. Have a heart!
Hint: Seek emotional intelligence for the win-win

Years: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Month: January roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
You’d think the metal of the Rooster would mean the Ox is productive but at this point in the calendar Earth is worn out. Take some time to play and rest. Attention to appearance may provide an advantage if you want one.
Hint: Finish, refine, edit what you can.

Years: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Month: February roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
You’re luckier than you realize. I say this because I can tell you’re not feeling it. Your relationships with those you think are least like you are prominent this month. Seeking them out supports a healthy growth pattern.
Hint: Embrace the discomfort to reap the reward.

Years: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Month: March roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
Disagreements about gender, sexuality and loyalty arise, seemingly out of jealousy and bitterness. Some of this may have to do with parents. We all make mistakes that we regret.
Hint: You might one day find yourself in the same position.

Years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
Month: April roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
A strong attraction or attachment brings demands for you to change shape or define your position. Could be a request for commitment. Incorporate the dissonance into your successful enterprise as usual.
Hint: Attend to practical matters too.

Years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Month: May roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
Push your luck. Take what you’ve been working on since May a step further. Where do you want to be with that in January? What you do this month will make it all possible.
Hint: This is probably your luckiest month of the year.

Years: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Month: June roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
If you have a feeling that some private business is about to become public, you’re probably right. Ultimately it’s for the best. I hope you’re still making back up plans.
Hint: What if it’s not an emergency?

Years: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Month: July roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
A friend, advisor or mentor is attacked and you may feel compelled to speak up on their behalf. Instead, provide the assistance they might need to be able to do it themselves.
Hint: Solidarity is where it’s at.

Years: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Month: August roughly. If you’re near the beginning or end ask.
The precarious peak of endurance. Finish the things that call for it. Yes, it’s downhill from here but that’s not the dire prediction you might think it is.
Hint: Put the word out now if you need resources/work. Set agenda based on what you want for December.

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