12 Animal Fortunes for the Wood Pig Month

Wood Pig 乙亥 Month
November 8th 02:42-December 7 19:20

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Wood Pig. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time.

If you don’t know them get in touch. Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

The Fortunes

All of the support systems you have put in place this year are going to pay off when you may find yourself over extended. It’s not Pigs that fly this month; more like accusations. Which end will you be on? If you’ve learned this year’s lesson probably neither.
Hint: Grant yourself the serenity to accept what you can’t control but prepare for it too.

Of all the Animals only you can begin now to remove the obstacles that might stand in your way next year. Start this month by cleansing. Clear out the closets; wash the windows and let what light there is shine in. Consider intermittent fasting. Drink lots of water. Take a break from alcohol. Listen to more music. Move.
Hint: Water is most useful when it’s clean and flowing.

Break out of your routine. A team is forming that poses an underhanded challenge. Changing your position, both literally and figuratively, may be the best response. It’s not time for stillness. Explore ways to convert others to your cause. Don’t be hesitant to incorporate their good ideas.
Hint: Dissenters bring lessons beyond which ones to ignore.

You can already see that endings are coming. The position of the Tiger in your BaZi may say what that’s about. Something’s got to give and luckily you are not a tree. You can change your position just by moving your feet. Pull up those roots and move on as needed.
Hint: Write the ending that you want.

You are the most resilient animal at this point of the year and so you will find yourself in demand by those who suffer from anxiety or depression. Healthy living is usually Rabbit business. Share what skills you have. Encourage others to get professional assistance if that’s not in your wheelhouse.
Hint: Don’t underestimate the healing power of the maternal. What would the Mother do?

You are successful in many ways and yet – in an instant you find yourself feeling empty and undermined again. A little Fire could make all the difference. Take a break from work. Spontaneity and social events are what I prescribe. Take your medicine.
Hint: Meet the people when they arrive. The cave is always there when you need to retreat.

Yep, it’s the clash month of the clash year. As Kurt Cobain said “Just because you’re paranoid don’t mean they’re not after you”. Even if Water is a favorable element for you there’s a downside with the Pig. Take care with driving, travel, bathing and swimming. Metal day or year stems don’t let flu/cold symptoms linger.
Hint: Get comfortable with life being a bit more public than you like. This too shall pass.

It’s time to check in with parents, partners, children and others whose alliance you continue to question. They still feel the same – it was you that didn’t. A self made crisis is your cry for attention. If you want to be cared for you have to allow it. Dare to ask.
Hint: Listen to people and believe what they say even when it’s nice.

There’s a versatile, charismatic and compelling leader who wants you to follow. Are the values a fit for you? What some call protest quickly tips over into violence. That’s not usually your style. Don’t get involved in the action until you know the plan.
Hint: Conforming out of fear diminishes your autonomy. Everyone else’s too.

For those with strong Metal in the Ba Zi this month could be a welcome outlet. Otherwise this Water heavy period could be a drain. Either way express those emotions. Keep talking. Keep warm. Get some sun. Monkeys have a lot of work to do.
Hint: Yeah, you’re tough. Stay that way by taking care of yourself.

Roosters: chat it up. You’ve got a lot to say and when you keep it bottled up it leads to health issues. Rather than alienating others by dropping that atomic word bomb, express yourself with care and you’ll find engaged listeners. You might even see people changing their behavior.
Hint: Assume you will be heard even when you are not being forceful and you will.

1970 Dogs this is for you. I know you are going to bounce back and learn from the events of this year but…I know you are in pain right now too. Please give yourself permission to find rest and healing. Guilt cannot change the past. Whatever you think you should have known or done –now you will. That’s enough.
Hint: Take deep breaths. I suspect you are holding yours right now.

12 Animal Fortunes for the Wood Dog Month

Wood Dog 甲戌 Month
October 8 23:25-November 8th 02:42

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Wood Dog. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time. If you don’t know them get in touch. Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

The Fortunes

It’s been a financially draining year, not to mention the other more poignant losses you’ve experienced. I wish I had better news but you’re going to need to hold on until the end of November before you have true relief. The Pig is your Gip Sat. Look to Tiger, Horse and Rabbit for optimism and support.
Hint: This too shall pass. The only constant is change.

Some Pigs will find themselves preferring to sleep alone this month. If you’re in a relationship it’s likely your partner is already used to your periodic need to go solo. Don’t take this for granted. That’s how you lose your allies and supporters without realizing it until there’s a problem.
Hint: Take your space but express your appreciation of those who prop you up.

Like the Pig, some kind of relationship time out beckons but you will probably be distracted by putting out the fires that pop up this month. You’ll want to be careful of coming off as a wet blanket though. If you think someone is controlling you it’s probably the other way around. Go lightly with criticism and reality checks.
Hint: Start thinking about who you want as your new boss.

