Kamala Harris Ba Zi

Kamala Harris was born in a 甲辰 Wood Dragon year – like 2024. She turns 60 this year which, in the system of Chinese Astrology means she has completed the Cycle of 60 Pillars. When you turn 60 you have lived through all the possible pillars, you’ve had at least a year of every possible energetic combination and presumably you have learned from this experience. Regardless of whether that’s true, turning 60 is a starting over point. Some would say now you are like a child again. Certainly 2024 will be one of the most significant and interesting years of her life.

In such an important year, Kamala Harris is already the sitting Vice President of the United States. Unless there are unexpected events, she is pretty much guaranteed a spot on the ticket again in 2024. She has been growing her public persona since 1990 and yet, many people don’t feel like they know her. When she is more open she tends to get more criticism.

Kamala may be keeping a lower profile now than she did when she was a Senator as traditionally it is part of the Vice President’s job is to avoid stealing attention from the President. That certainly doesn’t help us get to know her, and what if she wants to be understood but not known? She is hard to read. Is that purposeful on her part or is it her fate? Are these things separate? I think her Ba Zi has a lot to tell.

After the inauguration in 2021 Kamala Harris was in the news more, unsurprisingly, not in a way that helped us get to know her. There were many rumors surrounding her settling into the White House. People said she was unfocused, difficult, inscrutable and demanding. After that, Kamala seemed to disappear in 2022 and 2023. Her day pillar suggests that may have been related to her health, but now she’s back, having started her Reproductive Freedoms Tour in January 2024.

Kamala gives the impression that she is unmoved by opposition or criticism, but she does seem to care about women, children and reproductive rights. She is interested in lowering the cost of health care. Rabbit, which is her General Star, is constantly drawn into her natal chart and these are Rabbit-related things. At the same time, I’m not sure where she stands when it comes to ending air borne diseases like Covid.*

Kamala Harris is a more powerful person than Joe Biden in many ways, although not as popular. Kamala Harris has the Ba Zi of a general, but can she be a leader in her own right? Could she ever be the President of the United States? A general could be a president in times of war.

In the process of analyzing a Ba Zi, for me a summary phrase often comes to mind. With Kamala’s Ba Zi it’s “Caring Authoritarian” and I believe this is how our next President will present, whoever it is. The caring part may be true but who is it for? We are in a time cycle that supports an authoritarian regime unless things change. I hope you don’t believe the argument that punishment can be a substitute for nurturing and support and somehow that will bring peace. This is what I worry about.

Ba Zi of Kamala Harris
b. October 20th 1964 at 9:28 pm

Life House   Hour Day Month Year Big Fate
yin Water yang Metal yang Water yang Wood yang Wood yang Earth
Rooster Dog Tiger Dog Dragon Dragon


Kamala is a yang Water Day stem person. All of the pillars in her chart are yang. Being a Water person, she is easily influenced by others’ feelings although maybe not their words. It’s her empathy that gets to her. This is well disguised by the Wood Dragon in her year pillar, the Wood Dog in her month pillar and the Tiger in her day pillar. Deep down, she has the Metal Dog in her hour. That’s a Kui Gang pillar – pretty handy if you want to be in politics or any game where toughness is considered a virtue. With Water Rooster in her Life House, most of her opinions and what she does are formed by her early years, somewhere around the time she went to kindergarten. Look for themes related to that for Kamala in September 2024. It may remind her of a time when she felt a public exposure or humiliation.

Even though Kamala could be considered a weak yang Water person, yang Water is inexhaustible and she has hidden reserves in the Dragon. When it comes Kamala’s helpful elements, the ones that boost her career the most are Fire and Earth. I think Earth is probably the best when it comes to her career. The healthiest element in her chart is Earth which is her power.

Kamala Harris is interested in showing you that she is smart, that what she thinks is important and maybe nothing else. If she wants to be a President, Kamala would benefit by focusing on being understood. I know she can do that, but I also think she wants to influence (or leave a mark) more than she might want to be a leader. That is curation energy.

What we experience of Kamala is filtered through her external energy and in a Ba Zi her external energy is called Qi Sha or Seven Killings. Kamala’s work merges into her public personality. It’s hard to differentiate between them. Kamala is commanding and intimidating and people don’t usually appreciate that in women. Under the surface, Kamala possesses a youthful and optimistic kind of energy that drives her high risk tolerance. She is not afraid.

Qi Sha energy functions in the contexts of conquering and taking. For Kamala, these actions are spurred by empathy and this is where I am hoping she will surprise us. She feels what other people are feeling, she feels their experience but she may not be good at gentleness. That’s okay as long as she can learn. Qi Sha also means you are very resourceful. You find or create resources for yourself. If you look at Kamala’s history and career, men help her do that whether they mean to or not.

Although Kamala has perfected the art of seeming tough, she deals with lifelong frustration and likely has experienced bouts of depression. Her thoughts are easily turned to action. Think it, do it. And yet, her actions and words are sometimes ridiculed. I expect she feels pretty lonely and misunderstood, but the Dog in her Ba Zi keeps her going regardless.

One of the most important influences for Kamala was obviously her mother who happened to name both of her daughters after goddesses – a power move! At age seven, watching Shyamala Gopalan, her mother, pursue her career while taking on single motherhood was a demonstration for Kamala of where her own possibilities began. If we interpret the year pillar as having to do with parents, there’s that Qi Sha again. She learned it from her momma.

Kamala Harris carries and seems to be comfortable with a lot of dissonance. When I look at her Ba Zi I see a person who values control more than intimacy. She is not fearful but she is familiar with worry, depression and frustration. For Kamala to stay in her comfort zone, certain appearances, and therefore compartments, must be maintained. Kamala would like you to stay at arms length away, at least, and I kind of don’t blame her. She has her reasons for feeling like she has to protect herself at all times and so she does. She’ll be the one to decide if that kind of energy will support all that she wants to experience on this second time around the wheel.

From a Ba Zi perspective, Kamala is hard to read because her year pillar is both Qi Sha and Void or Empty. Her public facing energy is Void. Wood is a Void element for Kamala and so is Earth. If both Wood and Earth are void in this chart, it’s only a small leap to think that all four pillars could be Void. It’s a fun idea to play with.

In October 2024, we will see what happens when her Void year pillar is clashed. I think we are about to learn more about Kamala Harris this year than we ever have before. Her luck in November is better than Joe Biden’s. Sometimes I wonder if that helped him win in 2020.

*When you look at her chart, ask yourself what year Kamala Harris had Covid. It’s staring you in the face.