Water Rabbit Year Part 2: Little Bunny Fou Fou

In this year of seeking acceptance and endorsement, or suffering from the lack of it, the idea or portrayal of obsessive love will be widely used as an excuse for harmful behavior. Watch for intentions that are not as sincere, pure, or straightforward as they are purported to be.

Down the Rabbit Hole

If you’re familiar with the song Little Bunny Foo Foo, maybe you’ve read the title of this post and thought I’ve made a typo, but no. I meant to write fou fou, because frankly, this year is going to be/already is crazy. This song has been stuck in my head since I started writing the Annual Animal Fortunes back in November. At first it was annoying, but then, because I find so much meaning in the strange intersections of life I asked myself, why? Why is this song so persistent right now?

As the lyrics say, Little Bunny Fou Fou is certainly showing some uncharacteristic behavior, e.g. scooping up the field mice and bopping them on their heads. Maybe you can already see where this is going. It seems that Little Bunny Fou Fou is a song about the Ingratitude Penalty – 2023 edition.

What has made this Rabbit go mad? I want to talk about March Hares marching in the streets, madness and mayhem. Okay maybe I’m being overly dramatic with mayhem (am I?), but it sounds great, doesn’t it? And after all, as the Cheshire Cat says, by now “We’re all mad here”. Why not enjoy it when you can?

I find it strange that no one has thought to identify a Gallic origin of Little Bunny Fou Fou. Surely someone has, have I missed it? How is foo foo not a corruption of fou fou? These are important questions.

When my children learned this song in kindergarten, they sang it to the tune of Alouette, a French Canadian children’s song which might be about food prep: plucking the feathers from head of a lark? In a Rabbit year, my mind immediately goes to the Rooster.

So, with Little Bunny Fou Fou, we’ve got a song about a Rabbit (Bunny Fou Fou) going against their usual nature and hurting the Rat (field mice). There’s also a fairy (Horse?) who threatens to transform the Rabbit into a “goon” if they don’t stop their bad behavior. Little Bunny Fou Fou has three chances to change. That’s it.

Incidentally, the origin of the word goon is gony, meaning a large clumsy bird. Is the fairy threatening to turn Little Bunny Fou Fou into a Rooster? That would be a fate worse than defeat or death, right? I think this is a portent of how it may be hard to tell who is the Rabbit and who is the Rooster in 2023. Maybe we’re all prepared to go to extremes to make things right, whatever that means to us.

Rabbit, Rat and Rooster are the protagonists this year. Horses too, but Horses who want longevity will play and stay under the radar. This year you can do that and still get all the attention you want.

The Ingratitude Penalty of Rat and Rabbit

In a Ba Zi, the Rat is called the 桃花 Tao Hua (Peach Blossom) of the Rabbit meaning they are irresistible to the Rabbit. It is said that Rabbits get into difficult situations or may be penalized in the context of their relationship with Rat. At the same time, however, the Rabbit seems to crave the Rat’s attention, no matter how badly they feel the Rat treats them. Should we blame the Rabbit for being attracted to the Rat and wanting their approval? I think not. Should the Rat be blamed for having the whip hand in this relationship? Not necessarily. What a conundrum – unless each party has the capacity to take responsibility for themselves.

The root of the problem here is a power inequity, which in a Ba Zi is called the Ingratitude Penalty. The term penalty here is a shorthand for elemental imbalance, but to be clear, we are talking about being attracted to something/someone that is inevitably going to be in a position to hurt you. Notice I didn’t say they will do it. That’s always up for discussion.

Some masters see the Penalty as a very, very bad “romance” while others see it as intergenerational conflict. I see it as the place where power inequity meets love and the possible abuses of that situation. Amor fou. The Ingratitude Penalty is about power, and plays out in the context of love or family relationships. Of course, it can happen at work too. It can happen wherever there is inequity and disregard for others capacity.

What did the Rat do that made the normally peaceful Rabbit angry enough to become fierce and bad? What does the Rabbit intend to obtain through their “bad” behavior? Revenge? Reparations? The expression amor fou carries a sense of impending doom of one or both parties. I’m hoping it doesn’t have to go that far, as much as I realize it just might.

Why now, in 2023, will there be protests regarding every kind of freedom and right that we feel we’ve lost, are losing, or never had? Why do we have to reclaim rights over our own bodies? Why do we need to revive unions? Why would there be protests in academic environments? These are all topics related to the energy of the Rabbit.