Just to complete Water Season branches’ rejection of the Dog, the Ox is also more interested in what competitors are doing than in their relationships. Kind of typical of Ox though to be staying on task and repetition instead of noticing it’s time to change.
Hint: If you haven’t already learned this you will miss out on next year’s opportunities.

It’s been a great year hasn’t it? This month you are doubly favored by the Dog and the Pig. If anyone is getting paid this month it’s you. Enjoy the ride but don’t forget that whomever you step on in your ascent you encounter on the way down. Use your keen vision to see who needs an assist. You have more luck than you can use.
Hint: Peak experiences end. What goes around comes around.

One last burst of Fire means you’ve got lots of work to do and the stamina to do it. You’re the catalyst this month. Use your networking skills to increase your audience and win over new supporters. Financial and other rewards will come from doing that on behalf of others too.
Hint: Teach and promote resilience. We’re all going to need it.

In a Dog month your role is often to be settling conflicts and standing up to power that’s gone wrong. It takes your attention away from what you feel is your real job but it’s just the part of it that you don’t enjoy. Get on with it if you want to get back to your special interests.
Hint: As always, you have the capacity to make it seem easy.

The Fire in the Dog month strengthens you but also brings out competitors and your competitiveness. In a Pig year the combination of restlessness and blockage you’re experiencing makes for both health issues and housing instability. Get that check up if you haven’t already.
Hint: If you still haven’t settled into a permanent residence make that a priority.

Here’s some welcome relief for the Horse’s Fire. Your optimism is based in reality this month. The best entrepreneurs will employ kindness. Creativity is enhanced. Artists, writers and other communicators find a burst of productivity. Work holds more interest than intimacy. Don’t let the home fires burn out.
Hint: Express your desire to focus on work clearly. Set time limits as needed.

The Sheep is the whistleblower that gets exposed. You risk it because of your own life experiences but also because you know there are so many others like you. How do you keep yourself untainted by bitterness? We’re really going to need that this month.
Hint: Speak out against the misuse of power in the moment. Immediately.

There’s a kind of grudging support that the Dog gives the Monkey. The hidden elements in them are nearly a match. That small but crucial difference means the Monkey can finally get some recognition. All the hours you’ve been putting in are going to be noticed.
Hint: Don’t engage with immature haters. Someone will get hurt.

The tone of this month was set by last month’s behavior. You’re not part of the inner circle in a Dog month and maybe that makes you jealous. Anyone you peck is going to turn out to have powerful allies so make sure it’s worth the repercussions. Take note of themes and experiences that have to do with your upbringing.
Hint: Change your mind by changing your perception. Or vice versa.

Rooster Month: Showing Up and Showing Off

The Water Rooster month begins today, September 8th. As I write this the feeling of relief is palpable. The Rooster brings order and not just of the pecking variety. There was a huge thunderstorm in Seattle last night: 200 strikes in less than an hour in my area. That’s a pretty unusual occurrence and it was spectacular. Talk about space clearing. Something that was stuck has loosened and is being swept away. The rule of the Pig is weakening. It feels as if events have speeded up.

Preparing for winter is the theme of fall. Crops are harvested, animals are slaughtered, things are counted up and stored away. It’s a time to go over the successes and failures of the year and think about what you might want to change for next year’s plan.

The hexagram for the Rooster month is Hexagram 20, the Watchtower. Keep an eye on flying birds if you want the divination. That method is called augury in case you were wondering. This is a time for watching and observation. What else would you expect from the month that brings the first day of school and the all important first impression requiring new haircuts, new clothes and new shoes? Your status may be judged by appearance. Spruce up if that’s important to you.

If there’s an audience of watchers then it’s a good month to show off a little. Even better if you’ve got a reason. For those who have been consistently showing up it’s time to acknowledge the sacrifices presence demands: the blood, sweat and tears you put into your work. Only you can hold yourself accountable. Attention is the only cost.

And so, I ask for the payment of your attention while I crow. It’s been a year of many firsts for me as a business person. I hope you will share in my good fortune.

At the turn of the year I was honored to be invited by my teacher Richard Ashworth to write the Animal fortunes to pair with his Animal natures for 2019.

I’ll have completed my first year of the Serious Dailies as of October 3rd. I write them a month ahead so, in a sense, that is already done.

It’s been over a year since I worked for free.

I’ve developed my newsletter into a valuable educational resource and have paying subscribers.

I learned Qi Men Dun Jia which is my new favorite method of divination.

I have more clients than I’ve ever had and they are finding new relationships, new jobs, new homes and promotions.

My forecasting has improved due to my continuing work on date selection.

