12 Animal Fortunes for the Water Rooster Month

Year of the Rooster

Water Rooster 癸酉 Month
September 8 07:24-October 8th 23:25

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Water Rooster. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time. If you don’t know them get in touch. Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

You’re a good planner whose calculations are usually sound but you are prone to making bad decisions this month. Get advice from a trusted friend like the Ox. Creative pursuits give release to your worries. Use your words – writing them down is probably the most helpful.
Hint: Even if you’re not a musician music is a helpful outlet for you too. Listen. Sing.

The best thing you can do this month is build yourself up in preparation for October. There may be a challenge you don’t see coming. If you’re strong you can turn it into a promotion so make health (including mental/emotional) a priority now. You could use some support and down time.
Hint: Partner up with a Rabbit for the month.

Emotions well up and work suffers. This month brings out jealousy and bitterness regarding broken relationships and the personal alliances of offspring/parents. Do you have a support system in place to help? That’s really all you need. Some good counsel will set you right. Listen up.
Hint: Make friends with a Rat for long term stability.

There’s someone irresistible coming your way; someone who thinks like you. There’s an imbalance here and you’re in the power position. Respect that and treat potential partners with care. Whatever the outcome you’ll be the one who comes out unscathed. You’ve already “won”.
Hint: Be first to declare your feelings one way or another.

The Rooster brings out your planning and plotting side. Rooster days this month have the Day Officer called Establish. This is a special message for you. Those days are meant for setting things up, getting things started. Take time to give counsel to Rooster and Snake. They could use some help with decisions.
Hint: Stay humble and keep rolling on.

A Fire day stem with a Tiger branch can make money this month under the right conditions. Other folks with the Tiger branch may feel henpecked and belittled. Tigers aren’t much for tolerating that so will have to suppress the urge to crowd out “irritating people” by means of juvenile behavior.
Hint: It’s a two way street.

You’re in the spotlight but maybe not in a good way. Are you torn between two lovers? Trying to break up with a control freak? All of these things can affect your physical body especially if you were born in a Rabbit year. Someone who has your best interests at heart has given you crucial advice. I’d suggest you listen.
Hint: Contain fear and make your move.

Distraction abounds! Everyone wants you to work your magic on their behalf. You may as well go with it and reap the financial rewards for it that are coming in October. Focusing on your work this month means lots of cognitive dissonance but that might be where your mojo comes from.
Hint: Don’t forget to appreciate those who are always there for you.

Time to take that research, lessons learned and other raw material you’ve gathered this year and make a plan as to what you are going to with it. Count up assets and assess your position. This month favors putting things in order for the long term so take advantage. Friends will help out if you ask them.
Hint: You don’t have to be so secretive this month. Open up for the win.

You may find yourself compelled to come to the rescue of Rabbits in distress only to discover that they find you exhausting. Are you doing it in good faith or just showing off your power? You’re on shaky ground. It’s time to think about what you are taking, not just what you are giving.
Hint: It’s not all about you except when it is.

The creativity of the Sheep is capable of bringing money this month. It’s uncomfortable but venturing out of your usual path will be more effective in demonstrating your value. Get out there and enlighten others about your business and cause. Recruit where you can.
Hint: Stand out in the crowd for maximum impact.

At this point in the Pig year all you need do is ride the wave you just caught. Stop complaining and you’ll get more work done which is what you say you are all about, right? Define goals. Focus on preparing for 2020 where the waves are bigger and more powerful.
Hint: Swallow before you speak.

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