In this context of the Ingratitude Penalty, we might also think of the Rat as people who hoard wealth and resources. The Rabbit is cast in the role of everyone else. Now the Rabbit is in charge. Will we be bold enough to drive change as far as it needs to go?

It’s a Water Rabbit year, and from the Rabbit’s perspective, the Rat has gone too far, for too long. The Rat has been relying on the Rabbit to keep the peace due to their smallness, their love of nurturing and growing, and their disinterest in fighting. The Penalty is an illustration of the tension between the concept of being provided for in every way* vs having authority and using it to manage your resources.**

For a real life example of the Ingratitude Penalty, we might look to the lockdown of China’s Zero Covid Policy that began in early 2020, a 庚子 Metal Rat year. The lockdown ended on December 7, 2022 which was the start of the 壬子 Water Rat month, just before the year of the Rabbit began to phase in.

Although the original intentions may have been good, the lockdown went on too long and the regulations were too strict. People actually lost their lives because of the Zero Covid Policy. The government went too far with restrictions, but like a rebound effect, when all precautions were abandoned, the population rapidly saw high rates of infection. It was hard not to see the complete abandonment of regulations as not done out of spite for the ingratitude of the Chinese people, if you see what I’m saying. See also, USA.

The Windsor Family is another well known example of the Ingratitude Penalty, and let’s not forget, no one has been crowned yet. Unfortunately, 1948 戊子 Earth Rat Charles III is trying to kick off his reign in a year of Ingratitude Penalty, and 1947 丁丑 Fire Ox Camilla (on her second round of Covid) is along for the ride. What could go wrong?

It’s hard not to make the same mistakes your ancestors did. I wonder if Charles and Camilla have noticed that people don’t feel as enthusiastic as they used to be about the monarchy with their lives of material privilege and joy deprivation. Perhaps 2023 is not the right climate for asking people to celebrate their ancestral wealth and royal pageantry. We have “royal families” in the US too, in case you didn’t know.

In terms of date selection, I’m not sure I would have chosen the first day of summer in the Chinese calendar for the coronation, and I’ve got some ideas about where their line may fail that relate to this timing. But what do I know?

I know that we all have peace to make with family and others right now, and that’s true regardless of whether you actually have a Rabbit or a Rat in your Ba Zi. Don’t wait. Balance the power.

*I don’t think this is a possible reality.
**I think this is a possible reality.

Next up, Part 3: Wild Speculations

Water Rabbit Year Part 1 : All Roads Lead to Mom

Mary, Untier of Knots

A Rabbit year is one where maybe all roads lead to Mom, mothers. or concepts of mothers and mothering. The Earth is a Mother too. Maybe you’ll be thinking of your mom more than usual this year. I know I will be thinking of mine.

To put it bluntly, as a child would, I want my Mom. Moms can’t solve everything, but they can sometimes make you feel that it’s possible. I want to feel like it’s possible to figure out this big mess we’re in, don’t you?

I’m dedicating my work this year to my Mom, who passed away in 2022. She was always my biggest fan and encouraged me to explore and pursue anything I wanted to learn. Both my Grandma and my Mom were big believers in how education would change your life and, feeling the lack of formal education, they taught themselves many things beyond the domestic. They were always hungry for knowledge. Me too.

My Mom attended the county spelling bee with me as a participant, just as my Grandma did with her. She took me to the library every week until I was in middle school. She told me nothing was out of my reach, which wasn’t true, but it certainly served me better than telling me nothing was within it. I’m not saying she lied. I think she truly believed I could do anything. You know how moms can be.

My Mom gave me her belief that I could do things that no one else in my family has done, and I have. Now my children have too.

I hate it when people pretend that dead people were perfect, simply because they are dead, so I will admit that my Mom and I had our bad moments with each other too. Maybe those bad ones were just as important as the good ones, because they taught me I needed to learn how to work with my fraught emotions. It was safe to do that with her, although it was quite unpleasant. Neither one of us was good at conflict. Ultimately, we chose to become best friends and enjoyed each other in that way for many years. But our relationship wasn’t always like that. And, yes I do know that not everyone wants to be friends with their mom. I get it.

Sometimes I felt my Mom was insensitive. I think she learned to be thick skinned because so many people she loved made fun of her. They made fun of her excess of fear, and although I felt it too, I did my share of teasing along with them. I regret that. Regardless, my Mom thought I was brave and so, I was. Now I know how much my courage had to do with knowing she was always there.