This month I’ll be launching my new site with a new logo and beautiful illustrations to showcase my Feng Shui work and my writing. Stay tuned. I’ll be announcing the date for that soon.

I want you to know that behind this list of achievements are the blood, sweat and tears of many years.

I’ve been studying, practicing, writing – working toward this point since 2002. There have been many moments where I thought the universe was saying no to my dream of having a Feng Shui business. It’s not fun when your own divination tells you your timing is off and pursuing a career in Chinese Metaphysics, as with other scholarly pursuits, can be lonely. I can’t tell you how many conversations with acquaintances ended awkwardly when I said my business is Feng Shui. At low points I would just say “I’m a homemaker” and leave it at that. I haven’t done that in years.

Expressing our own creativity is scary because we are afraid to fail and we are afraid to succeed. Failing feels safer because we think it lets us stay hidden. I don’t think so. I have seen people choose to give up on their creative purpose by means of physical/mental illness or even some kind of death. I know some of you may disagree with that but personally I understand the temptation.

Oddly (or not) I have found the most encouragement in recalling some of my failures. Failure is just one moment in the path of commitment. It doesn’t last unless you let it. I’ve learned that impostor syndrome is just me questioning my own sincerity.

In 2009 I stepped back from Feng Shui altogether because I thought that everything I had learned so far was invalidated by my studies of Traditional Chinese methods. I was wrong about that. All that was required was reassessment and new training. I had to change my perspective.

That wasn’t the first time I was meant to learn that lesson. Before my daughter was born I had multiple miscarriages. I remember thinking the universe was telling me I wasn’t meant to be a mother. Now I’m a mother of two. The great thing about childbirth is there is no backing out of the creativity. That’s a lesson in itself because there is a point during labor where you think giving birth is an impossible proposition and yet…

It’s good to be wrong if only to prevent getting hung up on being right. Every day I still remind myself that most everything can be solved with persistence and timing. We only lose when we quit. Doubt and fear will never prevent me from showing up.

Now, back to work. I’m asking a little more from myself.

12 Animal Fortunes for the Water Rooster Month

Water Rooster 癸酉 Month
September 8 07:24-October 8th 23:25

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Water Rooster. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time. If you don’t know them get in touch. Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

You’re a good planner whose calculations are usually sound but you are prone to making bad decisions this month. Get advice from a trusted friend like the Ox. Creative pursuits give release to your worries. Use your words – writing them down is probably the most helpful.
Hint: Even if you’re not a musician music is a helpful outlet for you too. Listen. Sing.

The best thing you can do this month is build yourself up in preparation for October. There may be a challenge you don’t see coming. If you’re strong you can turn it into a promotion so make health (including mental/emotional) a priority now. You could use some support and down time.
Hint: Partner up with a Rabbit for the month.

Emotions well up and work suffers. This month brings out jealousy and bitterness regarding broken relationships and the personal alliances of offspring/parents. Do you have a support system in place to help? That’s really all you need. Some good counsel will set you right. Listen up.
Hint: Make friends with a Rat for long term stability.

There’s someone irresistible coming your way; someone who thinks like you. There’s an imbalance here and you’re in the power position. Respect that and treat potential partners with care. Whatever the outcome you’ll be the one who comes out unscathed. You’ve already “won”.
Hint: Be first to declare your feelings one way or another.

The Rooster brings out your planning and plotting side. Rooster days this month have the Day Officer called Establish. This is a special message for you. Those days are meant for setting things up, getting things started. Take time to give counsel to Rooster and Snake. They could use some help with decisions.
Hint: Stay humble and keep rolling on.

A Fire day stem with a Tiger branch can make money this month under the right conditions. Other folks with the Tiger branch may feel henpecked and belittled. Tigers aren’t much for tolerating that so will have to suppress the urge to crowd out “irritating people” by means of juvenile behavior.
Hint: It’s a two way street.

You’re in the spotlight but maybe not in a good way. Are you torn between two lovers? Trying to break up with a control freak? All of these things can affect your physical body especially if you were born in a Rabbit year. Someone who has your best interests at heart has given you crucial advice. I’d suggest you listen.
Hint: Contain fear and make your move.

Distraction abounds! Everyone wants you to work your magic on their behalf. You may as well go with it and reap the financial rewards for it that are coming in October. Focusing on your work this month means lots of cognitive dissonance but that might be where your mojo comes from.
Hint: Don’t forget to appreciate those who are always there for you.

Time to take that research, lessons learned and other raw material you’ve gathered this year and make a plan as to what you are going to with it. Count up assets and assess your position. This month favors putting things in order for the long term so take advantage. Friends will help out if you ask them.
Hint: You don’t have to be so secretive this month. Open up for the win.

