12 Animal Fortunes for the Wood Dog Month


Wood Dog 甲戌 Month
October 8 23:25-November 8th 02:42

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Wood Dog. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time. If you don’t know them get in touch. Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

The Fortunes

It’s been a financially draining year, not to mention the other more poignant losses you’ve experienced. I wish I had better news but you’re going to need to hold on until the end of November before you have true relief. The Pig is your Gip Sat. Look to Tiger, Horse and Rabbit for optimism and support.
Hint: This too shall pass. The only constant is change.

Some Pigs will find themselves preferring to sleep alone this month. If you’re in a relationship it’s likely your partner is already used to your periodic need to go solo. Don’t take this for granted. That’s how you lose your allies and supporters without realizing it until there’s a problem.
Hint: Take your space but express your appreciation of those who prop you up.

Like the Pig, some kind of relationship time out beckons but you will probably be distracted by putting out the fires that pop up this month. You’ll want to be careful of coming off as a wet blanket though. If you think someone is controlling you it’s probably the other way around. Go lightly with criticism and reality checks.
Hint: Start thinking about who you want as your new boss.

Just to complete Water Season branches’ rejection of the Dog, the Ox is also more interested in what competitors are doing than in their relationships. Kind of typical of Ox though to be staying on task and repetition instead of noticing it’s time to change.
Hint: If you haven’t already learned this you will miss out on next year’s opportunities.

It’s been a great year hasn’t it? This month you are doubly favored by the Dog and the Pig. If anyone is getting paid this month it’s you. Enjoy the ride but don’t forget that whomever you step on in your ascent you encounter on the way down. Use your keen vision to see who needs an assist. You have more luck than you can use.
Hint: Peak experiences end. What goes around comes around.

One last burst of Fire means you’ve got lots of work to do and the stamina to do it. You’re the catalyst this month. Use your networking skills to increase your audience and win over new supporters. Financial and other rewards will come from doing that on behalf of others too.
Hint: Teach and promote resilience. We’re all going to need it.

In a Dog month your role is often to be settling conflicts and standing up to power that’s gone wrong. It takes your attention away from what you feel is your real job but it’s just the part of it that you don’t enjoy. Get on with it if you want to get back to your special interests.
Hint: As always, you have the capacity to make it seem easy.

The Fire in the Dog month strengthens you but also brings out competitors and your competitiveness. In a Pig year the combination of restlessness and blockage you’re experiencing makes for both health issues and housing instability. Get that check up if you haven’t already.
Hint: If you still haven’t settled into a permanent residence make that a priority.

Here’s some welcome relief for the Horse’s Fire. Your optimism is based in reality this month. The best entrepreneurs will employ kindness. Creativity is enhanced. Artists, writers and other communicators find a burst of productivity. Work holds more interest than intimacy. Don’t let the home fires burn out.
Hint: Express your desire to focus on work clearly. Set time limits as needed.

The Sheep is the whistleblower that gets exposed. You risk it because of your own life experiences but also because you know there are so many others like you. How do you keep yourself untainted by bitterness? We’re really going to need that this month.
Hint: Speak out against the misuse of power in the moment. Immediately.

There’s a kind of grudging support that the Dog gives the Monkey. The hidden elements in them are nearly a match. That small but crucial difference means the Monkey can finally get some recognition. All the hours you’ve been putting in are going to be noticed.
Hint: Don’t engage with immature haters. Someone will get hurt.

The tone of this month was set by last month’s behavior. You’re not part of the inner circle in a Dog month and maybe that makes you jealous. Anyone you peck is going to turn out to have powerful allies so make sure it’s worth the repercussions. Take note of themes and experiences that have to do with your upbringing.
Hint: Change your mind by changing your perception. Or vice versa.

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