Within the scope of any parent’s (or child’s) mistakes are doses of both medicine and poison. In life we will need to learn how to work with both. I don’t think my Mom was perfect but, apparently, she was just right for me. How else would I be so lucky as to be friends with my Mom in spite of our mistakes?

I miss my Mom, but I know I don’t really want her back, even though sometimes I think I do. I feel relieved that she is beyond physical suffering. I want her to be wherever she is supposed to be and I know she is everywhere now, always with me. I can feel her. It’s not my Mother that I want back, but the feeling of the beneficent Mother taking my side no matter what. The feeling that everything will be okay because She said so.

I would like that for all of us this year.

Part 2: Little Bunny Fou Fou

12 Animal Fortunes for the Wood Tiger Month

Wood Tiger 甲寅 Month
February 4 10:47-March 6 04:31

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Wood Tiger. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time.

If you don’t know them just ask! Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

The Fortunes

Years: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Month: February roughly.
For the best year, this month focus on health. Do things that support/protect your immune system. Attention to elders who may need assistance.
Hint: Stubborn insistence does not confer super human powers. You might need help.

Years: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Month: March roughly.
Big brother is watching, but who cares? You might think you have something to lose, and you do. It’s whatever is holding you back. That’s what this year is about.
Hint: Don’t be put off by size or proportion. Gently push aside whatever is in your way. Everyone will be okay.

Years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
Month: April roughly.
As if you hadn’t had enough Tiger, now it’s a Wood Tiger. Maybe you’re feeling used? You’re about to figure out how to change that. A Horse could help.
Hint: What if you solving your own problems turned into some kind of long term mutual assistance?

Years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Month: May roughly.
Since travel is likely for you this year, and this month, pack your patience. Get the car checked/tuned up. Have back up plans in case of travel delays or cancellations.
Hint: If you can roll with it, you’ll be less accident prone.

Years: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Month: June roughly.
It’s possible for you to cruise at a good pace for the next two months if you put healthy routines in place. Could be increased benefits from medical treatments this month. Regulate Fire.
Hint: As much as you might enjoy the process of flaming out, burnout doesn’t look good on you.

Years: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Month: July roughly.
Unknowingly(?) co-opted. Brief opportunities for brief partnerships. Stubbornness of nurturing those who don’t appreciate it.
Hint: Hard to get rid of 2022 isn’t it?

Years: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Month: August roughly.
Feels like an extension of 2022. Luckily this is the tail of the Tiger. Careful of scammers and unneeded expenses.
Hint: Keep your wits about you. Intoxication may exacerbate conflict or your perception of it.

Years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
Month: September roughly.
Feeling vulnerable? It’s a good month to stay home or take time off in cozy places. If you’re overwhelmed by uncertainty, get the facts. You know that always helps.
Hint: No cruises this month.

Years: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
Month: October roughly.
Know the motives of whoever is empowering you. Make sure you share them. When you know your actions will be successful it’s important to consider all the implications and possible outcomes.
Hint: Collateral damage is not okay. Have you noticed how it adds up?

Years: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1994, 2007, 2018, 2030
Month: November roughly.
Acceptance may come more easily this month. It’s the right time for the Pig to move on to greener pastures. Just keep it moving. It’s going to be a good year.
Hint: For learning purposes: Ask for what you want even if you don’t think you are going to get it.

Years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Month: December roughly.
If you’re not done with 2022, here’s your grace period. You still have this month to finish up. If opportunity knocks, it’s probably best to say yes.
Hint: Make a list of the people you love and call them. The talk doesn’t have to be deep unless you want that.

Years: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Month: January roughly.
Stick with current projects and goals. Ghosts of 2022 may haunt. Don’t be held back by what is expired. Catch up with parents/children regarding health.
Hint: Even if you feel like there is nothing you can do, make your intentions known. You do care.

12 Animal Fortunes for 2023 ~ Water Rabbit Year

How To Use The Animal Fortunes

If you already know your Four Pillars click on the animal name in the table to go straight to your forecast. If you don’t know your Year Animal, click on your birth year. You’ll want to read the fortune for all four of your pillars. If you don’t know your Four Pillars, please ask me.

The position of each pillar will tell you how the fortune relates to your life.

Year Pillar

Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar

Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi.

Day Pillar
Yourself and your partner; relationship.

Hour Pillar
The innermost you, your children, future, dreams.

The interpretation of elements in a Ba Zi rests on the day stem, therefore, these forecasts cannot take into account the dynamic interaction of your particular natal chart, your elemental flow or favorable elements. Do you want to learn more about how to use your BaZi for timing and other purposes? Visit my Services page if you’re ready for a reading. I’ll be opening my schedule again in April.