You may find yourself compelled to come to the rescue of Rabbits in distress only to discover that they find you exhausting. Are you doing it in good faith or just showing off your power? You’re on shaky ground. It’s time to think about what you are taking, not just what you are giving.
Hint: It’s not all about you except when it is.

The creativity of the Sheep is capable of bringing money this month. It’s uncomfortable but venturing out of your usual path will be more effective in demonstrating your value. Get out there and enlighten others about your business and cause. Recruit where you can.
Hint: Stand out in the crowd for maximum impact.

At this point in the Pig year all you need do is ride the wave you just caught. Stop complaining and you’ll get more work done which is what you say you are all about, right? Define goals. Focus on preparing for 2020 where the waves are bigger and more powerful.
Hint: Swallow before you speak.

12 Animal Fortunes for the Water Monkey Month

Water Monkey Month
August 8-September 8

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Water Monkey. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time. If you don’t know them get in touch. Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

You’re back baby! And – your friends are here. You probably don’t realize it yet but it’s safe to be happy. Why not?! You might think of this month as the beginning of a new cycle, especially if you’re a Yang Water stem person. But even if you’re not, the energy needed to float your boat into the Metal Rat year is finally arriving. Let the talk and emotions flow. It will make you feel better I promise.
Hint: Respect the Snake and those who come clean

You’ve got the kind of support that comes from a big brother or father this month which makes competitors fairly benign. You may find yourself vacillating between frugality & overspending; frivolity & calculation. Your words may come across as over emotional or sharp so consider them with care. Don’t drive away allies.
Hint: The tongue that kills can resurrect too.

Metal season can be tough on a Dog and it’s just starting. Your achievements and products are in demand and you’re probably working longer hours. Support is diminished but you will still meet your deadlines if you stay hydrated and pay attention to your health. Take breaks.
Hint: The best thing you can do for yourself this month is take deep breaths. Keep breathing.

The Monkey month bursts the balloon. You’re the one who feels the Pig year waning first. Use these next three months to reinforce existing support systems or make new ones. Prepare for landing. Ask for favors. Use your power to put things in place for next year. You don’t want to be trying to do that in November. Don’t waste your love on people who don’t get you.
Hint: Your free ticket is expiring but you can still use it now.

Rats are just getting started this month with new projects and more attention than they’ve had in awhile. Your usual m.o. of waiting for others to reveal their position before you reveal yours will come in extra handy this month when there is so much talk and emotions are running high. Give good counsel. Resist the urge to obscure your meaning with too much metaphor.
Hint: Just come out with it if anyone asks.

You can feel your power rising, can’t you? Are you ready to come out of the background? Prepare to assume a new position; one more public than you are used to. You’ve got the facts. You can control the Water. More allies are on the way. Toughen up a bit but don’t lose your sensitivity. We need your common sense for guidance.
Hint: Go ahead. Surprise us all. Start showing your stuff.

How’s that new relationship going? Monkey month may bring some turbulence that spills over into a real breakup in November. Knowing you – you’ve already seen this coming. Do you know what you want? Do you know what to do to get it? Are you going to hurt yourself again to maintain your favored position? No way!
Hint: Communication will solve this whole thing.

For the Rabbit this month is about personal authority. If you want personal growth and increased authority, take on the challenge you’ve been putting off. If you want to reshape about your reputation, you’re in a perfect position to take care of whatever is involved. Putting it off may come back to peck you in the Rooster month of September.
Hint: I’m not saying it’s comfortable/easy but it will definitely be worth it.

Old and new friends begin coming out of the woodwork. They’re available for collaborations and celebrations. Stop working and get attention out or miss the fun. It won’t change your reputation as a mysterious beast. Besides, you’ve been keeping your head down for a while now. Come up for air. Join us for a bit.
Hint: Insincere tricksters can’t hurt you. You’ll always get over it.

Given that it’s a Pig year, your theme song this month might be Lady GaGa’s Bad Romance. But it doesn’t have to be. As in all relationships, everything can be solved through communication. Emotional honesty is the best policy. That’s doesn’t mean unburdening yourself by burdening others. I know you know what I mean.
Hint: Be prepared for those irresistible Monkeys. They’re everywhere.

The hidden stem combination of Water and Fire makes for good luck in the Monkey month. There’s a self-sustaining kind of energy for Horses when the Monkey is present. You’re more independent and capable of getting a lot done. It’s the behind the scenes relationships you want to cultivate now: lovers, family, and best friends.
Hint: You’re getting more attention than you know – all the time. Believe it.

The abrupt nature of the shift from the Sheep month to the Metal of the Monkey means playing in the field is over for now. Time to get back to work if you want company. This month is stimulating to the Fire in you. If you’re job hunting look for opportunities to support the underdog. You’ve got a helpful perspective on that.
Hint: Learn to be more calculating. It won’t change your cuddliness.

