12 Animal Fortunes for the Wood Pig Month

Year of the Pig

Wood Pig 乙亥 Month
November 8th 02:42-December 7 19:20

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Wood Pig. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time.

If you don’t know them get in touch. Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

The Fortunes

All of the support systems you have put in place this year are going to pay off when you may find yourself over extended. It’s not Pigs that fly this month; more like accusations. Which end will you be on? If you’ve learned this year’s lesson probably neither.
Hint: Grant yourself the serenity to accept what you can’t control but prepare for it too.

Of all the Animals only you can begin now to remove the obstacles that might stand in your way next year. Start this month by cleansing. Clear out the closets; wash the windows and let what light there is shine in. Consider intermittent fasting. Drink lots of water. Take a break from alcohol. Listen to more music. Move.
Hint: Water is most useful when it’s clean and flowing.

Break out of your routine. A team is forming that poses an underhanded challenge. Changing your position, both literally and figuratively, may be the best response. It’s not time for stillness. Explore ways to convert others to your cause. Don’t be hesitant to incorporate their good ideas.
Hint: Dissenters bring lessons beyond which ones to ignore.

You can already see that endings are coming. The position of the Tiger in your BaZi may say what that’s about. Something’s got to give and luckily you are not a tree. You can change your position just by moving your feet. Pull up those roots and move on as needed.
Hint: Write the ending that you want.

You are the most resilient animal at this point of the year and so you will find yourself in demand by those who suffer from anxiety or depression. Healthy living is usually Rabbit business. Share what skills you have. Encourage others to get professional assistance if that’s not in your wheelhouse.
Hint: Don’t underestimate the healing power of the maternal. What would the Mother do?

You are successful in many ways and yet – in an instant you find yourself feeling empty and undermined again. A little Fire could make all the difference. Take a break from work. Spontaneity and social events are what I prescribe. Take your medicine.
Hint: Meet the people when they arrive. The cave is always there when you need to retreat.

Yep, it’s the clash month of the clash year. As Kurt Cobain said “Just because you’re paranoid don’t mean they’re not after you”. Even if Water is a favorable element for you there’s a downside with the Pig. Take care with driving, travel, bathing and swimming. Metal day or year stems don’t let flu/cold symptoms linger.
Hint: Get comfortable with life being a bit more public than you like. This too shall pass.

It’s time to check in with parents, partners, children and others whose alliance you continue to question. They still feel the same – it was you that didn’t. A self made crisis is your cry for attention. If you want to be cared for you have to allow it. Dare to ask.
Hint: Listen to people and believe what they say even when it’s nice.

There’s a versatile, charismatic and compelling leader who wants you to follow. Are the values a fit for you? What some call protest quickly tips over into violence. That’s not usually your style. Don’t get involved in the action until you know the plan.
Hint: Conforming out of fear diminishes your autonomy. Everyone else’s too.

For those with strong Metal in the Ba Zi this month could be a welcome outlet. Otherwise this Water heavy period could be a drain. Either way express those emotions. Keep talking. Keep warm. Get some sun. Monkeys have a lot of work to do.
Hint: Yeah, you’re tough. Stay that way by taking care of yourself.

Roosters: chat it up. You’ve got a lot to say and when you keep it bottled up it leads to health issues. Rather than alienating others by dropping that atomic word bomb, express yourself with care and you’ll find engaged listeners. You might even see people changing their behavior.
Hint: Assume you will be heard even when you are not being forceful and you will.

1970 Dogs this is for you. I know you are going to bounce back and learn from the events of this year but…I know you are in pain right now too. Please give yourself permission to find rest and healing. Guilt cannot change the past. Whatever you think you should have known or done –now you will. That’s enough.
Hint: Take deep breaths. I suspect you are holding yours right now.

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