Are you setting up your house for the Year of the Water Rabbit? You may also want to read about Your Good Directions in 2023 and 2023 Feng Shui Basics.

Happy New Year!

2023 Animal Fortunes

Rabbit 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011
Dragon 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012
Snake 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013
Horse 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014
Sheep 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015
Monkey 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016
Rooster 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017
Dog 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018
Pig 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007
Rat 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008
Ox 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009
Tiger 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010

Water Rabbit 癸卯 2023 Feng Shui Basics

If you’re preparing for the Year of the Water Rabbit, here are some things you may want to think about regarding the shift of the energy in your own home. You can use this information to set up, but keep in mind that while it’s accurate and helpful, by nature it’s generic. If your purpose is to go beyond the basics, the application of Feng Shui must be tailored to you and your home.

There will be areas that you will want to keep quiet in the Water Rabbit year. Since it begins in February, January is almost always a great time to do a deep clean of the house and avoid negative effects.

Even this general stuff is a bit complicated so skip down to the guidelines if that’s how you scroll.

Tai Sui, Sui Po and San Sha

The Year of the Water Rabbit opens on February 4th at 10:47. The Tai Sui or Year Boss is in the E where the Rabbit is located because the Rabbit is the boss.

Although the Tiger and Rabbit are associated with wood, the Rabbit is yin to the Tiger’s yang. Will it be a better year? I think it will at least be a gentler one.

If you’re not already familiar with the concept of the Tai Sui you can think of it as the ruling energy of the year. In some years people born under the same Animal branch as the year are considered to be offending the Tai Sui. I think that is true in some years, however, I don’t think that applies to the Rabbit.

Directly opposite the Rabbit in the W is the Rooster. That means in 2023 the Rooster is called the Sui Po or “year breaker”. The Rooster is considered to be in opposition to the Rabbit. Their relationship is a clash.

Energetically the Rabbit sends force towards, pressures or stimulates the Rooster. The clash between Rabbit and Rooster has the potential for jealousy, competition where winning is the only point, as well as attraction. A clash means matters regarding Rabbits and Roosters can change more easily and rapidly.

If you’re feeling worried about the clash because there’s a Rooster in your BaZi, or because there’s a Rooster in your life, booking a BaZi reading can provides practical and applicable solutions. I can help you to navigate safely, mitigate and sometimes take advantage of a clash.

The San Sha or Three killings in 2023 covers the entire area between Monkey (SW3) and Dog (NW1). The Rooster, centering at 270 degrees in the west, and the Dog are in the most difficult positions. The energy of the San Sha this year is Wood element (east) vs Metal element (west).

Lest you get lost in the technical stuff, it’s important to remember that Feng Shui is all about relationships. Stick to first principles. If you want to know how the energy moves around, it’s elemental and elementary.

The annual calculations are expressions of the relationships of elements. They point out the Tai Sui, Sui Po, and San Sha: the relationships that may need more of your attention in any given year. You can think of them as roles we may be called to play.

Guidelines for 2023

  • Don’t face E, meaning the Rabbit who is centered at 90 degrees. You can spend time in the E location of your house but don’t face that direction. If your head points E when you are in bed, you’ll want to consider changing that. Having your back to the E is fine.
  • Avoid Rooster (W2) and the areas directly adjacent. The scope of the San Sha covers Monkey-Dog. To include the location of the Wu Huang or 5 Yellow, add in the Pig. So the entire area to be avoided covers 232.5-337.5 degrees on the compass. Don’t spend time there. Avoid digging, drilling or other activations in this area. Keep it quiet.

Consult a professional if you want to activate or make major changes to either E or W locations.

  • If your house faces E or W I recommend you have a Feng Shui survey of your home and mitigate any potential issues, especially if a door is located in the W or E.

These locations and directions can be fine tuned further by applying Ba Zhai (8 House or 8 Mansions). In 2023 East Group houses and people seem to have an advantage over West Group houses and people.

Flying Stars

Flying Stars is a system used to identify energy pockets within a building, city, country…The base energy for each area is indicated by the traditional Lo Shu where Star 5 is in the center:

4 9 2
E 3 5 7 W
8 1 6

In addition to these base stars which are static, each house has it’s own collection of Flying Stars, which some would say is similar to a natal chart. The best results come when you’ve understood and dealt with these static and underlying energies first.

Once you’ve done that, there are the annual stars which move each year to play with. There are also monthly Flying Stars and daily Flying Stars which you may be familiar with if you read my daily forecasts.

