The Snake in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

The Waiting is Over

It’s been a long road since 2019 and some Snakes are still waiting for their comeback. If that’s you, consider yourself in the right place. According to your pattern, you’re right where you should be. Stick with your efforts at restoration. If you’re a caretaker of others, be patient with yourself and them. You know about waiting and the work required to be prepared when the right moment arrives. You are the successor now.

This year, Snakes enjoy the blessing of the 太陽 Tai Yang or Sun. This energy of the Sun brings a special time for the Snake when they can take their pile of evidence, training and ideas and turn it into something everyone can clearly see. Put attention on the pertinent facts. Tell the story. Connect the dots. This is how problems can be solved. Stick with the truth. Be consistent. Along with the other blessings you have this year, you can see the future. I’m not referring to being psychic (although not ruling it out), but rather having the logic and vision to see what is going to happen well forward in time.

In the Wood Dragon year of 2024, the Snake will have been waiting patiently or impatiently for their turn. What if you are waiting for 2025 when you don’t have to? Do you hear what I’m saying? It’s not too early to come out of hiding. Friends are available. The Universe is poised to mentor you.

It’s going to be a good year for the Snake. Should it happen that some of the year’s opportunities disappear at the last minute, ask yourself if you already knew what would happen. The potential fallout will likely be mostly psychological – the feeling that someone else’s grass is always greener. Is that paranoia? Suspicion? Reality? There are more opportunities to come in the near future. Don’t worry about it.

While the Tiger may be the expert when it comes to knowing the right moment to kill, the Snake has mastered the art of waiting. When you’re a Snake, you learn to see the patterns and you often choose to wait it out, that is, except when a Monkey is involved. The Monkey is your Secret Friend. This is important to know in 2024 when the Monkey has connections with people you would enjoy as teachers or mentors. Without the Monkey, the Snake will maybe spend too much of their time waiting, wanting to be certain of their final form. Don’t you know by now that your flexibility might keep you waiting forever Snake?

A Snake’s form is not permanent, however, there is a pattern to how it changes. A Snake’s favorable elements may change over time. For 2024 I recommend you seek Fire*. By Fire this time I mean the people nearby who will help you create warmth and joy by way of mutual assistance, even in difficult circumstances. Encourage others and they will encourage you.**

Since it’s a Snake’s nature to stay hidden in some way, if you’re feeling lonely in 2024, I’m going to guess it’s by choice. Maybe you’re still unsure about commitment and what it means to you, or what it means to your potential partner. If you’re not sure what you want, know that your choices will reveal your priorities. What you do reveals what you want. If you want to meet friends and lovers, it helps to engage socially. I hope you will also consider that too much isolation, even when it is your choice, could be dangerous.

The Wood Dragon year will be a year of dealing with boundaries and how they might be respected, disrespected, and purposely or inadvertently crossed. Snakes will be trusted to bring the facts about such matters to light. This gives you a lot of power to exercise.

Snakes are some of the most important people when it comes to the 2024 US Presidential election because they have the most influence and vision. Many a Snake plays the role of politician or diplomat on the family level or in bigger venues despite (because of?) their desire to avoid the spotlight. Snakes often have stories of how they track information and use reverse engineering to find patterns that others miss. This skill can be used to enlighten, confuse. or amuse. That’s a Snake thing too.

Snakes know that the presentation of information influences how it is received, but no matter how eloquent and honest you may be, you can’t please everyone. Trying to do so is a trap for the Snake.

2024 is a year where the Snake’s gifts of discernment and scholarship are enhanced. Your ideas are important so protect them. You might do that by teaching. Writing and other academic achievements will bring Snakes attention and fame as well. If you’re a Snake who doesn’t consider yourself a writer, this year might change your mind. Not ready to go public with your work? The ideas you have this year are the raw material for your creativity well into the future so write them down. If there’s something that catches your attention, dive in. You’ll know quickly whether you’re digging in the right place. Research is satisfying, yet this year it feels very risky to the Snake who often is endangered by knowing too much.

Most Snakes can enjoy having enough (or more) money this year and will be paid well for their work. Instead of lending money, either give it or do not. Repayment seems unlikely this year.

Recognize that you might be putting together something important out of materials that no one else deemed worthwhile. Snakes are good at making do with what is available at any given moment in time. To maximize your luck, cobble together your skill set to create the role or job you want. You’re probably already doing it and if you have enough experience, you’re probably good enough to be paid for it. If you’re inexperienced or untrained, a Snake will probably be the one to question your competency. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

The best remedy for almost any Snake ailment this year is proper breathing, which will make a big difference in helping you through any illness or other stress. Try breathwork.

On a related note, for the Snake the possible dangers of 2024 likely have to do with burning and smoke. You can take this literally and metaphorically. If Snake is your year, this relates to your ancestors and experiences they may have had. I mean, it is dangerous to be so willing to expose the truth. History will confirm that. Some people will say you’re taking advantage. Regardless of the associated risks, your assignment this year is to shine a light. Step into the light. Timeliness makes it safe.