Monkey Month: Water Tests Mettle

You will always find an answer in the sound of water.

In times that test fortitude and persistence, there are urgent choices to be made. The balance between our public and private selves seems to seesaw with every exchange. Thank goodness there’s everyday life to distract us. We need to have dinner. The kids need to go to the dentist. I take comfort in the idea that these things are separate at the same time that I realize it is an illusion. What I make for dinner and the planet are intertwined – like one hand holding another. I don’t think I will ever be perfect at it but this kind of integration is what I pursue in my work.

The Water Monkey month begins August 8th. The pillar is made up of yang Water in the stem on top and yang Metal in the Monkey branch on the bottom. In the Chinese calendar Monkey month marks the beginning of the Metal season that is autumn and the birth, or Chang Sang, of yang Water.

It strikes me that the coming Metal Rat year is an inversion of this Water Monkey month or maybe it’s the other way around. Maybe it’s a mirror – or something like the conception of the coming year. I like that better. The Rat is the peak of Water, also called Dai Wong.

The character for Yang Metal evolved from a more ancient ideograph that shows two hands, right and left, holding or swinging something in between. I envision it like a pole or a sword – maybe a scythe. Some interpret the origins of the character as having to do with harvesting. Timing would support that since Yang metal is the main element of the Monkey.

The character for Monkey carries a similar meaning. This time the two hands are holding a rope each pulling in a different direction. There’s a choice to be made; a struggle of alternate principles. The Monkey is all about decisions: yin and yang. Even the symbol shows a “crossroads”. Which way to go?

I recently watched The United States of Hoodoo. I’m always interested in the origins of magic and the commonalities of archetypes. I find the archetype of the Monkey very similar to Papa Legba. Papa Legba is a guardian, but also a trickster who presides over the spiritual crossroads. He invites you to examine your habits and beliefs and get down to your truth. There’s something about morality here but it’s not personal.

Papa Legba’s sense of humor is mordant. He seems to share the trait with the Monkey of revealing the truth through comedy, or fibbing to conceal the chaos. It’s going to be painful either way. That kind of pain can be a catalyst if you let it. Like the Monkey, Papa Legba has a gift for language. He speaks every language and operates to carry communications from the spirit realm to the physical realm.

Myths of Papa Legba describe blues musicians like Robert Johnson going to an actual crossroads at midnight to acquire new skills and talents. You can do this too. All you have to do is be brave enough to show up at the appointed time and place with a gift. Be ready to accept attendant consequences. Learn the lesson.

The most interesting person in this documentary that is full of them is 1974 Wood Tiger Val Jeanty who explains about the influence of rhythms and music on space/time. A Wood Tiger playing with Metal (music) tells you that Val wields plenty of power herself. She explains that certain rhythms are “precoded” for different purposes – to create a certain frequency.

When you put your hand near the speaker the sound manifests as a physical reality…certain songs you don’t sing after 3pm on Thursdays. Everyone knows not to sing it because there’s a frequency in that song that you don’t want to manifest.
Val Jeanty

I hear her talking about the Metal element. People with Water stems in their BaZi may get this more than others. Music makes them well up.

Val Jeanty is doing what a Feng Shui master does. She is tuning into a certain frequency; like a radio homing in on a clear signal. She charges the environment. Using Feng Shui you can do this with a person, a house or a business. The Feng Shui person’s job is to figure out which channel is the best one for you and set up things to receive it.

When you try to stay on the surface of the water, you sink; but when you try to sink, you float.*

Funny how well that quote describes the Water Trigram.

It’s going to be a turbulent month. Expect lots of communication, talking, tears and outbursts. In terms of the Five Elements, Water (pessimism) may temporarily conquer Fire (optimism). If this seems overwhelming it might be helpful to remember that the human body is 60% water. We develop in and are born from water. No need to fear. Time to act.

*See also: The Law of Reversed Effort

Sheep Month : Earth, Wind and Fire

America traditionally bids farewell to the Horse month of June in a haze of rockets’ red glare, cordite and insomnia. This year we significantly magnified Independence Day’s carbon footprint thanks to you know who. Many people mentioned recently that they can’t tell the difference between the noise of the gunshots and the fireworks. I thought it odd that most of them didn’t seem bothered by that. It’s funny the things you can learn to live with without even really thinking about it.

Now we’re in the Sheep month and themes of 2015 are piling up like…Earth I guess. Every day we become more aware of the attacked and oppressed while bullies posture as benevolent victims who are punished for their good deeds. They know that even an empty threat could be enough to terrorize a person into hiding. Bullies rely on that. We uppity and arrogant women will keep speaking up and doing our thing. Bullies can rely on that too.