Each star corresponds to a trigram from the Later Heaven Bagua and so each one also has an elemental nature. Some stars naturally pair up. Some stars play well together and some don’t. Some are helpful and some not so much. I won’t try to explain it more here.

In 2023, we have the 4 Star in the center, setting the tone of the year. The map below will tell you the locations of the annual Flying Stars within your home for the Water Rabbit year. They will interact with the monthly Flying Stars in a guest/host relationship. This interaction of the annual and monthly stars is used for forecasting and more.

Annual Flying Stars for Water Rabbit 2023

3 8 1
E 2 4 6 W
7 9 5

As a general practice, we want to avoid the annual Wu Huang or 5 yellow, so don’t spend time in the NW of your home. This is part of the San Sha this year so the instructions above have already warned about this area. Keep it as quiet as possible.

When to Act

Moving things around the house, changing rooms, and placing Feng Shui cures and enhancements is best done between 冬至Dong Zhi or winter solstice, and 立春Li Chun which is usually around February 4th or 5th. The exact dates vary slightly depending on the year.

You can maximize the results of your changes and adjustments by using date selection. If you want help with that, I invite you to subscribe to my monthly newsletter or, contact me to find a date that’s specific to you and your house.

If you’re familiar with applying Feng Shui you can use the information in this article to set up your house. You’ll also need to know your Ming Gua to make the most of the energy of 2023. Just compare your good directions with the “rules”. And of course I’m available if you want to enhance or mitigate rather than simply avoid.

Water Rabbit 癸卯 2023 Your Good Directions

Ming Gua, East and West Life Groups

The Ming Gua is a number that is calculated using gender and birthday in order to employ the Feng Shui method called 8 House, 8 Mansions or Ba Zhai. Each number corresponds to a trigram and an element in the Later Heaven Bagua. The Ming Gua is also known as the Natal Trigram, Destiny Number or Life Star number.

Do you know your Ming Gua? Send me your birthday and gender and I can tell you. Once you know your number you will be able to use your best directions for setting up your home and/or choosing a home that fits you.

The Guas fall into two categories in this system: East Life Group and West Life Group. If you already know your number, you can use the chart below to figure out which group you belong to.

East Life Group Numbers West Life Group Numbers
1 2
3 6
4 7
9 8

Your Ming Gua indicates the Life Group and the good directions for you. Each person has four, and they support in different ways, but all are considered beneficial. Use them to set up your desk, bed, computer, tv and other furnishings. If you’re remodeling your kitchen or moving house, you can use Ba Zhai to set up your stove as well. This requires a higher level of expertise.

Good Directions for East Group Good Directions for West Group

N.B. When you are lying in bed you are facing the direction your head is pointing. Think of your body as the compass needle.

What I haven’t addressed here is that there are also four house orientations that are appropriate for each Life Group. Do you know if your house supports your Ming Gua? Email me if you’re curious about your house.

And one more thing – you’re going to need to know if any of your four good directions are not so good in 2023. You may want to rule some out temporarily. I’ll be explaining that in my next post.

The Tiger in 2023 ~ Water Rabbit Year

Coming Down the Mountain

You may be capable of great things, but life consists of small things.

Ming-Dao Ding

I’m not one to instruct about karma, but there seems to be a correlation between people’s behavior when they are in power and what happens when that ends. Therefore, in 2023, I expect honest Tigers could write their own forecast for a pretty good year. As for Tigers who have gone wrong, not so much.*

Now that you’re back from exploring the many paths and conquering things that came into view in 2022, where do you go? There are pressing choices for Tigers to make and some of them may have to do with geography. Some Tigers are waiting to hear back from officials about plans they’ve proposed. Maybe last year you had gotten used to being first, as opposed to waiting for permission from others, but things have changed.

You can’t always be the boss of the year, and moving into 2023 may feel like coming down from a higher place. The conquering is over for now. It’s time to tend to details: the smaller, more domestic matters such as health. More than anything, this is a year to take care of yours. Pay special attention to supporting your immune system. Do this for elder or younger family members too. Averting potential illness is possible.

Although taking care of health is the most important work for the Tiger in 2023, unfortunately there are no medals. It’s not very glamorous. Some might even call it uneventful. That’s what I’m hoping. I want Tigers to continue on their way without obstruction. Knowing you, with Rabbit present, you still have big aspirations and plans, however, in 2023 Tigers are going to need allies to help them on their way. You’ll probably be more successful if you can accept that it may be time to follow the lead of those who are gentle and persistent. I recommend the Rabbit.