The Snake’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Take care with driving and travel. Try breathwork.

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
Dispelling misinformation/disinformation. Protect respiratory system.

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
An apprenticeship begins if you want it.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
Equal Rights, justice, and breaking down walls. Careful of belongings, lock doors and windows in SE.

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
In the midst of activists

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
Decentralizing the money; starting the revolution

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Drama, partnerships, dissolution; meeting power?

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
Romance and parties facilitated by acquaintances

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
Metal or Fire? I recommend the latter.

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Could be the beginning of your 2025

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
Metal or Fire? To charm, it’s Metal. Time to shift gears.

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Seeing potential others miss. A nobleman you know can help with money.

*If you want a more specific interpretation about what Fire means for you, please book a reading. Fire may or may not be a helpful element for your natal chart.

**This advice is safe for anyone I think.

The Dragon in 2024 ~ Wood Dragon Year

It’s Above You Now

In 2024 the Dragon is the Tai Sui. Some Dragons will be empowered, others may be plundered. A seasoned Dragon will tell you these experiences are not mutually exclusive. You’ll be in charge of everything, though that may be lost on you when you need to know it most, so don’t forget! You are the boss of the year.

With the kind of mandate you have this year, you’ll want to get advice from strategists and people who are good at being hands on. This will help you not to hurt yourself with the big moves of which you are capable.

Assume the gravitas. It’s time.

“You may be capable of big things, but life consists of small things.”
Deng Ming-Dao

What does this mean to the Dragon in 2024? What if it means that the big things you are capable of consist of a million small things you do? What if it means that big things happen through you, not because of you or for you? What if big events in the world are the accumulation of the small things that ripple out from you? Dragons are catalysts, and in this time, we could use some unexpected reversals.

Although Dragons usually go unappreciated regarding the process of the reversals that they bring, I think we can trust that some disruption is needed if we don’t like the direction in which things are going.

Dragons can expect an exposing kind of year where they are both running the show and being confronted by their own follies. The yang Wood that also governs this year (and you) might feel like anger. Your assignment is to channel it into change. You do have the resources for this.

In 2024, Dragons are elected by the Universe to be at the top of the wheel of fortune.

To be elected is to be chosen; chosen by forces you can’t control. To be elected is to be identified as the most appropriate person for the role, and to be appointed by those who want you to execute it. Following this logic, most of the leaders in our modern culture were not/are not elected. Being popular is not the same as being elected. The electorate can be controlled.

When someone is truly elected, as Dragons are this year, it is likely that they weren’t seeking the position. These choices you are offered may not be what you’ve envisioned for yourself. This is your year, but it’s not all about you! Here’s a tip: the person whose dream you enable is the person that will become your loyal supporter. I think this is one of the ways Dragons accumulate power. If you want power, then you don’t pursue power, you pursue service. Will you do it?

Being a Dragon, I think you’ll consider the depth and range of what you might set in motion this year and decide you’re in. Remember, you reap the rewards of your service more than your striving. I know this can be frustrating, but if the Dragon is no one’s Nobleman, then they are potentially everyone’s Nobleman. It’s as simple as first principles: yin and yang.

In the times when the Dragon is not flying in 2024, they will question their agency as it applies to making changes in their own life. They might question why their actions seem to benefit others more, and whether or not their role is valued. If you’re a Dragon who is not seeing the desired results of your actions this year, it’s simply because you don’t know the range of your touch. If you knew, you might even shed a few tears about who you were to be the initiator of the good things that will happen. Somebody is becoming unstuck due to your efforts. You are too.

There are two dangers for the Dragon this year: tripping over your own ego and/or becoming overcome by potential aggression. Will it be yours or theirs? Yes, you are powerful. It’s also true that you need the same kind of protections as everyone else, maybe more in this year where you will receive so much attention. Take care of yourself and allow others to care for you. You are human and you cannot withstand endless injury.

Other challenges of the year come from your potential to offend your community through self-sabotaging actions, most likely poor communication. That’s not inevitable. This year it’s easier than usual to check yourself. Try to remember we all have a lane and use your signals. Above all, avoid taking credit for others’ work. You might be finishing it, but don’t forget where it started.

On the plus side, wearing the Magnificent Crown again is a lonely job, but someone has to be brilliant and as you know, solitude is a comfort zone for you. I think Dragons generally enjoy the energy that comes with 華葢 (Hua Gai). Don’t take yourself too seriously and your vision will be clearer. If you’re lonely I’m going to guess you are avoiding the people who want to be friends with you. Make acquaintances. Consider allowing yourself to cultivate some relationships that are just for fun. Be honest about your intentions.