Oxen are hard at work and coming out of the woodwork into public presence. A Sheep month clashes the Ox but who’s to say that’s a negative? Ask Megan Rapinoe, a 1985 Earth Ox. The Ox can learn from the Sheep’s sunny nature while the Sheep gains from the common sense model of the Ox. I have a client who shares Megan’s birthday (except hour) and she’s been on a sweet run of luck since 2017. You are fortunate if you have an Ox handy for the next couple of years. Is there one in your BaZi? The Ox is coming to teach us how the yin principle handles power. The Sheep will have an important role as well. Mercy and grace are part of the plan.

In Seattle, June is usually rainy and dark so we live as if summer begins on the 4th of July. Even in July, however, we are used to wearing sweaters on gloomy mornings. The cloud cover burns off late in the Horse hour or early in the Sheep hour. You can actually tell the approximate time using these and other environmental cues. When Monkey hour is imminent, in the summer the air starts moving between the mountains and the sea and the wind chimes sound.

The Sheep month is usually the driest but not this year. There’s already been an unusual amount of rain this July, in fact, it’s raining as I write this. The current weather pattern we are in is something like November – that’s the Pig month. Who’s in charge here in the northwest right now? Oink! Perhaps the watery nature of the Pig is protecting us from the wildfires.

In other news, this month I’ve been practicing my Qi Men Dun Jia by asking about the facing direction of my house. The results were kind of spooky, incredibly revealing, and even emotional. I’ve also been studying earthquake patterns in the Pacific Northwest. Don’t worry, you can keep reading. I’m not about to predict “the big one”.

Feng Shui masters often refer to the earth branches of Dog and Dragon as portents of earthquakes, but the Sheep and Ox are earth branches too. That’s important to consider in this Pig year. Don’t underestimate the yin side.

There’s a way to look at the U.S. map using the 12 animal branches that Richard Ashworth demonstrated in his annual forecast day last December. It’s fascinating – especially in the context of recent earthquakes. Just to keep it brief, I’ll say that my opinion is that the Tiger branch has an important role in the geological life of the entire West Coast and the Pacific Rim. A Tiger can move earth, especially in a Pig year. A Tiger is a station – it has to do with movement and starting things. Elementally, Wood is constantly growing therefore constantly in motion.

If you live on the West Coast of the United States that kind of qi changes the way you think; things don’t seem meant to last forever but we are big on progression and reinvention. Our ideas of commitment are unorthodox. The Earth is young here.

The geological features are a big deal, but the influence of the Moon must be considered as well. Yesterday we had a partial lunar eclipse, full Moon, a Wood Tiger day and another earthquake in California. Coincidentally (?) the auxiliary star called Moon is located in the Tiger this year too. I don’t like to get carried away with these things but there they are. That’s divination.

I’ve experienced three earthquakes that I can remember. The most recent one was early morning July 12: Sheep month, Dog day in the Ox hour. These three signs together make up the Bullying Punishment. You may remember me going on about that all of last year. The morning after the quake, there was an unusual impression of deep silence; a big tension release. I hadn’t realized that for days I had been experiencing something like constant noise until it was gone. It shook something loose for me in a helpful yet uncomfortable way.

I was off by one day in predicting the July 12 earthquake. I should have paid more attention to those Feng Shui masters! The epicenter was N/NE of me. I did get that right.

In the last Earth Pig year of 1959, in Washington state, there were earthquakes in January (Ox month), July (Sheep month) and August (Monkey month). Nothing devastating. We seem to be following that same pattern here in Washington State this year. If you’re interested in this sort of thing, ask me about it in September when I’ll have more data.

N.B. The Sheep month this year started on July 8 and ends on August 8. The Chinese calendar months are not the same as the Gregorian calendar months.

12 Animal Fortunes for the Sheep Month

Metal Sheep Month
July 7th-August 8

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Metal Sheep. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time. Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

Organize groups including family gatherings. Everyone is just waiting to be invited. Money and success are strong in the flow of the year, but you’ll need to take action to cash in. This is a good month to ask for a raise or whatever else you like. Bosses and the like are susceptible to your charm and support. Hint: Hold out for the best option.

Gip choi means competitors and possible losses; it also makes you stronger. The Sheep’s earth supports. What does that mean for you? Not much if you don’t take in the lesson. What would you like to diminish? You can use this month for that purpose you know. Choose or let it happen. Your call. Hint: Hang in there – August will make it worthwhile.

Go against your usual disdain of sharing attention if you want support. If not it could be a lonely month. The competition you feel is real but what is the jealousy about? You may have lost sight of what makes you special. Instead of worrying about how you measure up, just do your thing, preferably in company. Hint: Consult with Ox who is also shaken this month.

