The Horse in 2023 ~ Water Rabbit Year


Moon Era

So you thought that the Water Tiger was going to help you out, did you? And all you had to show for it was a big soggy smoking log. Every piece of Wood you gathered in 2022 was a little damp, no? At least you can blame the smoke for those watery eyes. You’re out of captivity now, so learn to be wild again. By this time, your perspective has shifted enough to survey the damage that has been done in your vicinity since 2020. Maybe you’ve got some anger fueling your creativity and you’re no longer willing to tolerate the status quo. That’s what I’m hoping.

There’s been plenty of talk about how the Horse was the recipient of good luck in 2022. And this turned out to be true, but not in a reaping the rewards kind of way. It was more of a survival kind of way. In 2022 there was just enough encouragement to persuade you to keep going even at those moments when you were ready to chuck everything you have worked for.

Maybe you’ve figured out that simply because you’re still here, you’re special. You made it through the wash, rinse, repeat cycle without being snuffed out. The ways that this has changed your perspective might make others think you are no fun any more. Sobering isn’t it? This year you can play again, that is, if you actively continue to take care of your health.

You’re going to be glad you didn’t give up. Horses who have made it this far have learned some lessons about what independence means and how support and responsibility are part of it. If you are still feeling stuck in 2020, I want you to ask yourself if this has to do with your lifestyle or mindset. Have you come to think of yourself as lacking support? Or how about not needing it? These are probably both in error. The meaning of dependency is always under consideration for the Horse. Accept friends and be a good friend anyway.

In 2023, you finally have some ideas of your own about how to fix your situation, along with the resources to do it. Phew. It’s been hard to recover your forward motion. Hang on Horse, something new is kindling. This is a year for you to take a position. That might involve revealing your politics, getting a new role at work or creating one for yourself.

One of the most exciting things for the Horse this year is that you have the Moon on your horizon. Horse is a yang sign (so very yang) which makes having the power of yin a big deal. Instead of coming at problems head on, running away, or dragging things into the light, you’re empowered to take a more subtle approach. This may temper some of the “right now” energy that leads you into trouble at times.

With the power of the Moon at your side, you’re going to be busy, just like you like it. Horses like to work hard and sometimes this is their addiction, a problematic one like any other. A healthy Horse learns how to bring the appropriate level of intensity to the project, that is, to not push themselves to burnout every single time. Not every contest or task merits that. The cost of your addiction impacts people that love you too, not just you. If I told you that in 2023 there’s a better than usual pay off for your efforts, would you remember what I said about moderating intensity – or knock yourself out? Learn the power of regulation and natural cycles. Read this paragraph again.

The Moon will tend to benefit women most but it’s helpful for men too. If you’re an entrepreneur, the Water Rabbit year will bring you opportunities to apply the energy of the Moon when it comes to networking or organizing your own business. This is a special timing for the Horse. In a year where you will naturally attract attention and admirers, what you need to remember is your most important work happens behind the scenes, on the personal level. Expand your soft skill set. Learn to let your influence go deep.

This is a good year for the Horse to learn to keep some things under wraps. You don’t need to advertise everything or share all your advice. Keep things on a need to know basis for a change. You might find it more relaxing. Remember, you can’t control how your advice is implemented or even understood. Do your best to be articulate, clear and specific.

Despite your love of showing off, the most important things the Horse will do this year will probably not be for public consumption. Get back in touch with the most powerful foundation of your work: it’s personal. Joy is personal. Fame is a secondary consideration and not a necessary condition of your happiness.

Some masters are advising the Horse to stay away from the Rat, Rabbit and Rooster but this year I think contact and interaction are unavoidable. When you feel bold, seek them out instead. All three of them could use your help, and believe it or not you could use theirs too. In this year where you can be more by being subtle, if they do let you help them, keep it to yourself. That’s part of the deal.

Horses can make the most of the Water Rabbit year by acknowledging that there are some things that are simply over and they’re not coming back. You can’t change what already happened, so no point in dwelling on it. Find a way to let yourself stand down. You’ve been on guard for too long. If 2022 made this a live issue for you in the context of family, know that it’s time to forgive and let go, even if you can’t forget. Listen, communicate, repeat. Remember what you want.

Should you think you need a body guard or enforcer, question that. I don’t think you do. You could try to enlist the Dog, but they are probably already working for the Rabbit. Tigers may be more interested in alliance with you than usual because you’re lucky – for now. They tend not to appreciate you but you might change that this year. Your friend the Sheep has big prospects so it may be your turn to pick up your own pieces. No problem!

Money is attracted to you, and might tempt you to be over aggressive in your pursuit of wealth. This is the kind of mistake that will alienate people in positions of authority as well as those whose opinions and alliances you value. You know, those people you want backing you up in times of trouble.

Relationships are easier this year than they’ve been in some time. Seek joy and spread it. In case of difficult relationships that you’d like to improve or at least maintain, jump back in now while you can get more for those efforts. Some of your avoidance is just a bad habit; not based on your current feels is it?

If Horse is your day branch, you have an opportunity to meet someone this year with whom you could have a long term romantic relationship. There are also new alliances you can make with powerful people, more so if your day is Metal Horse.

Those with a Metal Horse year (1990 roughly) have a good outlook too. The Seattle Seahawks would do well to let quarterback Geno Smith continue to do his magic. He’s a great example of the kind of career reversal Horses can experience in this timing of Tiger and Rabbit.

The Horse has good advice to give in 2023. If your Horse is in the day or year pillar, your parents, you or your spouse will be advising. If you have a Horse in your hour pillar, it might be your children who have the good advice. If the Horse is in your month pillar, it will probably be someone at work who can help, or possibly an ex or sibling. Wherever the Horse appears in your chart will tell you who the advisor is.

In 2023, Horses have solutions to offer. The emphasis this year is in helping others. Most of the problems you encounter may not seem to be yours, and yet, there they are in front of you.

Job Title: Whisperer
Allies: Tiger, Dog, Sheep
Best months: February, March (powerfully personal), July, October.
Romance: Oh yes.

Timing for all signs: Whatever you want to accomplish this year will need to be started no later than March. Plan on finishing by July ideally, but no later than the end of August.

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