“Wasting time” and other smaller, shiny things might be most helpful for you, shielding you from too much erosion. For a Dragon, this will include play, love, friends and the ways intimacy might influence you. How about a taste of each? There might be things you need more than money. What if one of the benefits of companionship is that it helps you to rest? Dragons are capable of facilitating and participating in some really special moments if they are willing to give up some of their time and space this year. It’s not a penalty.

If you’re still feeling doubtful about your impact in 2024, I would ask if it’s because you are feeling a bit worn down. In the years where Tiger and Rabbit are followed by a Wood Dragon and a Wood Snake, Dragons will tend to feel as if their stamina is being tested. Maybe knowing that Wood breaks up Earth will help you understand what I mean. It’s not a dire situation, and yet there is much to be gained from you resting more in 2024. Think it through. If you don’t identify when it’s break time the Universe will do it for you.

If you’re a Dragon who also has two of the other vaults ( Ox, Sheep, or Dog) in your Ba Zi, it’s likely you will be able to take on a major project in one of the following months: July 2024, October 2024, January 2025.

I encourage you to take this opportunity seriously even if your goal seems too big. Remember though, that this advice is too generic to apply without a knowledge of Ba Zi. If you book a reading with me we can talk about what this means for you.

The Dragon’s Calendar for the Wood Dragon Year

丙寅 Fire Tiger Month
February 4th-March 5th
Frenzied but feeling like you’re going nowhere? Try to relax and let the process happen

丁卯 Fire Rabbit Month
March 5th-April 4th
Possible money loss; consider making donations to mitigate. Get some rest!

戊辰 Earth Dragon Month
April 4th-May 5th
Could be a bit dark for the Dragon. Get outdoors. Direct attention outward. Communicate.

己巳 Earth Snake Month
May 5th-June 5th
Mentoring visionaries for the revolution again

庚午 Metal Horse Month
June 5th-July 6th
Fans have arrived, attracted to your special talent

辛未 Metal Sheep Month
July 6th-August 7th
Tamed? Others are benefiting from your work.

壬申 Water Monkey Month
August 7th-September 7th
Travel and reunions

癸酉 Water Rooster Month
September 7th-October 8th
Peak distractions. Enjoy!

甲戌 Wood Dog Month
October 8th-November 7th
“The End” of your 2024?

乙亥 Wood Pig Month
November 7th-December 7th
Out of the sky, back into the Water

丙子 Fire Rat Month
December 7th-January 5th 2025
Ancestors and friends from the past

丁丑 Fire Ox month
January 5th-February 3rd
Withdrawals of support – or is it just a threat?

The Fire Tiger Month of 2024

Fire Tiger Month ~ February 2024

The Fire Tiger, also sometimes called the Fiery Furnace, has arrived to begin the solar year of the Wood Dragon. The Tiger marks the beginning of spring which is the season of Wood. With Wood and Fire together this way, you can expect some insomnia, excitement, mania for the next two months. It may be difficult to find relaxation.

This may have a disproportionate effect on yin Wood stem people and yang Fire stem people regarding relationships and tempers flaring. That is what’s likely if you are already prone to such things. If you’re not, you’ll probably experience it indirectly – through your interactions with others.

Next month we have the Fire Rabbit, whose nickname is also Fiery Furnace. All of this Fire is technically out of season but strong. Maybe that will be reflected in the weather. The Fire is going to speed up time, almost as if the Dragon wants us to jump straight to April which is the Dragon month. There have been many moments lately where I would like to fast forward but – I’m feeling pressed for time too.

So to start the year we have Wood, Fire and Earth in play, along with unseasonal Fire. If you know your elemental cycles, the Wood would like to break up the earth or control it while the Fire is strengthened by the Wood. Fire creates Earth. This self-sustaining power struggle creates tension between movement and stillness. Both seem problematic. It feels like everything is changing and nothing has changed.

Practical Applications for the Month

If you want to slow down, seek Water. That means actively restoring yourself. Talking about your emotions/health/mental health is one solution and probably one of the most effective ones. It’s not that the talking will solve everything – it’s that the talking allows the possibility of change. Talking is output. Writing is output. What you do is output. Output gets things moving. It gets rid of excess if you have any. Output can also reduce anxiety. That might sound too simple, but most truths do.

If you are a yin Metal day stem person, the Tiger is a nobleman sign for you relating to money. Whether this means you get money or spend money depends mostly on your natal chart, but also on timing. If you want to understand this in more depth, you might book an hour with me to talk about it, either in the context of your Ba Zi or in the context of study.

If you are a yang Water day stem person, the Tiger is your Academic Star. The yang fire in the month Stem this month clashes you. This might be a benefit! If you want to know whether that’s true for you, you know where I am.

Yin Water Day stem people may find they get a “delivery of money”. This will be related to or a result of their work.

In a Wood Dragon year, if you have a Tiger in your Ba Zi this is a month where you might benefit financially (and otherwise) from travel. It could be a little lonely but maybe you’re looking for some space? As you know safe travel requires taking precautions for your health. This is also a month where you might be around people who are ill.

