The Pig in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

Year of the Pig

Approaching the Delta

Zoom out your lens Pig. The Wood Dragon year is going to ask you to take a wider perspective, maybe even a higher one; probably both at the same time. This year is made for your versatile nature and the attention your multiple talents deserve. We don’t need a specialist when we have you available to help us. Pigs will be solving problems like the wind! I can only assume that such good fortune would be a result of you becoming more adept at preparation.

Just in case you need a refresher course, let me remind you that a Pig who is organized and prepared is unstoppable.

In a Ba Zi, the Pig is one of the four self clash signs. The other three are Dragon, Horse and Rooster. For the Pig, the self clash usually involves not seeking support, or not speaking up about urgent matters. Trying to handle everything on their own can lead a to self destructive ways of coping. Regarding a Pig’s behavior, this is a tendency, not a prophecy. I’m reminding you of this because the Snake is coming next year.

Full disclosure: much of this forecast is meant to prepare the Pig for the clash they will experience in 2025. Guess what? 2024 is not time to build a house of straw, sticks or bricks where you can hide away. It’s time to be seen and known. That’s the way to prepare. I want you to be ready to meet the opportunities that are coming.

Pigs have 龍德 Dragon Virtue in 2024. You’re lucky! That means it’s time to get a reputation, or change the one you have. I doubt there’s anything wrong with it other than it needs an update or reconfiguration. You and the times have changed.

In the first half of 2024 comes the reinvention, along with a “disaster pass” for those born in a Pig month, meaning just in case there is one, you emerge unharmed. In this year where you will be planting seeds, or growing yourself, protect what you have planted. Protect what you’ve got growing or budding. Protect yourself too because you’re the root.

You’ll want to have some projects well established before we get to 2025. Whatever you’re working on, grow it as big as you can this year. Get down to business right away in February and don’t look back until September. You might even think of yourself as a tree expanding without limit, knowing when it’s pruning time your beauty will be revealed.

What you learn in this Wood Dragon year will have the power to change the way you think forever. If I haven’t yet made it clear, 2024 is very much about rebirth, birth and growth. Much of it will be witnessed by others. This is not necessarily embarrassing, in fact, people may find your journey compelling.

What you have to offer in 2024 is the culmination of years of your ideas, learning, training. All those things you’ve taught yourself to do are welcome and lucrative. People are interested and attracted to you and your talent. Although in April the Pig may feel that time is going backwards, or that they are about to be ridiculed again, act as if that’s not the case this year because it isn’t. Problem solved. It’s not denial, it’s reality. It’s as if you could speak things into existence this year. Don’t take this special imperial power too far. Use it most for your own good intentions.

There’s a lot Pigs can get done as leaders in the Wood Dragon year, which is kind of special. If you don’t love that role, exploring it anyway could bring some pleasant surprises. Next year will be your turn to be clashed and if you do the proper preparation this year, the clash will be something like the shaping or refinement of your talent. Leadership will prepare you to see the meaning of 2025. That might not be as easy once you’re in it.

As I mentioned earlier, if you were born in a Pig month*, in 2024 you have the special blessing of getting out of a difficult situation without any lasting effects. This luck shows up repetitively. Maybe this is your year to be bold, and find out that there are times you can do that and everything will turn out just as it’s meant to – fine. Interestingly, it’s this collective anger of the year energy that protects you. You might look for ways to encourage its expression in healthy ways.

If the Pig is in your year pillar, you may find yourself disengaged or disengaging from people you think are not treating you the way you deserve to be treated. This is something to consider deeply in the case of family relationships. It may be time to disengage with some people, places or things that have done you wrong, however, you may also find there is no disengaging from family. No matter where you go, they are in you. Try to embrace this as much as possible.

Your vague sense of impending mistreatment peaks in May. It may have a root in the Dragon and how they can transform to Metal at a moment’s notice. This is not ever something the sensitive Pig is prepared for. The Dragon and Snake may carry a similar energy for you at times. What you always need to keep in mind is that you are safe. For real.

As a Pig you probably already know that when people stand out by being more lucky or more commanding and confident, they get more fans and friends. They also get more “enemies”, by which I mean people who are unhappy with their own situation and your improvements remind them of that. What can you do? Try not to worry about it. Be kind anyway.

In a Wood Dragon year, make sure your paperwork is in order especially in the context of new ventures. Do you need permits or licenses? If there is a governing body involved with your project, meaning government, church, or boss, get to know the people you might need to contact. Meet them in person at least once if possible before you start your working relationship. Get used to being in touch with authorities. It’s a skill like any other. You’ll be okay.

I know it’s often difficult for the Pig to imagine a sunny outcome even when things are good. Other times your expectations of negative events exceed reality. Be careful of November’s darkness which might be dangerous for you. Get in the light. Ask for help. Prepare for November in advance.

So much of how 2024 ends and what you will be doing next year depends on your communication skills during this Wood Dragon year.

Keep communicating – it doesn’t matter if it’s awkward. People may think you have some wild ideas. If you want them to understand you will most likely need to say more and in laymen’s terms. You can do that. Know that you’re going to get attention, it won’t be difficult. In these times getting attention is one of the fastest and easiest ways people make money if you want that.

In 2024 Pigs have the gravitas to back up their performance. It’s real.

The Pig’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Reap the results of last year’s behavior. ‘Ware the Tiger.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
Set up or renew support networks now.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
Time goes backwards. Find your voice mid month.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
If you want to know more about 2025, take some notes.

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
Ideas come through you starting a cycle that leads to money.

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
Redefined. Finding a connection that can bridge next year’s clash.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Possible losses but friends will always come through.

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
Finding out how someone you think you know well is changed by seduction might startle you.

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Witness what it’s like to be the year breaker before it’s your turn. Maybe it’s not that bad?

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
You might need that support system this month. Is this the beginning of 2025 for you?

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
Feeling outshined doesn’t mean you are. People know what’s real.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Eyes already on you. Are you ready to meet the Wood Snake?

*The Pig month covers approximately November 7th -December 7th. Each year the dates may vary slightly.