Since friends and associates will be key to your progress in 2023, I wonder if you have thanked the people who showed up to help you in 2022. That would likely be the Horse, Dog and Pig. They are the same ones who will be around to help you in 2023 when challenges are more personal. Might they be due some acknowledgment? An apology for past rough treatment? It might be time to stop questioning their magic, which mostly comes from their intention to love you.

I can’t prove this to you, Tiger, but I know you have experienced and benefitted from caring and faith throughout your life. Maybe you let others believe so you don’t have to. Trust is not your kind of risk is it? That might be something to work on in 2023.

Many a Tiger enhanced their social status in 2022, finding old and new friends and new places to play. This kind of energy is still rising for you in 2023. Maybe that’s why, with the changes and choices that are coming, you might feel some anxiousness about what you’ve built and how you might lose it by pursuing your prizes. Don’t forget that relationship is not an achievement, it’s a process. Maybe you’re worried about losing touch with family or friends, money or property. If these are possibilities for you, remember that you can’t judge the indefinite future by the events of one year. Thank goodness, right? Anyway, what if these “losses” are meant to help you move forward?

Tigers will get more out of the year by accepting that both they and the people around them need a little extra assistance. The Rabbit will challenge you to become a caregiver; to become more flexible about your pace and that of others’. You’re not going to be able to fake it, so if it’s a “no” for you regarding being a caretaker or taking more care of yourself, enlist help. If your year is Tiger, it may be that elders need your help. Don’t feel like you have to do everything on your own. You are good at organizing, but it’s really not your thing to be a nurse. Nothing to prove here.

In 2022, many Tigers found themselves dutifully attending to family matters while still finding the time to go on their Tiger adventures. When you’re the year boss you get certain privileges. When you’re not, there are more limits. Perhaps the wide range of your experiences in 2022 taught you some lessons about weakness and strength that go beyond the physical. Maybe now you understand that the people you see as weak support you as much or more than you support them, and that the strength of love goes beyond death. I want you to remember that sincerity is a multipurpose tool and probably your best one this year.

As I mentioned before, if Tiger is in your year, grandparents or parents may need assistance in the context of aging or illness. 2023 is a good year to help them support their immune systems, and avoid exhaustion or overwork.

This same advice applies to you. If you are tired or ill, rest. You don’t have to prove that you’re the apex predator all the time, not when you also know how to be the fiercest nurturer. Apply that energy to your family and yourself, especially if you were ill in 2022. Look for ways to boost your immunity. My understanding is that purposely getting infected doesn’t do that. Instead, take preventive measures: supplements, saunas, cold plunges, moderate exercise, sunlight, vaccines, masks.

If Tiger is in your month, you might benefit from to do lists, as it may be more difficult to keep up with all those small demands. If you find yourself becoming forgetful or checked out, you may be succumbing to duty. Seek the meaning of what is happening instead. This will help you with memory. Sometimes you can do everything, but that’s not this year. Ask for help if you need it. You don’t have to wait until you feel the situation is dire.

If Tiger is in your day branch, you may find yourself dating or marrying a partner with money. If you’re not interested in partnership, you can take comfort knowing your money is pretty secure. For all Tigers, I don’t think it’s money that will be your real concern in 2023.

If Tiger is in your hour and you have children, do what you can to protect their health this year. If they are adults, what you can do is stay in touch and encourage them to take care of themselves. Just knowing you care will mean a great deal. Protect your inner self, hopes and dreams. This might be a year where finding faith or counseling will sustain you.

I want you to watch your head this year Tiger, and by that I mean, what is going on in there, as well as what might bonk you. If you’re a west coast Tiger, make sure those tall bookcases are strapped to the wall. If you enjoy national parks or other areas with lots of tall trees, stay aware of your surroundings. Lots of falling trees these days. If you’re visiting a construction site, wear a hard hat. Please note you may be accident prone, so slow down.

I realize this is not the sunniest forecast, but it’s not meant to scare you. If you’ve worked with me before, you know I like to cover all the bases. If we know the possibilities we can make better choices in our actions, and that’s how you work with fate.

Job Title: Health Nut
Associates: Tiger, Horse, Dog, Pig
Best Months: February, June, October, November(?)
Romance: Don’t do it for the money.

Timing for all signs: Whatever you want to accomplish this year will need to be started no later than March. Plan on finishing by July ideally, but no later than the end of August.

*I’m talking to you MTG.

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