12 Animal Fortunes for the Fire Tiger Month

Fire Tiger 丙寅 Month
February 4th 16:37-March 5th 10:21

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Fire Tiger. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time.

If you don’t know them just ask! Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

The Fortunes

Years: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034
Month: February roughly.
There’s benefit from travel for the Tiger this month. Maybe you’d like to be lonely for a moment? Take precautions when it comes to your health.
Hint: Burn bright anyway.

Years: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035
Month: March roughly.
Big brother is here. Or is it big mother? Hopefully they are here to help you clear the clutter that you can see and the clutter you can’t see.
Hint: Let the month come in like a wrecking ball.

Years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
Month: April roughly.
This is where the pattern is set for most of the year. Given the experiences you want to have, consider what actions would support that. Do them. You might think it doesn’t make sense.
Hint: Work on flexibility.

Years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Month: May roughly.
Snakes know what to do with the increasing light. Issue challenges. Challenge yourself. Prepare to come out of hiding. Let fairness be your guide.
Hint: Recognition is coming.

Years: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Month: June roughly.
The Ox is gone. No more excuses. Get to work on those projects. You can get to the future by seeing it but having a plan would help.
Hint: If you feel like you’re losing the race, then that’s how you feel.

Years: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Month: July roughly.
Watch for those “supportive” Tigers who are slipping into the protected areas. They might be the ones that smile too much.
Hint: This probably isn’t the month to make long term agreements.

Years: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Month: August roughly.
A clash is a clash and this month is a hearty one. What’s auspicious? All kinds of renovation and change. Getting health care is too.
Hint: The best way to get through a clash is to embrace change.

Years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
Month: September roughly.
A little fire to make you sparkle. This is how the Rooster combats danger. No worries.
Hint: Receive and reflect the warmth.

Years: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
Month: October roughly.
Feeling fired up? That’s great! That’s part of the stimulation that Dogs will be feeling for the next two months. Stay hydrated.
Hint: If your body feels too hot, you might also ask yourself if you’re being too stubborn.

Years: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031
Month: November roughly.
The Pig’s behavior in November of the Water Rabbit year (2023) shapes the month. If you’ve been treading on the Tiger’s tail with impunity, you are about to find out.
Hint: If kindness was your way, you benefit. This is about relationships.

Years: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032
Month: December roughly.
This month Rats are the strategists behind the executors. The Rats have the advice you’re looking for and good prospects for money.
Hint: Opportunities are there if you can be ready at a moment’s notice.

Years: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033
Month: January roughly.
Hopefully there will be fewer problems with technology this month. Is it time to replace or repair a phone or computer? If you want to be more free, let your routines change. Nothing lasts forever.
Hint: Buying refurbished rather than new may be more satisfying for you.

The Wood Ox Month of 2024

Wood Ox Month ~ January 2024

According to the solar calendar, the Ox marks the last of the 12 Zodiac animals. I read the Ox as the second-ish month of the new year of the Wood Dragon because the marker of the New Year I consider most important (in general) is the winter solstice. The qi in January seems very weak to me and in need of nurturing, like a baby or a talent. It needs faith and care. If you’ve made it past the winter solstice it’s not the time to give up, I do know that.

This year I spent the winter solstice and the Cold Moon in Arizona in a place called Cochise Stronghold. It is said that from the Stronghold three watchmen could see and control a 500 mile range against invaders. This is because the Stronghold is what is called a Sky Island – an elevated environment in the desert that houses different animals than the lower desert. There is natural water there but not as much as there used to be. The Stronghold is a special place. I sleep better there and can remember my vivid and constant dreams more. My body feels good in the Stronghold. It’s hard to leave. Maybe there is something to this Feng Shui stuff after all.

We drove down to Arizona from Seattle in a storm, literally driving every day in the rain. On the Water Rat day of the 20th, there was so much rain that visibility was quite limited for much of the time. It was stressful and a little scary. When we got to the Stronghold the rain followed, and that night of the winter solstice (December 22nd 2023) there was a huge storm and a thunderclap that shook the straw bale casita we were in, briefly creating a power outage.

The Universe was speaking: WAKE UP! So we did. Everything was fine.

And with that, I fell back to dreaming.  In the morning I thought to myself, that was just like Hexagram 51.

It felt like a profound moment of change and that is what I think you can expect from Hexagram 51. If you cast it, what you can know for sure is that things are about to change, or maybe it’s that they already have and you’re just now recognizing the extent.

That’s what the year of the Wood Dragon is going to be all about. What has already changed and what is rapidly changing.

Read on for the Gua Ci and line 1 of Hexagram 51

Hexagram 51 Zhen: Thunder, Shaking

This ideograph can also be used for earthquake.

Gua ci

Zhen: A sacrificial offering. With thunder comes

Fright and terror, laughter, speech and the sounds of laughing.