Feeling attacked? Victimized? Are people ganging up on you? If you want growth, here’s a good month to count blessings and recognize successes. You might be best served by considering that everything is its opposite. When you point your finger out there are three fingers pointing back at you. Hint: Don’t blame yourself either.

In the Sheep month Pigs want to take command – and they can. Resist the urge to over control and you can be a benign dictator. Try this at home. If you want space it’s yours. It’s safe to share it as well. This is the month to complete creative endeavors and strengthen relationships. Hint: Who’s zooming who?

The Sheep clashes your best friend the Ox which could be freeing to both of you. Your advantage is that others may not perceive your wisdom and insight this month but you still have it. The opposition is just on the surface. Don’t feel like you need to change anyone’s mind. Hint: Break on through to the other side.

Yes the Sheep and Ox clash but it’s called a clash among friends. In the clash more Earth piles up making both Sheep and Ox stronger. Question your values & ideals. Take in new ones; discard those that are no longer useful/outdated. Hint: Here’s the discomfort that motivates change; the preparation for wielding power.

You’re just a Tiger in a Pig year in a Sheep month. You could probably have anything you want if you only knew what it was. This month that especially applies to relationships. What is it that compels you to maintain the status quo even when it hurts you? Hint: Dream into that on a Sheep day (July 9th) in a Sheep hour (1-3pm)

Will the Rabbit be the ruler or the ruled? The Pig continues to exercise authority but the Sheep isn’t much interested in that. That’s the Triple combination of Wood. If you’re interested in leaving the house there’s power available. Hint: If you’re not, stay home.

A Dragon in a Sheep month could get a financial windfall. A busy month – be sure to take some time to dream and rest too. Get that mojo working but maintain humility. You need to be ready for next month when you find your magical stride again. It’s been awhile. Hint: See you for new beginnings in August!

This is the final month of the Fire season – make the most of it. There’s work to be completed as well as money to take in so make hay while the sun shines. The change from Sheep month to Monkey month is especially abrupt for you so get yourself into a stable position now. Hint: Examine relationships where you are dependent.

If you’re reading this then you made it through the burnout. Now what? Impostor syndrome? You’re wondering if you’re on the right path. Have you just been kidding yourself with your passion? The Sheep month will get you propped up and running again if you can tolerate some intimacy. Hint: Transparency is not the same thing.

Metal Horse Month : It’s Only a Test

This year, the month of the Horse is a Metal Horse beginning on June 6. The monthly star is a 7 – young women lead the way. Both the pillar and the star refer to Fire and Metal together. Forging and refinement are most timely.

The Horse is often called the most Yang of the Chinese Zodiac. What can that mean except that it’s so much more easy for her to tip over into Yin? The Horse communicates more through movement than words. Watch the body language if you want to know what’s really going on. Watch the eyes especially.

The Horse is competitive by nature. Often this is mistaken for bravery but it’s really just the Horse’s nature to rush forward. That person who volunteers to go first in giving a presentation in class? Probably a Horse. An athlete pushing him/herself beyond expectations? That’s a Horse thing too. Inside the Horse is just as scared as you would be. They are also exhilarated by new self knowledge.

The Metal Horse, sometimes called the Palace Horse, is close to authority: Fathers, the Father, God, Government, Law, Patriarchy. The Yang metal stem Geng represents a powerful tool or weapon given by fate so to speak, to be forged on earth. Examining and renovating our ideas about our personal agency is favored.

The Yang Metal stem says this Horse wants to be tested. The Metal Horse signs up for the challenge. That’s the message of the Metal Horse month.

It’s not only the Metal Horse that wants to be tested. One thing I’ve learned from reading BaZi is that everyone wants to be tested but most of us don’t volunteer. This month my advice would be to choose the test instead of letting it choose you. We all require challenge in order to reach our full potential. Too much challenge is just as harmful as a lack of it. This is often at the root of our mental health or illness. Not all tests are tangible or visible, but ideally an initiation is simultaneously mental and physical.

In what we call primitive cultures, tests and initiations were built in as rituals meant to instill confidence and self knowledge. Many initiations are related to blood, either that of the initiate or of a sacrifice. Some initiations include physical, psychological or emotional challenge and even pain. Passing through these kinds of experiences with the support of peers and elders is meant to empower us to function at a higher level. Initiations are for finding your current level; your people. Initiations are for getting woke.

Growing up in cultures that no longer routinely provide these rituals, it’s up to each of us to find the experiences that spur our evolution. In my generation many of us used body modification such as tattoos and piercings as initiations. Some of us moved to a place where nobody knew us to start over. Our initiations were in the company of our peers rather than family for the most part. Now I wonder if too much of our initiation was about rejection rather than discovery and insight, but at least we were trying.

