Who is a Dog?
Years: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006.
Month*: October
Hour: 19.00-21.00
Day: Ask Us
* Caution: the start of the Chinese month can be as early as the 4th & as late as the 9th, depending on the year. I can let you know this too.
What is a Dog?
The Dog is yang earth and a byword for faith and consistency. Terriers and Rotweilers are both fierce as well as loyal. In mediaeval heraldry and Renaissance painting, the greyhound symbolises constancy. The downside of this is that like Donald Trump and two of his three predecessors (ie not Obama – naturally) all 1946 Fire Dogs, they take some moving on.
A Dog can be expected to revere tradition and have a strong family background. If a Dog commits to something they can generally be relied upon to see it to completion – for better or worse. The difference between male and female Dogs can be that the female gets the message quicker. Interesting to note that Kate Middleton and Prince William are twin Water Dogs of 1982; a very solid match because as a yang earth sign, the Dog is pretty immovable, an ideal best friend or protector. These two are first and foremost, good friends.
The Dog’s thinking may not always be flexible but when he gets an idea, he really gets it. His natural grouping is with the hunters, the Horse and Tiger. The apportionment of tasks here is obvious: the Horse provides pace and the Tiger ferocity while the Dog watches the rear. If more people studied Chinese metaphysics, more workplaces would zing: in business the Horse will tend to be the sales person, the Tiger the closer or credit controller and the Dog the provider of after-sales service or er…hr department.
The Dog excels at service because he never gives up. He will return your phone calls and keep that appointment. He’s the friend who sends a card every birthday and the spouse who remembers every anniversary. He’s the Tweeter at dawn.
The Dog perhaps surprisingly, also mixes well with the gentle diplomatic Rabbit. The Rabbit schmoozes while the Dog ensures that her openness is not abused. The Dog makes a wonderful bodyguard and middle manager. A Dog employer will generally have achieved that position by sheer hard work and will demand the same from all around.
The Dog doesn’t like the Dragon because he’s such a smarty pants. Also the Dog hates success without effort and the Dragon creates with such apparent ease. Consider Dragon Vladimir Putin in this regard. The Snake too; she’d resent the Horse as well except that the balanced Dog is scrupulously loyal to her own team. And just as an aside, it’s a principle of yin and yang that opposites co-exist. So some Dogs will express these qualities in the omission rather than the observance. This may make sense of both George W Bush and Donald Trump.
An unbalanced Dog is a bit of a shop steward. He knows his rights and the way things should be – often the way they always have been. An unbalanced Dog (such as one with an October or mid-evening birth) is rigid. Those recent US Presidents in a downward progress of de-evolution bottoming out at Donald Trump, have been champions of stuck, male, white, wealthy privilege. Make no mistake: it may not be clear very soon but the Fire Dog is over. The smart Fire Dog has already become mentor and confessor, at which pursuits he excels, as is appropriate.
The Dog will often have a strong spiritual agenda and if he has a blind spot it may be an inability to tell the difference between religion and spirituality or spirituality and therapy. Because this means he sticks to his guns, the Dog is suited both to new age therapy and religious persecution. He will not be thrown off by the opinions of others once he has committed to a line of action. In fact the unbalanced Dog can be thick skinned in matters of belief; this Dog would be ideally suited to being a Grand Inquisitor. The problem is that their motto ought to be “Do as you would be done by,” and he thinks it already is.
The Dog can work well with other Dogs and with the Pig. With the Pig he shares a love of home and team and they are so different they don’t crowd each other. Sometimes the Dog and Pig can be telepathically close; this is because they are adjacent signs in the calendar linked by the yang earth that is a feature of both. Sometimes this earth is expressed by banter or earthy humour, sometimes by complimentary delusions; consider Trump and Earth Pig born-again misogynist Mike Pence. They can have a lot of fun together while getting the job done. Or not.
But the most powerful and most demanding role the Dog can play is in a creative team including the irritating Dragon, the autocratic Ox and the soft Sheep. If the Dog acts as conscience and bookkeeper, the Ox will relax, the Sheep toughen up and the Dragon acknowledge someone else for a change. If you are a Dog recruiting for non-executive directors take note. What is great about the Dog is that if he finds advice that works he will adopt it as if it were religion. Bless.
My Seattle based Student Stephanie Stewart’s forecast for the Dog in 2019 follows, do look her up: https://seriousfengshui.info/
Richard Ashworth©
The Dog in 2019
Every Dog has his day and you’ve had a whole year. 2018 was the doggiest dog ever.
The Dog’s reputation has been tarnished by the behavior of 1946 Fire Dog Donald Trump, 1958 Earth Dogs Betsy DeVos and Michael Flynn, and 1970 Metal Dogs Melania Trump, Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the 1982 Water Dog, so she is the communicator for the pack.
Barron Trump was born in a Fire Dog year. Take that not as judgment about him, but as an elegant metaphor demonstrating why some masters say a BaZi is like DNA. I have even used BaZi for genealogical research in my practice.
For all of 2018 Dogs have been in the spotlight, swamped with competition that they deemed irrelevant, except – how’s your stomach been this year? Gut issues?
I wish I could say that’s over now, but in 2019 you’ll have to carry on a few more months even though you’re no longer in charge. January and July and April will be the most demanding months of the year.
In February your associate the Tiger is helpful, even if the Pig distracts him. In March, your best friend the Rabbit is hitching her wagon to the Pig’s star too. It may be lonely, but take advantage of these months where you get a short surge of energy.
An in-your-face challenge will bring new insights about the meaning of protection and boundaries in April. It’s time to find some new pack members. You value loyalty; maybe too much. When everyone around you is in the same state of mind, It’s difficult to make the changes you want.
In May, the support you thought was solid has turned out to be unreliable or blocked. This might be the theme of the Pig year for you. Redefine yourself to stay relevant. You’ve got until 2022 to prepare for your next iteration. Use the time well.
Sometime mid-year you’ll find the possibility of a new romance or some unexpected financial gains. Your best support will come in June, however, there’s a danger that you’ll be explosive then, too.
If the Dog depends too much on control, which is just an idea, in the second half of the year she’ll experience greater losses. This might be a lesson about the heaviness of your hand and how you have relied on that to get what you wanted.
Seek the Rabbit to take you in and help you get patched up. If it’s your style, and the wood element is helpful for you, carry or wear a Tiger or a Rabbit amulet. Get in touch if you’re curious about that.
We’re at the end of a predatory era. You might want to consider that your strengths have turned into your weaknesses, and vice versa. The value comes in acknowledging it. You’re not a victim, but you could use your ideas about guarding and safety to help others out of that box. Time to go back to herding and protecting. Gather up the lost, pull people out of danger, carry supplies, bring a message.
© Stephanie Stewart 2019