Thunder terrifies for a hundred li (50 km)

But no loss of spoon (nor of) sacrificial liquor


Line 1 (because it happened in the Rat hour)

With the thunder comes fright and terror; afterwards, laughter

Speech and sounds of laughing. Good fortune.


The Hexagram itself consists of Thunder over Thunder, Eldest Son over Eldest Son. It corresponds to the sign of the Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac, the last month of spring and the hours between 7-9am. The symbol of the Dragon is which is derived from its ancient form depicting a woman with her hands over her belly; pregnant and protective. This would symbolize the potential of the Dragon year and the sudden reversals it will bring. Shock and relief.

Practical Applications for the Month

In this Wood Ox month, some kind of breakup may be about to happen, or maybe it’s just that you’re perceiving the threat of something that will happen one year from now. In a Ba Zi the Ox and Dragon have this kind of relationship. If you have one of these pillars in your natal chart, you might note what part of your life will be affected. If you don’t, this pattern of energy will affect you anyhow but maybe not as deeply.

Interruptions of routines may make you question your calling. This is one theme of the year.

If you are a yang Wood, yang Earth or yang Metal day or year stem person, you have a Nobleman available to you this month. The Ox is one of your Noblemen.

If you have the Ox in your Ba Zi, in 2024 you have a special role to play in helping others. That is to say, you are a Nobleman. There are lots of ways to interpret this, obviously. I like to think that helping others is never a bad idea until proven otherwise.

You might help people you don’t know by doing your job well but you might make a special effort to help on a more personal level. I believe the accumulation of good deeds does help us in times of need. It definitely doesn’t hurt.

If you were born in the month of the Pig, take advantage of your good luck in getting things accomplished more smoothly than usual. If you’ve been feeling down, I expect you’ll get some relief this month. If you have a Pig in your Ba Zi I think this year is going to surprise you, in a good way.

Those with a yang Metal day stem will have thoughts and maybe second thoughts about commitment and whether potential partners are willing to conform to their standards regarding friendships and fair play. Those with a yin Wood stem may need to consider whether the changes demanded are worth it. They probably are. You’re both right.

Maybe it’s a month of topping from the bottom? If you want attention, being quiet might help. If you want to pay attention, the same applies.

12 Animal Fortunes for the Wood Ox Month

Wood Ox 乙丑 Month
January 6th 05:11-February 4th 16:37

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Wood Ox. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time.

If you don’t know them just ask! Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

The Fortunes

Years: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Month: January roughly.
There will be more opportunities for the Ox due to vacancies. This may not be welcome or wanted. I like to call it “pioneer time”.
Hint: Have a backup plan you might invoke in April.

Years: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Month: February roughly.
Take care lest you become entangled with whatever you are trying to control.
Hint: Consider the yin/yang of your actions. What is needed? What is wanted?

Years: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Month: March roughly.
Early signs of opportunities and successes that will be available when it’s warmer. Start the process.
Hint: Do the prep now.

Years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
Month: April roughly.
A taste of dissonance that I want you to remember in April. Nobody wants to be humiliated.
Hint: That’s not the same as being humbled.

Years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Month: May roughly.
Snakes have deadlines, lots of work to do and the place and time to do it. There are more rewards for this in 2024 than there have been for some time.
Hint: Feels like familiar territory. All you need do is stay warm.

Years: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Month: June roughly.
Winter is almost over and this year I’m going to recommend you don’t wait for Tiger month to get moving. What you can’t do now, you can plan. Then you can “forget” until it’s time to do the thing.
Hint: I hope you are making notes of your good ideas.

Years: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Month: July roughly.
Sheep may feel let down or left out this month. What you need to know is this is likely due to values – yours and theirs.
Hint: There’s something protective for you in that, isn’t there?

Years: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Month: August roughly.
Monkeys have questions about partnerships, commitments, competitors, and those who fill a maternal role in their life. A concern about being nurtured properly?
Hint: It’s okay to redefine that as often as you like.

Years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
Month: September roughly.
Is this the beginning of the Rooster getting what they want in 2024? I think it might be!
Hint: Start sharing your influence and advantages now.

Years: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
Month: October roughly.
It’s time to see how you’ve made your life more smooth by sorting the petty people from those who are small but mighty. See how much you are held up by the Earth, just like everyone else.
Hint: Look for a lesson to learn about size and whether it matters.

Years: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1994, 2007, 2018, 2030
Month: November roughly.
Unexpected moments of articulacy may be just what’s needed this month for the Pig to encounter and enter the open door. If you need to pounce, try a Tiger day.
Hint: You’ll know when the moment is right. Believe yourself.

Years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Month: December roughly.
Rats are looking at a quieter month. Most actions may need to be done from a distance. Cherish those who will act on your behalf.
Hint: Make relationships last.