There are those of us that decide we have failed the initiation to have a reason for giving up, not realizing that there are unlimited opportunities to grow. Don’t kid yourself, failure does not excuse you. But it is important to find the right test, that is, the one you think you can’t pass that doesn’t kill you. Your perception and interpretation of the test is what makes it relevant or useful. There’s no one size fits all, but here are some guidelines for this Metal Horse month:

Clarify your mission.
Know your purpose: what you are here to do right now.
Make it public.
Prepare to swallow your pride because it could get embarrassing.
Rip off that bandaid.
Speak your truth to power: Fathers, the Father, God, Government, Law, Patriarchy, Authority.

At the very least, try something new.

Are you experienced? Have you ever been experienced? Well I have.
Jimi Hendrix 1942 Water Horse

The proper initiation teaches us self care. It also teaches others how we want to be cared for and how to care for us. Initiation requires that we have a certain experience but also that we are experienced by others. Don’t leave that part out.

12 Animal Fortunes for the Horse Month

It’s the Fire season where everyone and everything speeds up. We are all more active and some of us may be taking on more than we usually do. That’s what the Fire season is for.

Accordingly, I decided on the spur of the moment to take a Qi Men Dun Jia class a week ago. QMDJ is fascinating and perhaps the most elegant method I have studied. I can feel it changing the way I think as I begin to understand the connections of the systems underlying it.

In the spirit of spontaneity, I thought it would be fun to share the Animal Fortunes that I regularly include in my monthly newsletter. Get in touch if you’d like to subscribe. Predicting from a single branch isn’t as specific as a reading of your BaZi but I hope you find them useful anyhow – or at least entertaining. The Metal Horse month begins on June 6th. On your marks!

It’s your month. You know what that means – think it through. Don’t let your spontaneity turn into self-sabotage. If you can avoid getting hung up on your ideas about success I guarantee you’ll have more fun. Hint: You’ll make more progress running toward something instead of away.

Support showoffs where it suits your purpose. Offer to sign people up for another’s fan base, especially if you want to increase your own visibility. Don’t waste your energy organizing for the showoff unless the showoff shares your values. Hint: This is your month to really go for it.

Monkeys are feeling the pressure so may need a reminder that it’s going to get significantly better in August. Until then, go easy on yourself. Just keep doing your best. Talking with someone you trust will help. Hint: People who love you are always there to help. Don’t act like you don’t need it.

Like the Snake and Ox, Roosters will also feel the call of the irresistible this month. For a Rooster it’s likely to be something shiny. Cognitive dissonance is familiar territory for you. Hint: Be careful of being distracted by appearances and missing the opportunity to express what you really want.

Horse month brings a helpful burst of Fire for the Dog. If you’re a Dog with a mission, this month you’ll find you have more support than you’ve had all year. If you’re an unemployed Dog, there are good prospects this month. Look for allies. Hint: Use your empowerment for a good cause.

The Horse month brings what looks like a dilemma. You’re considering contributing your energy to someone else’s project or trying to take control of the whole thing. Control isn’t going to work out this month. Hint: It might be difficult to resist whoever is in charge here. Watch for Tigers.

The Horse tends to disperse the Rat, changing the yang to yin. Rats could be feeling rebellious and frustrated by verbal communication this month; could be accused of putting a damper on things. Hint: On the other hand, this could be a great month for writing and ideas. Time to journal.

In a Horse month the Ox becomes passionate about new knowledge. Spontaneity is attractive – as much as it ever could be for an Ox. The Horse supports you even though she won’t admit it. Don’t let that stop you. There’s an opening for a new friendship. Hint: Take a chance. The worst that can happen is that it doesn’t last.

Perhaps this month the Tiger is more aligned with Fire than Wood – unusual in a Pig year. That’s because old friends are reappearing after a brief hiatus. They want the Tiger to come out and play, also to lead the hunt. Go get ‘em Tigers. Hint: Know your intentions. It’s not sporting to toy with the prey.

In a Horse month the Rabbit easily spreads the word about his plans. In a Pig year this matters more because Rabbits find like-minded colleagues and success galore in July. Pace yourself. Take a nap if you need to. Hint: You need to maintain your energy to make the most of it.

In a Horse month the Dragon finds the support of the most yang. Being yang herself, she might mistake this for attachment or competition. Dragon’s ego gets in the way of recognizing that others think she’s great too. Hint: Your words are where your success lies this month. Choose them with care.

Horse month for a Snake will often present something (or someone) who is irresistible. Likely this has to do with the exposure of truth. Could be empowering but around mid-month the power turns precarious. Be wary of overextending yourself. Take time off if possible. Hint: This is not the peak you think it is.

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