The Horse in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year


Sweet Relief

2024 is going to be a pretty good year for the Horse. This is the beginning of a new time, a new era. This Wood Dragon is just the first taste. To maximize your good luck, seek all the things that make you healthier both physically and otherwise. Relationships are one. You might choose to focus on the romantic ones this year, but they are all equally important.

To work with the power of the year, the Horse will want to be careful of who they endorse. Popularity has little substance. You should know that better than anyone. Are your heroes worthy of your accolades? The Dragon has friends and associates whose agendas can clash yours. The Rat is one. In 2024 the Rat has some special privileges, bringing echoes of 2020. You may become the focus of Water energy again. It’s a good time to re-examine your perceptions about that. This is not a dire situation.

The metaphor of trying to kill what you love is true when it comes to Water and Fire unless there is a conscious choice made by both parties to create something new. Some of this has to do with surrender, but most of it has to do with standing your ground in a purposeful way. I might call that clashing yourself.

With the way the balance of Water and Fire defines a Horse’s life, a helpful solution is to talk about your emotions with a trusted friend. The Sheep comes to mind. The Sheep helps to calm things down.

If you’ve made repairs to health or relationship since 2020, reinforce them. Most of the work of the year involves changing your mind. Mostly it’s too easy, however, when it comes to certain people, it seems impossible. Try not to take either situation as a failure or a loss. If you’ve turned on a dime before, you can do it again, however that might look or how awkward and painful it might be.

Horses understand the energy of the Wood Dragon, which is sometimes known as the Candle Flame. The idea of a candle’s flame is something a Horse can relate to, keeping your eyes on the future so you can get there. Horses don’t need to know how. Dragons don’t need to know how either.

While the Rooster is the Dragon’s Secret Friend, the Horse is overlooked when it comes to being the Dragon’s biggest fan and supporter. These three together make a House of Self Clash where there is often great love and appreciation. Maybe it’s that they understand each other’s self clash?

The relationship of the Horse to the Dragon and the Rooster to the Dragon are very different. The Horse can never hold the whip hand the way a Rooster will when it comes to the Dragon. The Rooster will never encourage the Dragon’s more serious endeavors as much as the Horse does. The Rooster will allow no one but the Horse to soothe them and make them laugh. Between Horse and Dragon is always the agreement that the Dragon is in charge.

If you are a Horse who wants to be more independent and self-sustaining, don’t ask for permission to do it. Give it to yourself this time. Commit to that. You’re not going to experience the kind approval you want from the Dragon even when it’s given. Stop worrying about it.

In a Dragon year, there’s more substance to what some call the Horse’s showing off. The Horse’s dual nature often expresses a conflict between external reputation and personal relationships. In public matters a Horse may seem recklessly unafraid. In matters of intimacy it might be a different story. Are you ready to change that yet? Have you already been changing?

The answer to my question is important because the Special Stars of 2024 suggest Horses are in a mood to make everything right. Start with yourself. Start where you live. If you’re questioning whether you are with the right partner, in the right job, or in the right place and not doing something about it, somebody could get burned. This is not inevitable. If you’re not sure about your commitment, they are probably not sure about your commitment either. Be who you mean to be. It might be time for a no regrets policy. Horses are usually not good at lying. Make that your asset. Be kind.

Even if you haven’t decided yet what you want to do about your urges, the place to begin is one of those uncomfortable talks where, if you can stay present, any problem can be solved. If you want to be caught, try not to run away this time. Even though your partner is aware that you’re feeling unsteady, they may need some time to catch up. Don’t try to rescue them. This is a team effort. It will require practice.

It’s the ups and downs of 2024 that may trouble a Horse the most, but they can be mitigated through your choices. The year could feel more unstable than it is, and you can certainly mitigate potential problems. For example, avoiding situations involving physical risk is a good plan. That would include visiting locations that are prone to natural disasters even though it seems like a good idea at the time. Question yourself about travel. Does it make sense?!

If you’re a Horse hoping for a better material life or more status, this year will provide opportunities for that. I’m hoping higher status means there are more people who know about you, more people who respect you and your work and more people who hold you in high esteem. This isn’t about being powerful, rich and famous. It’s about getting some relief after the trials of the Water cycle. It’s okay to enjoy the external and material things.

Horses who have been putting off a surgery may want to schedule it this year. You could give blood instead as a way to mitigate potential injuries. A thorough cleaning of your teeth at the dentist might help too. June is a good month for all that.

The first half of the year is filled with resources and supporters for the Horse. Start the year running. Start pacing yourself when we hit April to avoid burnout. You might have a second wind in June.

In the second half of the year, there’s going to be a lot of Water. This could generate some free floating anxiety for the Horse. Let yourself cry as much as you need to. Let that Water move on.

As I like to remind people I work with, there will be good and bad things at the same time. Don’t miss out on the experiences you want to have. Encourage hope, joy and light and you will also receive it.

Just in case you’re still worried, there’s one more thing I want to say about Water and Fire:

I think the Rat secretly loves the Horse. I think the Rat is often obsessed with the Horse, but the Horse may not always be in a position to survive it. The opposition of Water feels personal to the Horse. The Horse’s freedom feels wrong to the Rat…and so it goes unless there is love. I suppose that means that in Period 9, once again love is the answer.

The Horse’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Run with the Tiger. Enjoy the acceleration.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
If you had a breakup last year, it might come up again now.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
You may have already overdone it. Get some rest.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
Internal reflections. Look for the way macro and micro align.

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
You can tame the trouble without sacrificing yourself. Get advice.

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
Stability returns along with some success that comes easy.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Your travel star is the travel star of the year. You may benefit from travel.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
Be careful of promising what you can’t deliver. Examine priorities.

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Sometimes life is easy.

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Appreciate rewards. They don’t need to be perfect do they?

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
If it’s a no, then it’s a no. It’s you saying it, not me.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Take some time off. If you’re working, plan for short hours.