Wood Dragon 甲辰 2024 Feng Shui Basics

If you’re setting up your life to work with the energy of the Year of the Wood Dragon, here are some things you may want to think about regarding the shift in your own home. You can use this information to set up, but keep in mind that while it’s accurate and helpful, by nature it’s generic. If your purpose is to go beyond the basics, the application of Feng Shui must be tailored to you and your home.

There will be areas that you will want to keep quiet in the Wood Dragon year. Since it begins in February, January is almost always a great time to do a deep clean of the house and avoid negative effects. If you’ve already missed that window, you can still make changes. It will help if you use good timing.

This next part is a bit complicated so skip down to the guidelines if that’s how you scroll.

Tai Sui, Sui Po and San Sha

The Year of the Wood Dragon opens on February 4th at 16:37. The Tai Sui or Year Boss is in the SE where the Dragon is located because the Dragon is the boss.

We’ve been in a Wood phase since 2022, meaning the Tai Sui has moved from NE to E and now to the SE. The Tiger, Rabbit and Dragon branches (or months, or years) are associated with Wood and the season of spring. In a cycle of 12 years, we are in the final stage of spring.

If you’re not already familiar with the concept of the Tai Sui you can think of it as the ruling energy of the year. In some years people born under the same Animal branch as the year are considered to be offending the Tai Sui. The Dragon, which is one of the four self clash signs, is one of them. It’s good to be a Dragon in a Dragon year but not as good as it is to be a Rooster.

Directly opposite the Dragon in the NW is the Dog. That means in 2024 the Dog is called the Sui Po or “year breaker”. The Dog is considered to be in opposition to the Dragon. Their relationship is a clash.

Energetically the Dragon sends force towards, pressures or stimulates the Dog. The clash between Dog and Dragon is a clash of two yang Earths. To put it in the broadest terms, it involves land, borders, boundaries and disputes about such matters. Differences of opinion are magnified.

If you’re feeling worried about the clash because there’s a Dragon or Dog in your BaZi, booking a BaZi reading can provides practical and applicable solutions. I can help you to navigate safely, mitigate and sometimes take advantage of a clash.

The San Sha or Three killings in 2024 covers the entire area between Snake (SE3) and Sheep (SW1). The Horse, centering at 180 degrees in the south, is in a difficult position on the compass. The energy of the San Sha this year is Water element (north) vs Fire element (south).

Lest you get lost in the technical stuff, it’s important to remember that Feng Shui is all about relationships. Stick to first principles. If you want to know how the energy moves around, it’s elemental and elementary.

The annual calculations are expressions of the relationships of elements. They point out the Tai Sui, Sui Po, and San Sha: the relationships that may need more of your attention in any given year. You can think of them as roles we may be called to play.

Guidelines for 2024

  • Don’t face SE, meaning the Dragon who is centered at 120 degrees. You can spend time in the SE location of your house but don’t face that direction. If your head points SE when you are in bed, you’ll want to consider changing that. Having your back to the SE is fine.
  • Avoid Horse (S2) and the areas directly adjacent. The scope of the San Sha covers Snake-Sheep. Don’t have your back to the San Sha. The 7 Star is also in the S indicating potential illness.
  • You may be able to tap into the energy of the Wu Huang or 5 Yellow which is in the W this year by using Feng Shui methods or by being there. Now that we are in Period 9, in 2024 Star 5 is paired with Flying Star 2 which is becoming more timely. Avoid construction or other noisy activations in the W.

Consult a professional if you want to activate or make major changes to either SE, SW, S or W locations.

  • If your house faces SE or NW I recommend you have a Feng Shui survey of your home and mitigate any potential issues, especially if a door is located in the W or S.

These locations and directions can be fine tuned further by applying Ba Zhai (8 House or 8 Mansions). In Period 9 I think East Group people may have an advantage over West group when it comes to helpful orientations.

Flying Stars

Flying Stars is a system used to identify energy pockets within a building, city, country…The base energy for each area is indicated by the traditional Lo Shu where Star 5 is in the center:

4 9 2
E 3 5 7 W
8 1 6

In addition to these base stars which are static, each house has it’s own collection of Flying Stars, which some would say is similar to a natal chart. The best results come when you’ve understood and dealt with these static and underlying energies first.

Once you’ve done that, there are the annual stars which move each year to play with. There are also monthly Flying Stars and daily Flying Stars which you may be familiar with if you read my daily forecasts.

Each star corresponds to a trigram from the Later Heaven Bagua and so each one also has an elemental nature. Some stars naturally pair up. Some stars play well together and some don’t. Some are helpful and some not so much. I won’t try to explain it more here.

In 2024, we have the 3 Star in the center, setting the tone of the year. The map below will tell you the locations of the annual Flying Stars within your home for the Wood Dragon year. They will interact with the monthly Flying Stars in a guest/host relationship. This interaction of the annual and monthly stars is used for Feng Shui, forecasting and more.

Annual Flying Stars for Wood Dragon 2024

2 7 9
E 1 3 5 W
6 8 4

As a general practice, we want to avoid the annual Wu Huang or 5 yellow, however, this year could be different as I mentioned above.

When to Act

Moving things around the house, changing rooms, and placing Feng Shui cures and enhancements is best done between 冬至 Dong Zhi or winter solstice, and 立春 Li Chun which is usually around February 4th or 5th. The exact dates vary slightly depending on the year.

You can maximize the results of your changes and adjustments by using date selection. If you want help with that, I invite you to subscribe to my monthly newsletter or, contact me to find a date that’s specific to you and your house.

If you’re familiar with applying Feng Shui you can use the information in this article to set up your house. You’ll also need to know your Ming Gua to make the most of the energy of 2024. Just compare your good directions with the “rules”. And of course I’m available if you want to enhance or mitigate rather than simply avoid.

Wood Dragon 甲辰 2024 Your Good Directions

Ming Gua, East and West Life Groups

The Ming Gua is a number that is calculated using gender and birthday in order to employ the Feng Shui method called 8 House, 8 Mansions or Ba Zhai. Each number corresponds to a trigram and an element in the Later Heaven Bagua. The Ming Gua is also known as the Natal Trigram, Destiny Number or Life Star number.

Do you know your Ming Gua? Send me your birthday and gender and I can tell you. Once you know your number you will be able to use your best directions for setting up your home and/or choosing a home that fits you.

The Guas fall into two categories in this system: East Life Group and West Life Group. If you already know your number, you can use the chart below to figure out which group you belong to.

East Life Group Numbers West Life Group Numbers
1 2
3 6
4 7
9 8

Your Ming Gua indicates the Life Group and the good directions for you. Each person has four, and they support in different ways, but all are considered beneficial. Use them to set up your desk, bed, computer, tv and other furnishings. If you’re remodeling your kitchen or moving house, you can use Ba Zhai to set up your stove as well. This requires a higher level of expertise.

Good Directions for East Group Good Directions for West Group

N.B. When you are lying in bed you are facing the direction your head is pointing. Think of your body as the compass needle.

What I haven’t addressed here is that there are also four house orientations that are appropriate for each Life Group. Do you know if your house supports your Ming Gua? Email me if you’re curious about your house.

And one more thing – you’re going to need to know if any of your four good directions are not so good in 2024. You may want to rule some out temporarily. I’ll be explaining that in my next post.

The Wood Rat Month of 2023

Wood Rat Month ~ December 2023

This timing we are in carries the energy of the beginning of the ongoing pandemic. I probably didn’t need to tell you that. You can feel it right? In many ways, this month marks a starting over point.

Here we are at the beginning of another Cycle of 60 months. If you study Qi Men Dun Jia, you might also note that the Wood Dragon year indicates the beginning of a ten year cycle or decade. If you want to do forecasting with Chinese Astrology, you’ll want to track ALL the time cycles and see how they mesh up. In my mind they are like gears engaging, matching and meshing. Some of the gears are big, such as the 180 year cycle. Some are as small as days and hours. The Cycle of 60 Pillars is always there to guide us.

Of course, this same Cycle of 60 covers individual years too. The last time we had a Wood Rat year was in 1984. The energy of the Wood Rat brings novelty, firsts, and beginnings. People with this pillar in the year are often known for their inventions. Elizabeth Holmes immediately comes to mind, along with a popular astrologer on Twitter. Jimmy Carter, who on his second day in office pardoned Vietnam War “draft dodgers”, was born in a Wood Rat year too.

In this current timing, the inventive nature of the Wood Rat suggests you be very aware of who you are dealing with, especially if your transaction with them involves trust or money. We’re in Period 9 now and it’s hard to tell what’s real isn’t it? One way to get around these issues is to do business locally or with people you’ve been able to trust in the past. Get face to face with people. A video call is better than a phone call. A telephone call is better than messaging or email. Trust your instincts if something feels off. If someone is wanting to sell you something they invented, proceed with caution. Everything you want is available from a safe source but you have to do the work to find it.

If you are attached to returning to the same well because it feels comforting in this time of radical change, I want you to rethink that. For “well” you could substitute any noun that comes up for you in this context. A noun is a person, place or thing. If you find you still want to return to the well, maybe the key is in returning without expectations? Or even better, return to the well with the intent to restore it yourself? Maybe you want to become a working well.

Practical Applications

The sign of the Rat often indicates a talent for strategic planning. We can all use this month for that purpose, but Rats will be most proficient. The Rat is best friends with the Ox who is the executioner of the Rat’s plans. Although it ultimately may be draining for the Ox, or disappointing for the Rat, there is big learning that comes from this relationship.

The most emotionally intelligent Rats will be humbled by the deep sensitivity of the Ox, perhaps to good effect. Oxen will lose some false premises courtesy of the Rat. Consider letting these things happen to you. When it comes to general timings*, the alliance of Rat and Ox is not a long lasting one, so if you have one of these branches and you want that kind of energetic exchange, get to it. Actually, anyone can play with this energy for a limited time. You’ve got two months. When the Tiger arrives in February the window closes.

If you are a yin Earth or yin Wood year or day stem person, this month your Nobleman is present. For Yi people the Nobleman may be a woman, for Ji people it might be a man. This energy of the Nobleman is related to the N location of your home.

Even though this Rat month brings an exclamation point to the Ingratitude Punishment between Rat and Rabbit that we’ve been experiencing all year, those born in a Rabbit month have some special protection that will last into the new year. Maybe it has to do with your work. Yes, someone might be wanting to reciprocate what they see as your disregard, however, you may also have the perspective that things are going more smoothly. Usually this means they are. Both of these things can happen at the same time.

If you have a Horse in your Ba Zi, this month it is clashed by the cold Water of the Rat. Water for a Horse sometimes means fear, but it also carries the possibility of learning how to deal with what challenges you without running away. If it brings anxiety, maybe that is a prompt for you to do better planning. Consider the position of the pillar when you interpret this.

If you happen to be a yang Wood day stem person, get ready for all the eyes that will be on you from now until the end of summer probably.

*Meaning this may not apply to your life’s patterns but applies to this current timing.

12 Animal Fortunes for the Wood Rat Month

Wood Rat 甲子 Month
December 7th 18:38-January 6th 05:11

Here are the Animal Fortunes for the month of the Wood Rat. To get the most out of the fortunes you’ll want to know all four of your pillars which are based on your birth date and time.

If you don’t know them just ask! Each of the four animals of your BaZi correlates with an aspect of your life.

Year Pillar
Has to do with your physical body and what you do with it, ancestors, family traits. In terms of luck the year pillar is said to take the first “hit” of any event, good or bad.

Month Pillar
Relates to career, work environment, training, age mates and peers, siblings, exes and your modus operandi

Day Pillar
Yourself and true partner; your immediate environment and home life.

Hour Pillar
Your innermost self, your children, future, hopes and dreams.

The Fortunes

Years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Month: December roughly.
It’s your month to wield the big foam finger. Wave it because your family, given or chosen, is number 1 for you! Show up for your descendants, students, ancestors, friends, parents, kids.
Hint: Plant a metaphorical tree that will bear fruit for the generations above and below you.

Years: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Month: January roughly.
Funny timing when it’s an aftermath for you now. Maybe you feel like events are out of order. Maybe they are exactly in the order they were meant to be.
Hint: You’ll feel better if you can let it go. What can you throw overboard? Actively seek the Water.

Years: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Month: February roughly.
It’s not what you know as much as what you’re going to do with it. There’s a focus on your actions this month. Don’t kid yourself that your behavior will go unnoticed. Make this an asset.
Hint: Model what you want to be recognized for.

Years: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Month: March roughly.
Even when it makes sense for them to do so, some people are not going to endorse you. I’m hoping that this year you’ve learned to do that for yourself.
Hint: Keep practicing.

Years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
Month: April roughly.
This is a special place for the Dragon to start 2024. How would you like to show us your power? Consult strategists. What you want to succeed at is right next to you.
Hint: Relationships (or lack of them) tend to magnify what we don’t want to acknowledge.

Years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Month: May roughly.
In this peak of Water season the Snake has the power to begin things that need Fire. It comes in short bursts but can shape the entire year. You might also turn to Water at a moment’s notice.
Hint: Make plans knowing they might change at the last minute.

Years: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Month: June roughly.
The Wood Rat clashes you but it also provides the best opportunities of all the Rats. The Rat tends to demand you pay attention to the present. Maybe you’re clashed because you don’t prefer that.
Hint: Obviously you’re not crazy. There is something important asking for your attention.

Years: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Month: July roughly.
If you have a sense that danger is around you, you’ll want to know you’re both right AND safe. Stay that way by protecting yourself from illness.
Hint: As I said last month, stick to first principles and common sense.

Years: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Month: August roughly.
Most Monkeys will find something to accomplish or complete this month, possibly bringing some kind of emotional resolution. Feelings evoke the actions that permit learning.
Hint: Resolution is not the same as an ending and that’s okay.

Years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
Month: September roughly.
The Rooster is extra intuitive this month. Combine that with your job of sounding the alarm and you might find out what it was like to be Cassandra. Instead, be selective about your audience.
Hint: You don’t have to tell everyone everything. What would be the point?

Years: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
Month: October roughly.
Let yourself experience the ups as well as the downs. Some doors are open. Good time to update your resume if you haven’t done that lately. What would happen if you got knocked out of your rut?
Hint: All will be well if you are prepared to change. It’s that simple.

Years: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1994, 2007, 2018, 2030
Month: November roughly.
In case you’re feeling invisible, what do you do when you want to be perceived as you see others are? Those who want to help you may need an explicit ask. You might put it in writing.
Hint: Not talking is a communication but it tends not to land in a way that can help you.

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